

Back to the Elite, Garret felt a little bit of a letdown. He'd finally gotten some fresh air, and he was grateful, but now it was worse, coming back here to his mini prison. Would he get out again? Had this been just a fleeting glimpse at what he didn't have, or had it been an actual step in the right direction? He wasn't sure. 

Despite there being fewer people around now, Garret headed downstairs to take up residence on his cot once again.

Reese blinked at Nate's information, trying to wrap his head around it. He'd just about been ready to call it a day, his head was pounding, the whole Garret thing just blew his mind, and now Jason was a target?

He rubbed a hand over his face before sighing deeply. "Great. That's all Jason needs. Guess I shouldn't be surprised though. Garret said Victoria wouldnt betray him - he must have been right if they're on the warpath now."

He leaned over to his phone and picked up the receiver. "Hey, Hotshot, you still here? Yeah... I need to see you." He hung up and looked back to Nate. "I'll figure out what needs to happen to keep him safe until this dies down. I gotta ask though... Where did you get this intel?"

Eli grinned as he leaned in even closer. "Well now...I can't have you withering away, now can I?" Pressing his lips to hers, his hand slipped around to cradle the back of her head. He didn't care if they were in a public place or not - he'd missed her, and the depth of his kiss proved it.

Though he would have liked to continue the passionate exchange for much longer, he pried himself away, knowing they could enjoy each other later in a more appropriate setting. His grin returned and he ran a gentle finger over her cheek. "Have I said lately how beautiful you are?" 

Another brief kiss was placed on her lips. "So I never got to ask...what was your family emergency? Is everything okay?"

Tal leaned his elbows on the bar, his fingers lazily shifting the empty shot glass in uneven circles. It had been a long time since he'd sulked here, and he hadn't really wanted to come...but his sour mood had gotten the best of him. It felt as if perhaps no time had passed at all. He was right back where he'd been...and just as miserable...maybe even more so.

"Want another?"

He looked up lazily at the bartender and shrugged. "Why not? Give me another shot. And a beer."

He wasn't sure he remembered the last time he'd gotten drunk. It had been years, it had been stupid, and it had been regretted. And here he was now, setting himself up for the same fall. And he didn't care.

After downing the new whiskey, he took a long swig of beer, wondering how long it would take to feel the buzz. It was a tap to his shoulder that he felt, though, and he turned to see a young woman dressed to kill.

"Hey, handsome." She smiled sweetly. "I couldn't help but notice you were alone and...I can't stand to see a lonely man."

Tal smirked and turned back to his drink. "Then don't watch."

She frowned and moved in closer. "Aw, come on. At least give me a chance."

"To do what?" Tal threw her a disgusted glance. "Go find yourself someone with less self respect." He ignored her glare and didn't watch as she walked away. He just wanted to be left alone. He always ended up alone anyway.

He took another long swallow of beer, and thought about the fact that he had no designated driver. And he didn't care.

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