
Best Seat

Hearing the knock on her door Sapphire looks up. Seeing Kirk standing there she signs internally. He'd been causing quite the stir at the Elite since he had been here and she really had hopped she wouldn't have to deal with him. That though was unrealistic and she new it.

   "I'm not sure why you are asking, I have a feeling in the matter I don't have much of a choice."

She had to at least hear him out and try to get along with him if he was going to be around for a while. Sapphire didn't like it but it was just one of those things. Maybe just maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Giving a nod to the chair in her office. Might as well get this over with. 

   "Around here we are always busy, but I have a little time to talk if you insist."

Hope was surprised when Con knocked at her door but she would never say no to someone who needed to talk. It was good to see him no matter what and to know he got back from his trip safe.

Just listing to Con as he talked Hope took everything in and processed what he said. She felt bad for him that he was feeling good, but so badly at the same time. Honestly she probable would fell the same if it was her. But she wondered if maybe Con was processing it all wrong, and that wasn't his fault it was just how there brains worked sometimes.

   "First off, I am happy that everything worked out well, and things are going good at home again. You and Jamie both deserve it. Sometimes it just takes a little time and having someone who is there with you no matter what."

Hope is silent again for a second as she leans back against her chair and just thinks for a moment. 

   "Do you really think you are happy because you killed someone or maybe could it be because you did something good, you didn't save just one person's life you saved two. "

Searching Con's face for a moment she left her question linger. She herself didn't think it was because oh killing someone he was happy, but rather because he had done something good. Hope new that, but she wanted to try and get Con to see it too.

Looking up at Jason Katie smiles. They had been getting along really good and she was happy about that. She had missed there time together, and there friendship. Even if things were a little awkward she was plugging right alone.

   "Don't let Wyatt hear you say that."

Katie gives a laugh and shakes her head. She didn't know if she was better than Wyatt but she loved doing it, and if Jason thought so than that made her feel good. 

Thinking for a long moment about the concert Katie is taken back for a moment of the good old days.  Concerts had been a big part of her and Jason's life. Even if she was working to protect everyone. Katie remembered when they had first told everyone in the band about working for the Elite. It had been quite the experience to say the least. Realizing she hadn't answered Jason yet and smiles again before replying.

   "Sorry, I got lost in thought about the good old days with the band. I'd love to be your bodyguard for that night. It would feel good to do that again, not to mention good music, and loads of fun. Um...and being the bodyguard means I get the best seat in the house."

As Lane comes back into the room Angel looks up at him with sarow in her eyes. She felt bad the conversation didn't go as planned and Travis was mad. It was clear to see that this was something that didn't happen often.

   "We all have things we mess up on. Just give him some time and things will be ok. You did what you thought was best. Though I do admit I understand where Travis is coming from to an extent."

Playing with the pencil on her desk Angel is quiet for a second. Emotions were a tricky thing sometimes. Trying to work through them, figure out what they meant. 

   "I have to admit I was pretty upset finding out about Travis. Family has always been so important. I wish I could have seen him grow, and known him when he was little. I know you had your reasons, and I cant fault you for that. It just...hurts."

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