
Slow or Fast

As the door opens and Nate steps inside Victoria stiffens slightly. She didn't want Garret to leave her, to walk out and leave her alone in here once more with her own thoughts. It was more terrifying than anyone would ever know. Just watching as Garret left she sank down on the cot that was by the far wall. What would happen know she didn't know. But it would seem she had all the time in the world.

Seeing the Garret was coming willingly Nate didn't see the need for cuffs anymore. He believed there wouldn't be any problem even if he got many strange looks. Seeing Reese on his way he gave a small nod. This was his time to get answers if he wanted them He could listen to everything and peace it together.

   "Take a seat at the table. Do you want any water or anything before we start? If not feel free to start whenever. I'll let you pick where you'd like to start since you've already know the questions. Take it as slow or as fast as you want."

Once home and settled in Ryan was thankful that Eli volunteered to make dinner. She was starving but really didn't feel like cooking herself and the sound of fast food just turned her stomach tonight. She felt drained, but hyper, happy, yet sad, and all she really wanted was to crawl under her covers in bed and sleep. But if she did that, Eli would worry even more and she'd already caused enough of that.

Stiring her soup Ryan took a small sip and couldn't help but smile a little on the inside. Eli new how to make chicken noodle soup just like there father use to. Even if it only came from a can there was just something about it that was different. Maybe it was the simple ingredient of love. 

   "Yeah, I'll try it out and see how it goes. I know I need something I just....I'm just nervous. I'm not a big fan of talking to people about how I feel. But I'll try."

Ryan shifted a little on the couch letting her free hand drop down to Zidan's head giving it a scratch. Than returning to her soup she took another sip. The air was thick, and awkward tonight and Ryan could only hope it wouldn't last long.

Getting Eli's text Scarlet looks around the room to the sleeping form on the far bed. She'd taken an unexpected detour before coming home. It couldn't be helped though, and it was all for a good reason. Taking note to another several boxes that were in the room taped, with address on them she new tomorrow would be another long day. But before heading to bed she at least wanted to text Eli back.

   Happy to hear Ryan is ok for the most part. I had a family
emergency myself and wont be home for at least another 3 days. 
Everything is ok, just something unexpected came up.  I'll
call you when I get home.


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