
Throw you Out

Listing to Kirks reply Sapphire can feel her emotions bubble, and a new anger raise. She didn't like getting mad, She didn't like not being in controle, and she didn't like the people she cared about being spoken badly when they didn't even know them. It was one thing that bothered her more than anything else.

Before Sapphire even new what she was doing or even why her hand met Kirk's face hard with a loud slap. Her voice raising higher than she even new.

   "No one has seduced me, and it is not your place to even say so. If you really new anything you'd know Gage would not do that at all. He HAS changed, he has become a different person, and he wouldn't hurt a fly."

Relising she had been talking loudly and sure someone else might of heard her Sapphire stood and cleared her throat. Kirk hadn't even been here that long but it had been long enough already. 

   "Gage has changed and if your narrow mind can't see or comprehend it than that is your problem but don't you dare go around smearing someones name in the mud just because you have a different idea of how things work. Now get out of my office or I will throw you out myself."

Sapphire walks to the door in the office and holds it open for him. She'd had enough and was already upset and didn't want it to continue. Work was her safe place and Kirk was ruing that.

As Jason starts to walk away Katie was ready to go back to her own work when she hears Jason tell her Trooper was there. It had been a long long time since she saw her fuzzy friend. 

Pushing all better sense aside Katie stands and walks to catch up with Jason. A little time away from work wouldn't hurt anything.

   "Paper work is no fun. Lets forgo it for a littel while longer, and visit with Trooper."

Giving a smile to Con she was happy she was able to help. Giving his hand a pat she stood and walked back over to her desk and sat down. 

   "Embrace the day Con, you've got so much to be happy about."

It made her feel good to have helped him as well. She lived for these moments, to see the smiles return, to help those who needed it. Today she had helped, and it made her feel good.

Standing as someone came in the door she had hear a commotion outside and was on guard in case it was the Agency again. Seeing Lane enter her face held worry that got worse being introduced. She had heard enough about Amber to know she didn't like her already. How she had hurt her brother, and how she had walked all over him. Angel did not take kindly to that one bit.

About to introduce herself Angel just steps back as they go into the other room her eyes following them. Just staying back she would stay out of this for now. She didn't know what was going to happen and she'd rather stay out of the family matter. Sitting back down she just waited.

As Amber raised her voice again a few moments later Angel had, had enough. Slamming her pencil down on the table she stood and walked into the other room putting herself in front of everyone. She did not like the way Amber talked about her brother, or her home.

   "Excuse me...I am Dr. Angel Trahern. I have a full medical degree, and this is just as good here as going to the hospital. Nothing unlawful happened in this office. This might not be a big fancy hospital, but I have just as much knowledge as any other doctor."

Eyeing Amber she looks to Lane fire in her eyes mixed with sarrow. How could he ever love someone like this. The only answer she use to be much much different than she was now.

   "Travis needs to continue to rest and now be moved. If you take him not you run the rise of doing more harm than good. Even if you take him to a hospital. He just needs a few more days of rest, and he will be right as rain. I can go over everything with you in his medical records if you'd like."

She was trying to be nice even if she didn't like her. For everyones sake, she was trying.


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