
Dark Side

Taking the paper from Sapphire and looking at the number one, Garret wore the strangest expression. It reflected the true lack of understanding as to why she was behaving this way. He'd done relatively nothing. He was a criminal, kept here more as a prisoner than anything. He was from an opposite world full of opposite behaviors and motives. Yet Sapphire held a strange value for him that he couldn't quite wrap his mind around. It was the same thing he'd experienced with Nate. 

All he could do was offer a slight nod as he stood up. "Glad to help since it gave me something to do." Exiting the cubicle, he paused a moment before glancing over his shoulder. But intelligent words failed him. "I'll see ya," was all that came out. 

Back in his room downstairs, he flopped down on his cot and held up the paper once more to look at. Other than Victoria, he'd been valued by no one, for anything other than his skills. He'd done a task today anyone could do - and had been thanked for it. Why?

Folding the paper, he slipped it under his pillow. Why he didn't throw it away, he wasn't sure. But something deep down wanted to save it...just because.

"You take a piece of their mind..." Gunner leaned in closer to Bree's neck with a growl. "And I shall take their blood."

"Oh, do get out of here!" the nurse chided. "And take your vampire weirdness with you."

Gunner laughed as he straightened up. "Okay, okay. I'll bring her back, I promise." With an arm around Bree's shoulders, he headed towards the exit. "Maybe," he whispered.

It didn't take long to get to one of their favorite little diners where they served rootbeer floats. Gunner hadn't lied - lunchtime or not, a float was what he wanted. As he sloshed his straw around the foamy treat though, he looked across the table at Bree, all silliness gone from his eyes.

"I...had my little chat with Hope today," he admitted. "I, um...thought I was doing pretty good, ya know? With the whole..." He tapped the side of his head. "But, um... I guess maybe..." He shrugged, and his eyes fell to the rootbeer. "I dunno. Kinda been hard keeping on track lately and...and I don't wanna hide that from you."

He took a sip of his float, hating the awkwardness that he felt. This was the woman he wanted to spend his life with... Yet it was still hard letting her see this dark side of him. "I'm ok, just... thoughts, ya know?" He finaly glanced back up at her. "Guess this vampire still has a lot of shadows that haven't gone away yet."

Lydia gave a little jump as Grace came up beside her, but immediately relaxed. "Oh, I am so glad you came." She shook her head, rolling her eyes in frustration. "I am fine. The doctors are not sure what happened but they are working to find answers, and Jared is stable, so that is the main thing." She sighed, the worry showing in her eyes. "He has been through so much already and was doing so well. He even got up and dressed and came to the kitchen all by himself today. A great improvement, thanks to you."

She gave Grace's arm a little pat. "He is resting now, but you can go in his room to see him. They will keep him until they know what is wrong. If he wakes up, it might be good for him to know you are here. I know he cares a great deal for you." 

Lizzie's eyes immediately flickered at Chad's comments. "A twin? Seriously? Where does he live? Is he single?" She cringed as an empty paper plate smacked her upside the head and she blinked at Hannah. "What?!"

Hannah rolled her eyes. "Shut up. You're embarrassing yourself."

"No I'm not. Takes more than that." Lizzie have Chad a silly grin. "I can imagine the nightmare of two young guys together. But you gotta understand, Hannah thinks a single dust bunny means an infestation." 

"I do not!"

Rosalyn giggled and looked up at Chad, still tucked under his arm. "They've been so good to me," she whispered while the girls bantered. "I couldn't be in a better place after all that happened."

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