

Giving a smile to Gram Karla nods as she continued to help with the dishes. At least Kip was resting, and that was important if he was sick. Maybe tomorrow she would stop by again and see him. She could always bring more soup.

Finishing up and drying her hands off  Karla lets out a small sigh followed by a yawn. She was starting to get a little sleepy. She could spend all night with Gram though but new she couldn't.

   "Well I guess I should probable get going. Just let Kip know I was here, and I'll stop by again tomorrow."

Katie can't help but smile and shake her hear. It was silly of her really to even suggest staying out in the car. She should have known that never would happen. The guys would have her and Jason's head for trying something like that.

   "Alright alright. Just to save trouble with everyone I'll come in."

Getting everything together Katie gives a small smile to Jason. She new this was more than likely strange for him. They haven't spent this much time together in a long long time, not to mention come over to Mike's in even longer. It was mostly her fault and she still felt bad for it.

   "Food...I love food."

Pushing everything out of her mind Katie didn't want to make things worse. She would just take things as they came and have a good time. Than again who couldn't with this bunch. It would be good to see everyone too.

Sitting down on the bed Grace smiles at Jared and takes one of the chocolates as well giving a nod of thanks while she listened.  It was hard trying to peace together everything Jared was saying about Justin but she was trying to anyways.

   "Guilt? Maybe he was just realizing what he was missing in life, Maybe he finally wants to try and build a relationship with you."

Popping the chocolate in her mouth Grace closes her eyes and chews it. At the moment her taste buds were dancing. It had been quite some time since she actually had chocolate. Opening her eyes again she continues to just smile. She really felt like today was going to be a good day.

   "Whatever it is though I'm happy. You need Justin in your life, as much as you need your mom. Family is important and will be important to your recovery. Even if you dont think so, having the extra support in your corner is good."

Reaching down and tilting Rosalyn's head up with his thumb Chad let it run over her cheek as she smiled down at her. He new most might think he was crazy, or living in a dream world, but to him this was real and everything he said to Rosalyn was the truth.

   "Mmmmhmm...I do mean it."

It was a crazy thing he was willing to do though. He was willing to get lashing from everyone as long as he was close to Rosalyn. He loved her with all his heart, and everything else was worth it to just be closer to her.

   "I can figure it out. I just might have to do a little more traveling and I'll keep the place there, so it cuts down having to pay for a hotel and what not. In the long run really it should be cheaper. I don't want you to worry about that though. If I didn't think I could do it, I wouldn't...I promise."

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