

Garret quirked an eyebrow at Maggie – certainly not offended in the least, and not even really awkward. Perhaps it was amusement that twinkled in the very corners of his eyes. He’d dared to play with his food once as a child. Maybe twice. And that was it. It was simply not allowed where he’d been raised. Seeing Maggie’s innocence accepted at this dinner table was…different. He didn’t know why it made him want to smile, but it did.

Receiving his own spoonful of macaroni and cheese, he gave Maggie a little grin before taking a proper bite. He couldn’t bring himself to suck the cheese out, but he wouldn’t ignore her. “I like eating mine four noodles at a time. I can’t count any higher than that,” he teased. The simple pasta actually tasted pretty good. Maybe it was just because he was so hungry, but maybe it was because it was home-cooked. And the chicken? It tasted awfully good, too. He didn’t like not fending for himself…but maybe this once it was okay.

Sitting straight and eating with fork and knife, one would never guess his former line of work involved such things as deception and murder. But it was also apparent that relaxing at a family meal was not something he was used to. He had a longing to relax, but his body wouldn’t let him.

Nate’s question went unanswered for a few moments as Garret allowed himself to finish chewing and take a sip of water. His eyes roamed his plate as he tried to formulate an answer. The truth? He didn’t know. And that was not a normal part of his former life. He always had a plan. Until now.

“Anywhere but back to an Elite cell.” He glanced at Maggie again, then Laura, not particularly comfortable talking in front of them. Maggie liked him – what if she knew he belonged behind bars?

“It would probably be best if I disappeared for a while,” he finished with confidence. “I’ll find somewhere to establish a new identity until the Agency finds me and­–” He bit his tongue from finishing his gruesome statement about receiving a bullet to his head. “And I’ll deal with it as it comes.” He took another bite of food before looking back at Nate and catching his eye. “Done with cells,” he concluded.

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