
To bad

Giving Rosalyn another squeeze and a kiss to the head he just held her and let her vent for a long moment. He didn't know how long he sat there holding her, and really he didn't care. The moment was perfect and he was content.  

Finally letting out a deep breath Chad new that they couldn't be like this forever even if its what he wanted. Life did have to go on.

   "So...how about you introduce me those roommates of yours. I think we leave them in there any longer the whispering and gawking is going to get unbearable. Than we can figure out what to do about dinner."

Sapphire couldn't help but laugh a little bit taking a sip of her own drink. It was funny watching Garret get adjusted. Not in a mean way, but just to see how his life was so different from her own. She hoped he continued to adjust ok through.

   "Ok so what I need is all these files put into the computer by date. Most of them are on the desk top already they just need the right folder by date. I have a bad habit of just putting them there and not in folders. Than I can never find ANYTHING!"

Coming around the corner Bree couldn't help but laugh more than she already was as she watched Gunner interact with the kids. It warmed her heart to see how good he was with them. Smiling and coming up behind him Bree taps on his shoulder before moving to the other side and giving him a little bump.

   "Aliens huh? I hope it wasn't to bad of an experance?!"

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