
Quiet Room

As Dr . Hawks comes in Nate stands and extends his hand in a ferm hand shake. They hadn't been waiting long, but he just wanted to get to work and become closer to Sarah's killer was. It was a terrible thing and he wanted to offer Beth some kind of closure and justice.

   "Thank you for meeting with us Dr. Hawks. We wont keep you long, I know you are a busy man. My name is Nate and this is Garret."

Looking to Garret Nate nods and than looks back to Dr Hawks. He was happy Garret was there with him to help. He would need another set of eyes who might know more than he did.

   "Surveillance would be good, and any information on the orderly that would have been in and out of Sarah's room. Other than that a quiet room to work in would be the only other thing we would need."

Nate looks to Garret once again wondering if maybe he had any ideas on anything else they would need. He wanted to make sure Garret was included.

   "Even if everything is confusing and you are upset, dont be to hard on your dad ok? I am sure he did it to keep you safe. Just give him a chance to explain everything."

Angel smiles again setting a glass of ice water on the table next to Travis. There would be time for them to talk later. Travis needed to rest all he could.

   "Try and rest. I'll be over at that desk if you need anything. Its good to have you here Travis."

Sitting down across from Carson Herb cocks his head to one side. Carson looked tired, he looked stressed, he looks happy and sad. It was a strange mix of emotions and it made him just a little sad. He didn't like seeing Carson like this, not one bit. He was like a son to him, so if Carson hurt so did he. 

    "Motion sickness is never fun indeed. Whats got you feeling this way? I can guess and more than likely be right but why dont you explain, you might be able to give a little more detail than me."

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