

It wasn't easy to concentrate the rest of the afternoon and evening at the restaurant. Carson messed up at least two orders and had to have Aerith help make the customers happy. The longer the day went, the moodier he got, even though he tried not to. He just didn't understand what had happened today. He should be going home tonight, not staying in this stupid, tiny back room anymore. He knew he had made progress with Misty. He knew he was gaining ground. Good had happened today. And yet he still felt this horrible letdown, as if he'd done something wrong again to deserve rejection. 

Being this distracted in the kitchen wasn't good. Pulling a pizza pan from the oven with his sprained wrist on mistake, he couldn't hold it. Crying out as pain shot through his hand, he lost his grip and the entire large pepperoni pizza clattered to the floor. Sauce, grease and cheese went everywhere. 

Just staring at the mess, he heaved a long, weary sigh before looking up at Aerith. "I'll clean it up...give table two an extra batch of breadsticks...and if they complain their pizza is late, just tell them it's on the house. I can't deal with it tonight." Rubbing his wrist, he went to get some wet towels to clean up the floor. 

Though not really satisfied with Angel's answer, Travis didn't complain. He was so confused, but his head hurt too much to really dwell on it. His dad owed him a lot of answers, though.

Trying to sit up a little bit more, he winced. Everything hurt. He would rather not move at all. But he knew he needed to. He accepted the bowl of soup and managed a few small spoonfuls with his good hand. "Thank you." His voice was still raspy. "I appreciate all this. I..." His voice trailed of as the door opened. It was his dad.

Lane looked better. Even though he hadn't yet slept, the sheer relief of getting his son back was enough to bring life back into his own eyes. "Travis...how you feeling?"

"Could be better." Travis took another sip of broth, enjoying the taste. Whoever had made this was a good cook. "But I'm told I'll survive."

Looking at his son, Lane's heart hurt. His face was so bruised and battered...the Agency would pay. Somehow, some way, they would pay. "I'm so sorry." Lane eased down in a chair next to the bed. "I never thought anything like this would happen."

"Yeah...about that..." Travis set the bowl aside and glanced to Angel. Something just felt...funny. He looked back at his dad. "I got the idea there's an awful lot I don't know."

"There is. It will take a while to explain. But he main thing is that you're okay."

Travis wasn't sure that was the main thing, but he didn't argue. "Where am I?"

"The R/M ranch."

Travis frowned. "That's...not too far from the Triple J."

"Not far, no."

"I don't understand."

Lane sighed. "There's a lot of history here, Travis. I've been here before, a very long time ago. I have friends here...and family."

Travis' eyebrows rose. "What...do you mean?"

Lane glanced over to Angel, then back again. "Angel...she's my sister."

Travis blinked. He looked back and forth between them several times. "Wait...you're...she's may aunt?"

"That's right."

"And...you never thought to mention family to me before? Is there anyone else?"

"No. Well, no siblings. Angel has a daughter though. Wendy. She lives here with her husband and children."

"So I've got an aunt...and a cousin...that you just..." Travis shrugged. "Forgot to ever tell me about."

Lane looked down. "It's a very long story. Too much to worry about right now. You just need to rest."

"No!" Travis held his side as his body tensing made his ribs hurt even more. "I want to know exactly what's been going on. You can't just let me be abducted and beat to a pulp without explanation."

"Calm down... I will explain. It's just going to take a while, and it's a lot to take in. You need to get your strength back."

Travis gritted his teeth. He wasn't used to arguing with his dad, and it didn't feel good. But he was too exhausted to fight, even though his mind and heart were not happy. He scowled and let his head sink back into the pillow. "Fine. Come back and see me when you can actually formulate a believable story."

"Look, that's not..." Lane just sighed and stood to leave. It would be better to just let him sleep before trying to get into details about the past and the Agency. "I'll be back in a little while."

Travis just gave him a slight nod. Once his dad was gone, he looked back to Angel. He wasn't upset with her - just his dad. "Aunt, huh?" He pursed his lips. "Guess it's good you're a doctor. Did you know about me? Or have you been in the dark, too?"

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