
More Awkwardness

Gunner's eyes just focused on his float, even though he really was listening. He glanced up in surprise as he felt Bree slide in next to him, before he slipped an arm around her shoulders. He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. "Thanks. You mean the world to me, ya know that?"

He fiddled with his straw, then took a sip before sighing. "I've been trying to remember since that day." He shrugged. "It's really not worth trying that route anymore. Not to mention, it might not prove anything anyway." He'd tortured himself for days on end, multiple times, trying to remember anything about that fateful day. But as far as his brain was concerned, he had no life at all before waking up in the hospital with a metal plate in his skull.

His buzzing cellphone made him grimace, but he checked it anyway. "It's Wyatt. I didn't tell anyone I was leaving the office. Poor boy can't survive an hour on a case without me, apparently."

He took another long swig of frothy rootbeer. "But I'm finishing this delectable glass of goodness. Wyatt can wait." And so could his obsession. The moment had been broken. The discussion of his issues was over for now. And he didn't mind. He was still loved, and once in a while, that's all he needed to know.

Jason sighed as he aimed for Katie's cubicle. It was only day one, and already things were getting complicated. Arriving at her space, he knocked on the wall before realizing she wasn't alone.

Hunter was leaned back in the extra chair, just hanging out for a few minutes after having finished lunch here with Katie. His afternoon was free, and he didn't mind chatting while she worked, as long as Reese didn't have a problem with it. He stopped mid-sentence as Jason appeared, and lifted his eyebrows. He knew good and well it was all work-related, but it still felt weird.

Jason gave Katie an apologetic look. "Hey, sorry to interrupt..." Why was he apologizing? This was all just part of the job. Nothing more. He straightened a little. "I, um, just made my rounds with the guys and it would seem 'bout everybody has obligations this evening. Wyatt can't be to my place til about nine o'clock." He paused, still feeling awkward about this, no matter how much he tried to justify it.

"I'm supposed to have band practice at seven though..." Reese would skin him alive if he tried to slip under the radar without Katie's eyes, especially this early in the game. "We'll be at Mike's... I suppose if you just wanna escort me there and leave me, that would do." Actually, it wouldn't - he shouldn't be left that vulnerable - but he'd do it that way anyway if it would work better for her.

Jared ignored Grace's touch to his hand, even if deep down a part of him did appreciate it. She might not want to give up, but to him, there was little point. He'd fought. He'd tried. And it had gotten him nowhere but back in a hospital bed with nothing. He was dependant on everyone, he had one friend, and nothing else. He had no job waiting for him, no place of his own, and no future.

It was several minutes before he turned his head and slit open his eyes to look at Grace once more, his expression just as dim. "You don't have to stay," he muttered. "It's not like anything is gonna change."

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