
Long lost face

If the earth would have opened up right there to swallow him, Kip would have let it. Karla's words struck him to his very core, even though it was all his own fault. Her tears hurt like nothing else...yet he was helpless to comfort her...not when he'd been the one to cause her pain.

Realizing she really was going to walk away without giving him another chance, his hand slipped from her shoulder as she left and didn't even turn around. Though everything in him wanted to continue begging, the burn in the pit of his stomach told him that it would only make things worse. She was gone. And this may very well have been the last time he'd ever see her.

That thought alone sent new tears into his eyes. He'd just lost the best thing that had ever happened to him. He'd just lost his best friend. All because he was a wretched loser. There was no going back. No fixing it. No second chance. He was alone.

He didn't know how long he stood on the porch, but the image of Karla walking away would be burned into his mind forever. At some point, he ended up back in his room, curled up on his bed as his tears fell silently into his pillow. And for the moment, he was sure that he'd never be able to forgive himself for what he'd done.

“Yes…yes, we’ll have the designs sent right on over to the printers. Uh-huh…sure thing. Right.” Levi nodded, even though the client on the other end of the line couldn’t see him. He jotted down another note on a piece of scratch paper. “Yep. It’s all taken care of…. Right, I’ll get those other bids to you this week… Okay… Have a great day… Goodbye.”

After hanging up, he stood from the cluttered desk and pinned his note – which looked like it was full of chicken scratches – to the cork board on the wall. “Mr. Hollingsworth is pleased with our progress, and wants those bids on the business cards and posters as soon as possible.”

“Nicely done.” Keith nodded to his son before continuing to clean the two large windows that overlooked the street. “How are we doing with the designs for that pet store?”

“Great! I…think.” Levi turned to stare at the desk. “It’s somewhere between the Hollingsworth job and the….oh, shoot, do I need to call the newspaper today for the Jackson event?”

“Um…” Keith paused his work. “I think so. Didn’t we write it on the calendar?”

“Yeah…” They both looked at the wall calendar which was full of handwritten notes – most of them barely readable. Levi grimaced. “You mentioned a couple weeks ago something about hiring a secretary…”

Keith tossed his dirty paper towels into a nearby trashcan. “Evidently we need an extra set of hands.” He grinned sheepishly. “Guess that’s what happens when you outgrow your basement.”

“Guess so. Progress, right? I looked at the books last night…we can’t afford to pay too much, but if we find the right person, it would be nice to have someone to at least keep track of our deadlines. Maybe handle the phones.”

“Agreed.” Keith walked over to the second desk and woke up his computer. “Let’s not advertise too widely yet. How about just putting a sign in the window and seeing if anybody bites?”

“Sure. If nothing happens and this place gets worse, we can put an ad in the paper.”

Though he didn't say so, Jared was glad for Grace's reassuring arm as he stared down at the porch steps. Fumbling his way around inside the house was one thing. Going down stairs - quite another.

It took all his strength to balance on his crutches as he slowly took it one step at a time. Four steps never seemed so tall. Once on the sidewalk, the rain pelted his face, and he took a moment to just breathe in the warm, wet air. They'd both be soaked in minutes, but he didn't care.

Eyes glued to the sidewalk, it was slow going. He remained quiet, still tucked safely back in his own little world, while also requiring most of his concentration just to get his muscles to cooperate. Each crack in the pavement could have been three-foot hurdles. Each slick spot, a trap for his crutches. A few times, he had to rely on Grace to keep him steady as his legs tried to buckle.

The length of one block. And he was absolutely exhausted. His hands ached from holding all his weight on the crutches, and his back had gone almost numb from the pain. Any strength left in his legs was just about gone. Soaked to the bone, his t-shirt and jeans clung to him as he turned around and stared back towards the house. The block may as well have been a mile. But Grace couldn't carry him. Walking was the only way back.

Only a few more steps, and Jared's legs had had enough. Unable to lift his foot anymore, his toe caught on an uneven spot in the sidewalk. With weakened arms, and too much weight for Grace, falling was inevitable. Hindered by the crutches made it even worse, and when it was all over, he was sitting in a heap on the wet sidewalk, one hand with scraped knuckles, and a tear in the knee of his jeans where blood was already showing through.

The physical pain hurt. The emotional pain hurt. And it was all he could take.

Yelling a curse into the wind, he took one of his crutches and sent it flying where it landed quite a ways away, narrowly missing someone's mailbox. Sitting on the wet ground as the rain continued to fall, Jared ignored his bleeding knee. He was sick of hurting. Sick of needing to rely on everybody else. He knew he was on blood thinners and shouldn't risk even a little injury like this, but he just didn't care anymore.

"I can't take it anymore!" he shouted angrily. "I can't do this!" His eyes glared up at Grace, even though she really wasn't the target of his anger. "It's stupid to keep trying! I'll never be the same again! I have no life anymore, no job, no future, and it sucks!"

Tears mingled in with the rain that ran down his face. "Why me?! Why didn't I just die?!"

Aaron slowly opened his eyes, trying to bring everything back into focus after being knocked out by Garret. Seeing someone standing over him, he lurched against the restraints in his bed.

Justin didn't flinch, but simply remained standing, his arms folded as he observed this angry and desperate man. "Ya know - you're not gonna break loose. I mean, I don't care if you keep fighting, but honestly, there's no point unless you're trying to build up your muscles or something."

Aaron glared at him. "Who are you?"

"Why does everybody always ask me that?" Justin sank down in a chair and grabbed his notepad. "Aaron, huh? Heard you were a pretty good agent."

"You the one that's brainwashed Garret?"

"Why do you think he's been brainwashed?"

"That's the only reason he'd be trying to keep me here instead of going back where we belong." Aaron pulled against the straps again. "But I'll never give in," he growled. "You can try all you want. I'm not going to stay here. I'm not going to give anybody any information, so just give up now and leave me alone!"

Justin smirked. "Really? That's all you got?"

Aaron's glare remained, but he stopped struggling. "What do you want, anyway?"

"Nothing, really. Just wondered what kind of material you're made out of. Garret speaks pretty highly of you."

"Garret's a traitor, and obviously far less intelligent than I ever gave him credit for."

"Ya think?" Justin cocked his head. "What if he found something better than being a soldier for the Agency?"

"There's nothing else for guys like us," Aaron hissed.

Justin made a note. "How'd you wind up in the Agency anyway?"

"I was recruited 'cause they knew I'd make a good agent. And I didn't disappoint." Aaron flexed his wrists once more against the restraints.

"Mmm. And Garret? How'd you end up with him?"

"I was good enough to be on his team. Period."

"So he's one of the best."

"He was," Aaron muttered. "Now he's just a nobody who's lost all my respect."

Justin nodded and made another note. "You wanna get out of those restraints?"

Arron frowned. "Of course I do."

"Good." Justin turned to Rick. "Hey, Rick? Wanna come help me a second?"

Rick had been listening, and now gave him a very leery glance. "I don't think that's such a good idea."

Justin shrugged. "He didn't get very far the last time."

Aaron pulled again and threw him a new glare. "Just give me on second and I'll have you flat on your back."

"Oh yeah?" Justin set his hand on his knee and squeezed, making Aaron writhe back in pain. "I...kinda have a feeling you and I are gonna get along alright." With Rick, he freed Aaron's wrists and ankles.

Aaron didn't try to get up, but just flexed his joints, confused at Justin's behavior. "You can't expect me to stay in here."

"What are you gonna do? Walk away? From what I hear, it's gonna be a while before you're gonna walk straight again. So if I were you, I'd just cool my jets and chill out. Can't beat laying around all day and getting three square meals for free."

"It's not free when I'm a prisoner."

"Ya know...maybe if you really respected Garret as much as you did, you should take a second look at what he's done. You might be surprised at what you find."

"I doubt it."

"Suit yourself." Justin made another note before wandering over to the phone and dialing. "Hal, listen, we could use some eyes for a while... Yeah. Just to make sure Rick and Misty don't get bushwhacked by this maniac... Okay, thanks."

Aaron rolled his eyes. "So you think I can't run away, but you're still gonna put a guard on me."

"Only because if I didn't, Reese would have my hide. I don't think you're going to run away again, and I don't think you're going to hurt anyone. There's no point."

Aaron fell silent, and the short session was over. Justin would digest their interaction and give his report to Reese in due time. And surprisingly enough...Aaron wouldn't try again that day to escape.

A small, black pickup pulled into the ranch driveway and slowly approached the main buildings. It was an older truck - evident through the rust around the edges, and a dent in the side that had never been fixed. After parking, the driver sat for several moments, just scanning the area before he exited. Squinting out from under his old cowboy hat, he silently took in all the sights. He appeared to perhaps be in his forties, though one might believe life had not been easy on him. He held his tall, lanky frame with confidence, while weariness laid behind eyes of deep green that seemed to speak a thousand languages of emotion.

He shed his denim jacket and tossed it through the truck's open window before making sure his t-shirt was tucked into his jeans and wiping the dust off the top of his worn cowboy boots by using the backs of his pant legs. Though it would seem he was a stranger, he aimed towards Angel's office rather than the main house where most people would go. The eyes that glanced his way from the barns and paddock didn't interrupt his steady stride.

Reaching the porch, he started to knock, then realized the door was already partway open. Only then did he hesitate. For a moment, his hand simply rested on the doorknob as if he couldn't decide if he really wanted to be here or not. Eventually though, he quietly opened the door and stepped inside. Letting his eyes adjust, he spotted Angel at her desk.

A melancholic sort of smile creased his lips, and he took off his hat. "You haven't changed a bit," he mused quietly. Coming a few steps closer, he swallowed hard, the emotions churning in his gaze. Did she recognize him? Would she remember him? It had been so very long. Twenty years? He'd lost track. His driver's license said Lane Lachey. But those here from his past might know him only by Mississippi. "I know I prolly shoulda called first..."


Lead the Way

Stopping and feeling Kips hand on her shoulder Karla couldn't help the tears that ran from he eyes. She once loved Kip's touch, and she loved to have him close, but things had changed now and that's just not how it was anymore. Karla new Kip didn't understand, but it was how she felt, and it was how she saw things. Her voice cracked as she struggled to find words.

   "If you only had feeling for me Kip, this wouldn't have happened. I needed you too". 

Not turning around to look at Kip Karla wiped the ears from her eyes. Oh how she wished she was stronger, how she wished she could of pushed the tears away, but she couldn't.

   "Now when I look at you, or feel your touch I see Whitney too. Knowing that while we were together you were with her, even if it was just night. What was one day be sacred with us, is marked by someone else. I'm sorry Kip, but that is to important to me to just forget about it. I'm sorry."

Slipping out from under Kip's hand Karla continued on her path down the steps. She had to get out of there, she felt like she was suffocating. She just need to get out, clear her head, cry, and start a new tomorrow, alone once again.

Grace didn't know how much time had passed that they sat there and she didn't mind. The sound of the rain drops were nice, the cool wind and rolling thunder, it was just peaceful to her. As Jaded stired she moved her arms to give him the freedom to do what he liked while she just watched. Upon his request Grace smiles. Sometimes the best therapy was no therapy at all.

Coming up along side Jared Grace tucked her arm around his. Still letting him walk on his own but wanting herself to hold onto him. Giving his arm a gentile squeeze and a no of her head Grace waited to go at Jared's pace.

   "Lead the way, I'm just along for the ride."


I need you...

As Karla talked, Kip sank down on the bed. His face showed everything from shame to surprise. He knew he'd done wrong. He knew he'd been stupid. But...she was really going to cut things off? Just like that? Without giving him a second chance?

He blinked in shock as she turned to leave. That was it? He sat stunned for a moment before getting to his feet. He had to fix this. Sprinting through the house, he caught up with Karla on the porch. "Karla, wait...please." He reached out to set a hand on her shoulder to stop her. "I'll do anything," he begged softly. "Just give me a chance to prove it'll never happen again."

Tears stung his eyes. Never had he felt so stupid and ashamed. "I don't have feelings for anybody but you." His voice started to crack as a tear rolled down his cheek. "Please don't leave me. I need you."

Jared's eyes remained closed as he began to relax under Grace's touch. He was so tired, and her hand running through his hair felt so good...

...He pried his eyes open and groggily tried to get his bearings, not realizing he'd been sleeping for over half an hour. A new rumble of thunder made him jump, and he looked up quickly, just now realizing he was still using Grace's lap as a pillow. Slowly bringing his mind out of its fog, he squinted out at the rain and sighed. 

Without saying anything, he gradually sat up and managed to get his legs in a normal position again. Then looking over at the crutches, he gritted his teeth. He could get to them if he really wanted to. Still saying nothing to Grace, he used the swing's chain to pull himself up until he was standing, then let himself fall against the wall of the house where at least his target was within reach. Though unsteady, he managed to get a hold of the handles and strap them to his forearms by himself, then turned towards the steps. 

It was still pouring rain, but in this moment...that's what he wanted. He just wanted to feel the coolness on his skin. He wanted to hide in the wet curtain and feel the thunder. Outside. Where he wasn't caged in. 

"I wanna go for a walk," he requested hoarsely.

Though Jason was a little disappointed he hadn't received a more positive response from Misty, he knew his little speech wasn't entirely wasted. And he was glad she still viewed him as a friend. He knew he'd always treasure her friendship...and the short time they'd had as more than friends. But just to gain back some normalcy would be nice. For now, he'd just have to be patient.

He smiled a little as he stood up and came over to her, gently taking the cold cup from her hand. "I'm a master at making hot tea," he teased. "And as far as the donuts are concerned, the offer goes for any day." He gave her shoulder a pat before heading to the door to make another cup of tea for her.

Off to the side, Garret watched the little scene in confusion. He knew the history there because of all the Agency had done to Carson. He knew Jason had stepped in, then left - though he didn't know why. But the bottom line was, he'd left her. Yet here they were, still friends. Misty was broken, no doubt, but even so, she didn't have to forgive Jason. But she did. Why? It didn't make sense.

Rubbing his wrist a bit gingerly, he realized he must have torqued it in his scuffle with Aaron. Glancing over to the unconscious form, he sighed. Maybe his efforts really were in vain after all.

"You alright?

Garret shifted his eyes to Rick, who had just strapped Aaron to the bed again. "What?"

"Your wrist." Rick gestured to him. "Hurt yourself?"

"Nah. I've had worse."

"I'm sure." Rick rolled his eyes and gestured for Garret to follow him to the counter. "You've got more in common with the agents around here than you think." He prodded Garret's wrist for a few moments. "That hurt?"

"A bit."

"Mmm." Rick retrieved an ace bandage to wrap it. "Slight sprain is all, I'd say. Just try not to get in any fights for a few days, okay?"

Garret watched dumbly as Rick bandaged his wrist. Why did this guy even care? The longer he was here, the more he wondered if these people really had all their sanity in tact.

Rick glanced up and gave him a wry grin. "What? Think I'd strap you to a bed, too?"

"Guess I wouldn't put it past you to try," Garret mused. He flexed his wrist and nodded. "Thanks." Wandering out of the infirmary and finding the hall empty, he aimed for the main floor. He'd already worked out this morning and was going mad with boredom...again. Heading for Nate's desk, his path was blocked by the newcomer.

Kirk was just setting up his laptop in an empty cubicle, and had stepped out to find some extra paper. Seeing Garret, he stopped. Despite the recent scene, his eyes showed no fear - only caution. "Reese tells me you're the newest member of the Elite rehabilitation program."

Garret quirked an eyebrow. He wasn't so sure he liked that label. "And you are?"

"Kirk Young. I'm with the FBI, here to evaluate the Elite."

Garret gave him a once over with his eyes. "Here to evaluate, or here to shut it down?"

"Would you like it if I shut it down?"

"Why would I?"

Kirk shrugged. "I guess maybe it depends on where your loyalties really lie."

Garret started to move closer, when Reese's voice from behind stopped him. "Garret, come with me, please."

Despite wanting to take a swing at this FBI agent, Garret refrained, and turned to follow Reese over to Nate's cubicle. Reese gave Nate a stern look. "Would you mind keeping a short leash on this guy until Kirk is out of our hair, please? One more scene like that, and we don't stand a chance." Spinning on his heel, he stalked back to his office.

Garret leaned on the cubicle wall and looked at Nate without much humor. "You can chain me up out back, if you want," he suggested sarcastically. "That would probably keep everybody happy."

Medridge Stared at his map on the wall. One would have to try very hard to even realize it was a map anymore, with so many notes and strings covering it. Faces. Names. Connections. It was only a small glimpse into what his mind must look like on the inside.

"It's been too quiet in Texas," he mused aloud.

Natasha stood nearby, notepad in hand. With Agent Mathis on the Stevenson case in Nevada, she was left to delegate jobs for Medridge as she saw fit. His comment though, made her brow furrow in question. "Sir?"

"Yes...yes, indeed." He paced in front of the map and scanned some of the names before turning around to study Natasha's business-like demeanor. Her dark hair was pulled back into a bun, glasses on top of her head, and her choice of clothing was a smart blouse and skirt outfit. Anyone would guess she was an ordinary secretary, perhaps for a law firm or the like. It satisfied Medridge. She could blend in if he ever needed her on the field. For now though, her job was just to take notes and put men on jobs for him.

He wandered to his desk and took pen and paper to scribble out a name, then handed it to Natasha. "Find him. I want to know all about him. Everything. Then report back to me."

Natasha read the name, still confused. "I thought you were referring to the ranch."

"I am. But we need new eyes. We need someone who can report back to us exactly what's going on inside. That means someone they will trust." Medridge nodded in satisfaction. "But we must trust him, too. Find his weakness. Then he'll be ours to control."

"Yes, sir." Natasha tucked the note in her pocket for safe keeping. "I'll get right on it."


Tea Though...

About to turn away Misty stops at the mention of Wyatt and getting into it with Jason. Her cousin was so proactive Misty didn't mind though it made her feel good he cared. Misty just continued to listen before turning around. Deep down she new Jason didn't mean to hurt her, and she understood why he had broke things off and she couldn't be mad about that either. It was an extremely honorable thing he did, but still on top of everything else she was still hurting.

   "You never lost my friendship Jason. We always have been and always will be friends."

Turning Misty walked to her desk and sat down taking a sip of her tea that had now gone cold. She didn't mind though. Sitting down she let out a small sigh and looked at Jason for a long moment, She wish she felt better, she wished things were better but the truth was they wernt.

   "Thanks for the off but I'm not really feeling up for doughnuts at the moment...I could go for more tea though."

Karla held up her hand to Kip and entered the room. She didn't want to small talk much. She just wanted to get to the point. This was going to be hard for every one involved and it was better to just get it done and over with than.

   "No I'm good thank you anyways."

Pacing for a long moment Karla had her arms wrapped around herself. This was so hard for her and she had no idea what to say first. It took all she could to not just turn into s big ball of a mess right here.

    "Kip....I,,,I did a lot of thinking and I do forgive you, but I cant forget what you did."

Karla turns to Kip and searches his face. So much emotion was on her own. She'd been thinking a lot, about different things and one thing just seems to keep running into the other that she couldn't get over.

   "What we had...it doesn't feel special anymore. Its not just you and me, its you me and someone else. I dont know if that makes sense but to me it does. I know you can say you will never let it happen again but the fact is it did happen. You were unfaithful, our bond broken, and on top of all that...I dont feel special to you anymore. I wasn't good enough to have you call me and tell me what was going on,"

Everything Karla said made sense to her, if it did anyone else she didn't know. It was a hard thing to swallow to look at Kip and know he'd been with another woman. 

   "I'm sorry but I just can't be with you anymore. I cant be in a relationship where I cant trust the other person, where the sacred bond is broken. I..just cant."

Karla turned and headed out of the room. If she stayed there she'd change her mind, or shed break down and cry in front of him. This whole thing was hard to swallow. She only friend, one of the last few people she had, was now gone. Things were just...different.

As Jared shifted Grace just let him. She new how bad everything was for him right now, and he new it was hard. Just resting her one hand on his solder her other hand just absentmindedly ran her fingers through his hair. She was comfortable just siting there with the cool wind blowing.

    "You know, I don't really feel like doing anything today myself. How about we just sit here and enjoy each others company? Sometimes that really is the best therapy."


Donut Runs

Hearing the knock on the door, Kip's heart lurched. He'd been pacing his bedroom ever since Karla had said she was coming over. Things were going to be okay, right? He knew things wouldn't be back to normal right away, but she'd give him a chance to prove he wouldn't be stupid again, surely. Whatever she asked of him, he'd do it to make things right again.

Opening up the door, for a quiet moment he just looked at Karla, his eyes wearing the same sorrowful look they had the other night. He wanted to reach out and hug her, but her expression made him leery. Maybe he should wait.

Backing up, he gestured to his bed where they always sat and talked or cuddled while watching a movie. "Come on in," he invited quietly. "I'm... I'm glad to see you." He really was. Her coming over was a good sign. He tucked his hands in his jeans pockets and shifted his weight awkwardly. "If you wanna stay a while, I can grab us a couple cans of pop or something..."

Jason obeyed Misty's directions, though he sighed when she listed all the reasons for concern when it came to the Agency. He winced a little as she cleaned the wound, but didn't complain. He knew good and well this was the wise thing to do.

He gave her a wry grin as she finished up. "It wasn't my bodyguard's fault. Nobody coulda seen this one - the shooter was too far away. Wyatt feels bad enough the way it is."

Rolling his sleeve back down, he remained seated on the bed. It felt a little awkward to have Misty help him. Though they were okay, it felt like things between them just hadn't ever been quite settled. Though interacting at work, there was just this invisible wall, and Jason hated it. Mostly because he knew it was his own fault. He hadn't exactly planned on saying anything today but...maybe taking advantage of the moment wouldn't be so bad. "Speaking of Wyatt... he told me last night that I'm a jerk." He bit his lip. "Talk about a buzz kill." Really? That's where he chose to start? He inwardly rolled his eyes at himself.

"He pointed out rather boldly that I'm awfully good at starting things...and just as good at not following through. I was mad at him...til I realized he was right."

Would saying these things really make any kind of difference? He had his doubts, but it was too late to stop now. "I guess I really have built quite a pattern of getting in too deep then royally messing things up, and... I know I've apologized for what happened with us but...I guess I'm still sorry. I can't change anything now. I was dumb from the get-go. I don't regret being there for you... I just went about things all wrong and... If I could go back and do things differently, I would."

He searched Misty's face, hoping she wouldn't think him crazy. "Guess I deserved the tongue-lashing from your cousin, but..." He shrugged. "Thought maybe we could at least shoot for being friends again?" A little grin surfaced. "And I'm the kind of friend who even goes on donut runs in the middle of the day...in case bribery works."

Jared didn't move or say anything as Grace approached and sat down after shifting his legs. But he didn't complain either. Truth be told...as miserable as he was, her words touched a part of his heart that he usually kept too deeply for anyone to reach. It didn't bring a smile to his face, but he knew what she really meant. He knew her statement didn't just apply to the literal storm clouds rolling by.

Remaining silent, it wasn't clear how many minutes passed until he stirred. It was difficult - especially after going these last few days without any therapy - but he slipped his legs off her lap and shifted his weight. It was wobbly on the swing, but he managed to make the effort anyway, until he was eventually opposite of what he was before. Though his legs weren't as comfortable, he ignored the pain, and leaned back until his head was resting in Grace's lap. He still said nothing, but simply closed his eyes as the swing rocked gently. A tear slipped down the side of his face, as his fingers found her hand. Words couldn't express how dark the world felt to him right now. 

"Please don't make me do therapy today," he whispered.


Walking up to Kip's house Karla just stood outside for a long moment. She'd called Kip a few hours ago and asked if she could come over. She wanted to talk to him, she needed to talk to him and it couldn't wait. After the last few days of silence it was time to talk about everything that happened. She new it was going to be hard though, for herself, for Kip...it just was not going to be an easy thing to hash out. She'd cried, she'd prayed, and she'd kept to herself these last days.

Finally getting the courage Karla walked up to the door and gave a knock before opening it and going in. Seeing Gram and Gramps in the living room she smiled a little and waved before heading up to Kips room and giving a knock at the door. Picking at a lose string on her coat she waited till he answered.

Seeing Jason come into the room Misty tried to give a little smile though things seems a little awkward now, and when everything that has been going on she still wasn't her old happy self. Smiles were hard to come by, and her eyes where just dark. Life seemed so different now, she just didn't know how to fix it.

   "Come and sit here."

Misty motioned to the one of the empty beds close to her desk. If Aaron woke up again she wanted Jason as far away as he could be. For all they new Aaron could be the one that was to kill Jason if anything happened. She wouldn't take that chance or risk.

   "My overprotective Uncle is smart. Bullet could of been laced, it could of nicked something a million to one things could of happened specially if it was from the Agency. We all know they know no bounds."

Drawing quiet again Misty sets to work looking at Jason's wound and cleaning it up. The would didn't look to be reacting to any poisons, or any sign that it might, Jason got lucky or the person the Agency send was dumb. Either way Jason wold be ok.

   "You got lucky this time. Just keep clean dressing on it so it wont get infected, and tell your bodyguards to do a better job."

Pulling into the driveway Grace looks at the sky and grimes for a moment. She'd hope to get out and about with Jared today but it looked like the rain had other plans. Getting out of the car and tucking her keys into her pocket she made her way to the porch, up the steps and to the swing. Gentily she lifts Jared's legs and slids under them on the porch swing.

Looking out at the sky again the clouds where thick, and dots of light broke that darkness as thunder formed. A cool breeze blew and she closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again and looking at Jared with a smile.

   "It's always amazing how storms can look so scary, and some times are, but afterwords there is always a calm, a rainbow, new life that forms. One of the many wonders of the world if you ask me."


Chaotic Moment

Watching Karla walk away, Kip tried to say something, but the words caught in his throat. Though he reached out to her, she was gone. His feet felt as though they were glued to the ground. He wanted to run after her. He wanted to say he was sorry at least a hundred more times. He wanted to scream. But this is what he deserved, and he knew it.

With head hanging, he eventually wandered in the direction of home again. Hands in pockets and shoes scuffing the pavement, he walked as a wounded soul. Wounded by his own actions. His own poor choices. Choices that had broken someone's heart.

Getting back to the house, he was surprised to see someone sitting on the porch in one of the patio chairs. Nearing though, he realized it was Gramps. Still, both he and Gram were usually in bed by now. Kip approached cautiously, just wanting to go to bed himself, and pretend that nothing around him existed anymore. But even though he tried to get away with just a little wave, Gramps gestured to the chair next to him.

Sighing, Kip obeyed and sank down, his eyes falling to the porch floor. Gramps studied him for a moment before letting his gaze roam the nighttime surroundings. "Her name was Barbara." It seemed a bizarre place to start talking, and Kip's eyebrows rose.

"I knew her all through grade school and into high school," Gramps continued. "I liked her. A lot. Figured one day I might even marry her." He folded his arms and leaned back as the memories filtered through his mind.

Kip took the bait. "What happened?" he asked quietly.

Gramps shrugged. "I messed things up. Made a big mistake. We fought. It was entirely my fault, even though at the time I wasn't going to admit it for anything." He had to chuckle about it now. "Yes...that was one young lady I'll always remember. I dare say she was my first love."

Kip swallowed hard. "So it...was over...between you two?"

"Yep. That was it. I tried for a while to get back together with her, but she wouldn't have any part of it."

"Are you telling me that I may have screwed things up with Karla permanently?"

Gramps thought for a few quiet moments. "If I hadn't lost Barbara, I never would have met Gram. And I thank God every day for her. I'm not saying a future with Barbara wouldn't have been great. But God worked things out in my life that turned out even better than I'd hoped - in spite of my own silly mistakes."

Had Kip really lost Karla? Surely not. Surely she'd forgive him...right? It might take a while but...but she'd come around, wouldn't she? He'd hear from her and they'd talk things through, and he'd promise never to be stupid like that again, and they'd be okay....right? He focused on a splinter of wood in the floorboards before he finally got to his feet again. "I'm glad you found Gram," he concluded softly. But he really didn't want to think about his own mess anymore right now. He just wanted to go to bed.

Even in bed though, his phone was tucked under his pillow with the volume up. Just in case. Karla could text or call any time, and he wouldn't want to miss it. But he didn't hear from her. Not that night. Not for the next few days. Countless times he started to call or text her, but stopped himself. What could he say anyway? Maybe she just needed time. And then everything would be okay. He'd give her space, and then things could get back to normal.

It was an odd kind of feeling as Jason pulled out of the Elite parking lot with Wyatt tailing close behind in his jeep. It had been such a good evening, and such a long time since Jason had really enjoyed himself like that. He didn't really want it to end...but nothing would last forever. And too soon, the next day had come...

“Hello, Mike Reese?”

Reese stood from his desk as the newcomer entered. He was a medium-height, thin man, clean shaven with dark hair, dressed in nice pants and button-down shirt, and appeared to be in his mid-thirties. Reese acknowledged him with raised eyebrows. “Yes. Agent Young?”

“Yes.” He extended a handshake and polite smile. “But call me Kirk.”

“As long as you call me Reese like everyone else.”

Kirk chuckled. “You got it.” He set his briefcase down and glanced around the office. “So, um…I assume you’ve been brought up to speed.”

“Of course.” Reese moved around to his computer and clicked the send button. The memo he’d had saved for days was now sent to everyone’s computers so they’d immediately see it.

Heads up. Agent Kirk Young from the FBI will be with us for several days. He will be observing our operations and filing a report with the Bureau. This is not a test, or threat – simply do your jobs, answer any questions he has, and be on your best behavior. Yes, we are under scrutiny. Agent Young’s report may or may not affect the future of the Elite. If you have any questions, let me know. Carry on.

“We have several empty cubicles out on the main floor – let’s get you settled.”

Kirk nodded his thanks. “Alright. Lead the way.”

"I'm fine!"

"You're bleeding!"

"It's just a scratch!" Jason yanked his arm away from Wyatt as they walked through the main floor of the Elite.

"Even a scratch should be taken care of!"

Reese stopped in his tracks on his way to showing Kirk around. "What on earth is going on here?"

"We got shot at," Wyatt stated flatly. "That's what's going on. Or more accurately, our hitman had this hothead in his sites."

Jason rolled his eyes. "I'm fine. It was just a cheap shot."

"That grazed your arm only because you bet to tie your bootlace! It woulda been your head otherwise!"

"But it wasn't!"

"Hold it!" Reese held up his hand. "Did you get any kind of lead on the shooter?"

Wyatt shook his head. "I dug the bullet out of the doorframe and my guess is it's from some kind of high powered rifle. I followed the angle and couldn't see anywhere the shooter could have hidden, so I'm guessing he was quite a ways away, which increases the risk since we may never get a glimpse of him before he shoots."

Reese gritted his teeth and looked back at Jason. "Have Rick look at your arm."


"No arguments. I wanna make sure that bullet wasn't laced with any poison. Wyatt, take Pete and see if you can figure out anything else."

Garret had been avoiding stopping by the infirmary. Not because he wanted to avoid Aaron – on the contrary, he wanted to see him. But he also knew it would just stir up trouble that he’d get blamed for. Today though, as he wandered down the hall towards the main floor out of boredom, a commotion stopped him.

“Get back in bed this instant!” Rick’s stern voice rang out into the hall before being followed by a loud crash and clattering of infirmary paraphernalia. Aaron stumbled through the doorway, his eyes darting wildly at these surroundings as he tried to find an exit. He fell against the wall as his leg buckled under his weight, and by the look on his face, it was excruciatingly painful.

“Aaron!” Garret barked and jogged the rest of the way down the hallway.

“Get away from me,” Aaron hissed. He stepped forward again, and again almost fell. Sweat poured down the sides of his face and he shot Garret a warning glare. “You can’t keep me here. No one can.”

“Well what…” Garret glanced back to the infirmary. What had happened to Rick? “You can’t leave.”

“Watch me.” Aaron took another painful step.

“Don’t do it,” Garret warned. “I’m not asking.”

Out on the main floor, Justin had just come in to see Reese, then make an initial assessment on Aaron for the books. He paused by the little group though, sensing something was wrong. "Hey guys. What's..." His sentence trailed off as they heard the commotion down the hall, and all of them automatically headed that direction. As they got to the hall though, they hadn’t expected such a ruckus as they found.

Aaron ignored Garret and took another step towards the freedom he thought he could find. But Garret wasn’t going to let him ruin what he had here. “Aaron,” he ordered, “one more time. You can’t leave. I will stop you.”

“You’re a traitor,” Aaron spat out. “That’s all you’ll ever be.”

Garret wasn’t going to let Aaron cause trouble – not when he was trying so hard to establish trust here. To establish a new beginning. He stepped forward and grabbed Aaron’s arm.

Aaron tore himself away and stood straighter, despite the pain in his knee. “Touch me again, and you’ll regret it.”

Garret was done talking, and aimed a fist a Aaron’s face.

Aaron blocked and tried to get his own punch in, but failed.

Garret grabbed his arm and torqued it – hard – making Aaron turn against the wall. “Back in the infirmary. Now.”

But Aaron was not in the mood for cooperating. Fighting against Garret’s strength, a short brawl ensued, though Garret took no hits, while Aaron’s own face received several punches. The scuffle ended with Aaron caught in a strong headlock from behind, struggling to breathe.

“Garret!” Reese stopped in his tracks at the hallway. “Stand down!”

Garret’s gaze snapped up but he didn’t let go.

Reese’s eyes narrowed in a warning. His hand went to his sidearm, but Justin stopped him. “No. Let him go.”

“What?” Reese hissed. “Are you kidding me?”

Justin shook his head. “Somebody’s gotta be the alpha dog. If you’re ever gonna tame Aaron, let Garret do this.”

Garret wasn’t sure what was being said, but continued his hold on Aaron until his struggling slowly subsided and he slumped down in Garret’s grip. Now that he was rendered unconscious, Garret grabbed him under his arms and dragged him backward, back to the infirmary.

Reese relaxed and rolled his eyes. "Justin, go see what's going on. Jason, go with him and get yourself taken care off and check on Rick. Wyatt..." He glanced at his son, too stressed to even think straight. "Go find Pete and work on finding that shooter." He turned around and almost ran right into Kirk - he'd forgotten he was even there. "So how about we find that empty desk for you to set up?"

Kirk's eyebrows were arched and his gaze implied there was plenty he'd like to say, but he held his tongue and just nodded instead. "Lead the way."

In the infirmary, Rick was dabbing a cut on his head, with Misty's help. Aaron had broken loose and knocked him over while Rick was trying to administer a shot. Taken so off guard, Rick had been dazed and just let Aaron go, knowing he wouldn't get far anyway, and simply let Misty help get him back on his own feet. 

Looking up as Garret came in dragging Aaron, Rick smirked. "Is he alive?"

"Of course he is." Garret shoved Aaron's limp form up on the bed and huffed a sigh. "He'll be out for a little while, but you better watch him."

"No kidding." Rick nodded to Misty. "Thanks. I think I'm alright now." His pride was more hurt than anything else. Ready to get back to work, he was then surprised at Jason's entrance. "What happened to you?" 

"Bullet." Jason glanced at Misty and grimaced. "Just a scratch. But your overprotective uncle made me come."

"Oh for crying out loud." Rick rolled his eyes. "Misty, take care of him, would you? I'll get our unconscious friend over here settled." 

Justin leaned on the open doorway and studied the chaotic scene with just a little bit of amusement. So much for his initial assessment. It would be hard talking to a guy who was dead to the world at the moment. 

Jared turned his head in the hopes that Grace wouldn't take note of his tears. He'd always been on top of the world. At the head of the pack. One step in front of everyone else. And now...now he was a pathetic excuse for a man - not even capable of taking care of himself, let alone just walking across the floor. And just when he thought things couldn't get worse, they did. When on earth was it going to end?

He closed his eyes and decided to just let himself fall asleep if he could, rather than trying to talk anymore. There was little point anyway...even if Grace's words did linger in the back of his mind...

...It was several days later. Stabilized with new medication, Jared had been released from the hospital with the doctor's approval to continue as he had been with physical therapy and daily activities, as long as he didn't have any more seizures. His emotional state was something else altogether though.

Stretched out sideways across the porch swing was usually one of Jared's favorite places to be. But this afternoon as the dark clouds covered the sun and the rain fell, he just wanted to be back inside in bed. Unfortunately, his mother had forced him up and had helped him out here, intentionally leaving his crutches just out of reach so he'd have to stay a while. Still in an old t-shirt and sweatpants, he hadn't even bothered to dress more than that this morning. It just felt too hard anyway.

A painful muscle spasm in his back made him cringe and curse under his breath. Pointless. That's what his life was. Pointless. He stared out at the rain and barely noticed the low rumble of thunder in the distance. He'd lost track of time and didn't even think about the fact that Grace was supposed to come today for his therapy.


Sitting down on one of the swings Karla could feel her heart beat faster and faster. Something was not right and Kip stammering just proved it even more. Listing to his words and not being able to get any of her own Karla stiffened at Whitney's name. She wasn't the jealous type but she didn't like Whitney at all, she was trouble and just bothered her.

As Kip continued Karla could feel sadness, and maybe even a little anger show on her face. This was really happening? Kip really let this happen? She couldn't describe how betrayed she felt. She reality didn't expect Kip to honestly do this. Getting up from the swing Karla just looked at Kip for a moment.

   "I...I don't know what to say Kip. I'm angry, I'm disappointed...I just don't know. I need time to think about this. Just...I need to go."

Turning Karla walked away heading back the way she came. She was just to upset to stand there anymore. It wasn't till she was a little bit away that tears sprung into her eyes. Her life was just starting to get on track and now this was here to just rune it all.

Getting home Karla didn't bother to say hi to anyone, she didn't even bother getting a snack. She went right up to her room closing the door behind her. Throwing herself on her bed and buring her face in a pillow she let out a long scream as the tears just continued to fall.

Getting back to the Elite Katie had to admit to herself she was sad the night was over. It had been a good one and it was nice to have hung out with friends. The friends, food, music it had all been nice, and a nice change. It had been far to long.

Turning to face Jason a little Katie smiles just looking at him for a long moment. It had been a nice night. A little sad at times as she remembered the days long gone, but mostly happy as she built a new friendship, and saw old friends once again.

   "Any time you know that, it's what I am good at, and the world would be a lot less exciting without you in it so I might as well. Nite J, take care and I'll see you tomorrow."

   "Mmmm...I don't have an answer to that unfortunately. The only thing I could imagen is sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before we can start going up again."

Grace thinks for a moment before coming and sitting on the bed again. She wished she had all the answers, it would make so many things better. Specially now and with what Jared was going through.

   "I wish I had all the answers for you, and I wish I could tell you everything happens for a reason, but I can't because I simply dont know. All I do know is we have to keep pushing on, smiling when we don't want to and kick life in the face when things are not fair and I want to be there to help you because I care."


Messed Up

Turning just in time to see Karla approach, Kip tried to smile, but didn't do a very good job. He would normally greet her with an enthusiastic hug and probably a kiss, but tonight, his hug was a softer one - almost timid.

"I'm okay," he assured. "Just, um...it's not...I mean, I wasn't... it..." He stopped stammering as his eyes fell to the ground. He could deny anything had ever happened. He could lie his way through this and never tell her the truth. He could forget about his stupid actions and Whitney and that awful night. But he knew in his gut that somehow, some way, if he chose that path, he would come to regret it in a big way.

"Karla, I..." Even though his eyes were already glued to his feet, he turned his back on her. He couldn't watch her face. He couldn't look her in the eye. He just couldn't. "I messed up.... really bad." His voice was quiet as he started to pace back and forth, kicking at a crack in the sidewalk. He swallowed hard. "It was the other night. I...I got an email from my dad and...and I was just... I was so upset. And so...so I went for a walk. It was late and...I rant into...into Whitney."

His pacing stopped, but his eyes remained on the ground. It felt like he was suffocating, and his hands had started to tremble. "I don't know what happened. She just... I mean, I... I don't even remember hardly anything." As if that would make a difference. "I guess I drank too much and...and..." His voice cracked at that point, tears filling his eyes as he stared at the sidewalk. He hated himself. "The next morning, I woke up in a hotel room...in bed with Whitney." Oh, how Erik had warned him about her so long ago. He drew in a shaky breath. "I went right home. I was so sick, Gram took care of me. I just...I couldn't..."

He finally lifted his gaze to see Karla's face. His own wore an expression of anguish. Guilt. Fear. "I didn't go back, and I have no idea where Whitney is now. I never meant for anything to ever happen, and it never will again." His voice grew even quieter. "I just need to know if you can forgive me."

Seeing Katie's tear, Jason cocked his head, wondering at what might be going through her mind. Her words brought a new little smile to his face. "Yeah...lots of good memories." He missed the days of concerts when all he had to do was  turn around, and Katie would be there. Describing her as loyal would have been an understatement. She'd been...a part of him, like no one else ever could be.

He opened his mouth to say something else, but stopped right before the words hit his tongue. Their lives were different now. They did have good memories, but it was all just a part of the past now. 

"You're never gonna believe this..." Phil came back into the room, holding up his cell phone.

Jason's attention snapped up. "What is it?" 

"Just got an invite for Jetstream to open for another band."

"Oh? Well who?"

Phil just grinned and shook his head. "The Kyle Mitts band."

"Ha!" Jason glanced at Katie then back to Phil. "That is...unbelievable."

"Told ya."

"So what did you say?"

"I said yes, of course!"

Talk turned to Kyle's band, where he was at, and Jetstream's future lineup - which wasn't as full as it used to be, but they didn't mind. It was still mostly for fun anyway...

...It was later than originally planned when Jason pulled back into the Elite parking lot, from where Wyatt would take over watching his back for the rest of the night. Wyatt was waiting in his Jeep and gave a wave as Jason parked by Katie's car. 

Jason shifted a little in his seat to face Katie. "Guess I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks...for your hawk eyes." He hesitated a moment, then simply reached over to give her shoulder a gentle pat. "Goodnight, Hero."

Jared squinted as Grace opened the curtains and let the light in. He'd rather enjoyed the dark. Sighing, his eyes drifted to the television that was muted. Bored. Tired. Depressed. It felt like he always returned to this spot now. Even though he acted like he ignored Grace's words, deep down, he really was listening.

Without warning, tears filled his eyes. "I just wanna feel better," he almost whispered. "Why does it have to keep falling apart?"

Rosalyn giggled. "I don't know. I'm never out late. But I have a feeling they'd start dreaming up romantic theories before sending any hounds."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him another long kiss. "I prefer the romantic dreams anyway."


The Hounds

   "I have faith that maybe one day your dad will come around. Till than I'll just continue to show him I don't plan on hurting his baby girl."

Returning Rosalyn's kiss Chad really did hope her dad would come around if it was in God's will. He wanted to get to know Jim, he wanted to show him he was a good man, and he wanted him to be proud of his daughter. He'd continue to pray on the matter and just keep doing what he was doing.

   "So how long can I keep you out tonight before your friends send hounds after me?"

  "I keep trying because you wont. One of has too."

Standing again Grace goes to windows and opens them letting the sun light on. She new Jared thought things looks dark right now and they did, but there had to be something good that would come from this. She had to believe that even if Jared didn't.

   "Also, I'm not letting you give up. I care about you way to much to do that. You mean a great deal to me, and I look forward to seeing you if not every day, than almost every day. Even if you are in a gumpy mood. So now lighten up, and lets get this recovery on the road again."

Sitting on the couch Katie was enjoying herself. It was great to be with the guys again and just listen to them play and joke around. She'd really missed that, and it was nice that they accepted her back like she'd never left.  It felt nice, and she really was happy she'd ended up coming inside.

As Jason sat next to Katie straightened making more food for him. As he strummed She smiled and closed her eyes for moment just listening. A flood of memories came back to her in that moment. Being with the band, going to consents, spending time with Jason and just listing to him play. They were all good memories, and it made her miss this so much. Even if she was welcome here at any time it just wasn't completely the same.

Opening her eyes a tear slipped from her eyes without her even knowing it was there. Wiping it away quickly she smile again looking at Jason for a moment before replying to him.

   "I know I am. Thank you for convincing me to come in tonight. I's been really nice, without a lot of good memories. I've missed very one so much."

Putting her phone back in her pocket Karla was making good time. Kip wanted to meet at 9 and it was 8:55. It wasn't odd that they would meet here so late, it was pretty normal for them and it was what they liked. Something about tonight though told Karla this was different. Kip had been distance and every time she wanted to get together there was some reason he couldn't. She didn't like to thinking the worse but it was hard not to at this point.

Coming up to there normal spot and seeing Karla smiles and gives a small wave but as Kip came into focus more her heart gave a leap. He looks horrible, far worse than she had imaged. It just made her heart race more and she new something bad was going to happen again. She tried to be cheery still, but she new it was a failed attempt.

   "Hey Kip! Good to finally see you again, I've been worried with how sick you have been. Feeling any better?"



Gram gave Karla’s shoulder a gentle pat. “Thank you for helping with the dishes, Dear. I’ll certainly tell Kip you were here.” She smiled her same kind smile she always did…though tonight her eyes were more thoughtful. “You have a good night.” 

Back in his bedroom, Kip could hear the door open and close, and he knew Karla had gone. His grip on his pillow loosened, though his gut was still in knots…where it stayed for the rest of the evening, despite Gram coming in to check on him and offering an attempt at encouragement. He could later hear Gram talking to Gramps, and even though he couldn’t distinguish what was being said, he knew they were talking about him…and it made the pain worse.

After that, nothing changed. Not Kip’s work schedule, not his depression, and not his contact with Karla – which was little to nothing. He avoided her completely, communicating through text, but continuing to use the excuse he wasn’t feeling well, just so he didn’t have to see her. Whenever she came by, he was either in bed, or had slipped out for a while. And he hated it. He hated himself, and he hated his cowardice. He hated what he had done, and he hated how he continued to beat around the bush and try to ignore what had happened. 

Now, four days later, it was to the point that Kip wasn’t even sleeping. He couldn’t. Not with all of this on his mind. Not with the guilt that was eating him alive... 

…It was evening. The sun had just set, and the lights in the park that normally created a glowing, romantic atmosphere, now went almost ignored. Kip paced near one of the benches...his and Karla’s favorite spot. He fished his phone from his pocket and nervously scanned his last text message to her. 

Can we meet at the park? 9:00? I need to talk to you.

She’d agreed. And now he waited. With every fiber in his being, he wanted to run and hide. He wanted to lie. Or pretend nothing had ever happened. But he knew he couldn’t. It would just continue to tear him apart. So he paced. Worried. Sick. And too tired to fight it any more.

Jason grinned as he got out of the pickup. He was glad Katie had decided to come inside with him…for more than one reason. And in the end, her presence added to the fun of the evening. Mike, Phil, Axel and Rocky were all thrilled she’d come, and treated her just like they always had – like a sister. The company was good, the food as good, and the music was as good as it always had been, if not better. Even though JetStream was still just a three-man band since Kyle had left, their practice had paid off, giving them an improved tight sound. Axel and Rocky added advice and more fun as they played around with ideas and just had a good time. 

It was getting late. Rocky had left, Mike and Phil were in the kitchen, and Axel had gone outside to take a call. Jason sat on a stool with his acoustic guitar and swiveled around to see Katie on the couch. He’d had such a nice evening. It felt like…old times. Different, but…the old times had been so good…it was nice to feel like this again. 

He stood slowly, and wandered over before easing down next to Katie, and strumming a few soft notes on his guitar. Pausing, he turned his head to look at her, and he gave her a little smile. He’d seen how she’d enjoyed the evening, too. And even though there was still a weird awkwardness between them…he could still read her well enough to know she had liked this time as much as he had. 

“Ya know…” He plucked another note or two. “You can join us again…whenever you want. You’re more than welcome.” 

Jared sighed and set the rest of the chocolates aside for now. His eyes rolled to the ceiling. “Recovery? What recovery? This?” He gestured around the hospital room. “One step forward, two steps back. Who cares if family is around or not? My situation doesn’t seem to change.” 

His gaze shifted over to the flowers Grace had brought. Their colors and sweet scents were supposed to be cheerful. But if there was anything he didn’t feel right now, it was cheer. 

“I don’t think this is ever gonna end. I don’t know why you keep trying.”

Rosalyn stared up into Chad’s eyes, in total awe. In awe of him, his dreams, and his strange love. “You are…amazing,” she whispered. “I highly doubt it would be cheaper since you don’t come up this way for anything but me… but if you say you can do it, I believe you. And…I certainly wouldn’t say no.”

She leaned up and gave his lips a soft kiss. “You amaze me more each moment. I can’t thank you enough for believing in me and not giving up like I did.” She paused as her fingers toyed with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I wish my family…my dad…could see what I see in you.”


Giving a smile to Gram Karla nods as she continued to help with the dishes. At least Kip was resting, and that was important if he was sick. Maybe tomorrow she would stop by again and see him. She could always bring more soup.

Finishing up and drying her hands off  Karla lets out a small sigh followed by a yawn. She was starting to get a little sleepy. She could spend all night with Gram though but new she couldn't.

   "Well I guess I should probable get going. Just let Kip know I was here, and I'll stop by again tomorrow."

Katie can't help but smile and shake her hear. It was silly of her really to even suggest staying out in the car. She should have known that never would happen. The guys would have her and Jason's head for trying something like that.

   "Alright alright. Just to save trouble with everyone I'll come in."

Getting everything together Katie gives a small smile to Jason. She new this was more than likely strange for him. They haven't spent this much time together in a long long time, not to mention come over to Mike's in even longer. It was mostly her fault and she still felt bad for it.

   "Food...I love food."

Pushing everything out of her mind Katie didn't want to make things worse. She would just take things as they came and have a good time. Than again who couldn't with this bunch. It would be good to see everyone too.

Sitting down on the bed Grace smiles at Jared and takes one of the chocolates as well giving a nod of thanks while she listened.  It was hard trying to peace together everything Jared was saying about Justin but she was trying to anyways.

   "Guilt? Maybe he was just realizing what he was missing in life, Maybe he finally wants to try and build a relationship with you."

Popping the chocolate in her mouth Grace closes her eyes and chews it. At the moment her taste buds were dancing. It had been quite some time since she actually had chocolate. Opening her eyes again she continues to just smile. She really felt like today was going to be a good day.

   "Whatever it is though I'm happy. You need Justin in your life, as much as you need your mom. Family is important and will be important to your recovery. Even if you dont think so, having the extra support in your corner is good."

Reaching down and tilting Rosalyn's head up with his thumb Chad let it run over her cheek as she smiled down at her. He new most might think he was crazy, or living in a dream world, but to him this was real and everything he said to Rosalyn was the truth.

   "Mmmmhmm...I do mean it."

It was a crazy thing he was willing to do though. He was willing to get lashing from everyone as long as he was close to Rosalyn. He loved her with all his heart, and everything else was worth it to just be closer to her.

   "I can figure it out. I just might have to do a little more traveling and I'll keep the place there, so it cuts down having to pay for a hotel and what not. In the long run really it should be cheaper. I don't want you to worry about that though. If I didn't think I could do it, I wouldn't...I promise."