

Reese didn't respond right away, other than sighing. He could see Nate was unwavering in his opinion, and while he might disagree, he'd learned to trust Nate's gut. Finally, he nodded. "Okay. We'll bring them in on it. For now, take Garret back to his cell. I'm not going home now, in case anything happens, but you're free to leave. But at five o'clock, I want Garret and Victoria both in the interrogation room for a briefing about how we're going to do this thing."

True to his word, Reese stayed. He didn't like not going home, especially when he insisted that Angelica go ahead and leave, but he wanted to make sure he was here in case Aaron called with a change of plans. Thankfully, he didn't. So by five in the morning, Reese was back in the interrogation room with Nate, facing Garret and Victoria both together this time...

Seated across from Victoria, Garret hated it that he hadn't been able to talk to her again first. He hated it that he hadn't been given time to simply be with her again, if only for a few minutes. All he wanted to do was wrap his arms around her once more. But now all he could do was catch her eye and silently plead with her to play along with all of this, for their sake.

Reese stood at the head of the table after making sure both operatives were in cuffs again - whether it actually did any good or not, it made him feel better. "Aaron wants you two in exchange for Susanne. We're meeting on an old, almost-deserted road. He stops, we stop, Susanne starts walking, you start walking. Just like the movies. But in this case, as soon as you pass each other and Susanne is in the clear, you're to turn around and come back."

Garret bit his lip. "What about bringing Aaron in?"

"After Susanne, you two are my priority. I can't let you get all the way to Aaron."

"Because you think if we get that far, we really will go with him."

Reese leaned his hands on the table, and glanced at Nate. "Think you can explain why I'm so distrusting?" His sarcasm was obvious before he looked back at Garret. "That's exactly what I think. As much as I'd like Aaron brought in, keeping a handle on you two is more important to me."

Garret's eyes found Victoria again, before he responded. "And you realize we could leave any time we want, right?"

"Is that a threat?"

"No, it's not a threat!" Garret stood up.

"Sit down!"

"No!" Garret glared at him, then Nate. "I'm tired of being treated like a toddler! Maybe you can help get it through his obviously thick skull that he doesn't have to fear us, but he does have to respect our skills! Let me get close to Aaron so we can bring him in. Otherwise he'll just be back again and choose another target."

Mick nodded I'm agreement. "Sounds like it'll be a few days. He's in Indiana right now, and from the sounds of it, he's gotta find another driver." In the meantime, they'd just have to sit tight and take turns caring for the babies. The letter that Dana had sent with the babies for Eric would have to wait as well.

Seeing Stacy's reply, Eric felt a little better. But even she had offered no extra information. Not even a hint. And it did little to ease his fear - or his irritation. But it looked like he had no choice but to just get home...

...It was late afternoon, barely two days after Mick had asked Eric to come home, when the familiar semi cab pulled into the ranch driveway. After finding a new driver, which had been faster than anticipated, Eric had pushed all the way back to Texas, slowing only when absolutely necessary. Worrying the whole way had not been fun, and his mind had been through a million and one reasons why he might be called home. Though assured everyone was okay, he was still scared he wasn’t being told the truth. 

Parking in the usual spot and killing the engine, Eric slid from the cab and looked around just a bit cautiously. There was movement around the barn. Lights were on in the dining hall. Everything seemed calm. But he was still on edge. After tucking in his t-shirt and pulling his suspenders over his shoulders, he aimed for the main office first. Entering without knocking, he didn’t bother taking his ball cap off either as he looked between Rosetta and Mick, his eyes wide with worry.

Mick looked up quickly from the paperwork he was going over with Rosetta. “Whoa. Eric. You made good time.” He was secretly glad the babies had been taken to Angel's only half an hour ago after a short time in here.

“Yeah, well wasn’t I supposed to?” Eric set his hands on his hips. “So is somebody gonna tell me why I’m here and not in Chicago? Or do I have to wait even longer to find out who died?” 

Mick gave Rosetta a sidelong glance before he picked up the folded letter from the desk. He wished there was a better way to ease Eric into this, but there really wasn’t, and they'd agreed to let the letter do the talking. “This came for you.”

“What?” Eric took it, but was now even more confused. “You called me home because I got mail?” Unfolding it, he found handwriting which made him bristle. 

Dear Eric,
I know this is going to come as a shock to you, and I apologize for that, but I had little choice. The twins that were just delivered to your door are your daughters. Soon after I left you, I discovered I was pregnant. I considered terminating the pregnancy, but couldn’t follow through. Once they were born though, I realized I could not care for them as I should. I won’t go into details about my life – I’m sure you have plenty of theories, and most of them are probably true. Regardless, it’s no life to raise children, and my partner agrees. So I am sending them to you, trusting that you will take them in, as they are your flesh and blood. You’ll find an offical statement from me that gives up all rights to the twins, so you will not have to worry about me trying to interfere legally. 
My best wishes go with you and the girls. 

Eric’s face paled. No…no, this wasn’t true. This was just another ploy of Dana’s to destroy him. To use him. To get rid of children she didn’t want. He was just an easy target, that was all. Not the father. He looked at Mick, then Rosetta, his eyes showing too many different emotions to decipher. “Are you…telling me that this letter was brought along with…with babies?”

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