

Catching the wrench Chad starts to go to work while listing to Clint. His face held a look of being deep in thought for a long moment. He could see where Rosalyn was coming from. It was a lot of stuff going on for anyone to really handle and his heart went out to her.

   "I know its hard to understand but I love her. I'm already in the middle and if I didn't want to be I wouldn't have kept contact with her. Everyone has there family issues and you can't have the good without the bad."

Bending down Chad tinkers with a few things just silently thinking. He felt bad for Rosalyn, how she must hurt, how she must be confused. He just wanted to hold her, to kiss away all her tears. He new that he couldn't make everything better, but he wanted to try. Till she herself told him to leave her be he wanted to do all he could to bring a smile to her face.

Looking up at Clint Chad smiled. He new exactly what he wanted to do. There was no doubt, no wonder, he didn't need to work through his feelings. He new what to do already.

   "I'd walk to the end of the earth to see your sister smile. Nothing is to great for me to stay away and I have no doubt. I love your sister will all my heart, and I just want her to be happy and to smile."

Once Jason walked away Katie pulled out her phone and pulled up the text message to Hunter. Since she had to stay here she still wanted to see him for lunch, they would just have a spread a blanket here and have there lunch.

Heya, change of plans. I can't take a half day today. Some people are after Jason and I was picked to be his body guard till everything is safe. I still would like to have lunch though if you dont mind just having it here.

Listening to Reese Nate started to understand what was going on a little more. He felt bad for more than one reason now and wish he'd known sooner. But it became just a little bit cleared why Reese had been so up tight. He was surprised and worried too about some of the changed Reese talked about. How would things pan out he didn't know.

   "Now that I know a little bit more of all that is going on. I'm sorry to that I didn't tell you what I was doing. I should have so at least if something went wrong you wouldn't be in the dark."

Taking a sip of his own coffee Nate gives a small nod. He didn't like the tension and he just wanted it to be gone. He'd work on stuff, and his communication a little more.

   "You got a deal."  

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