

Hearing the door open Victoria let out a small sigh. It wasn't meal time again yet, so that could only mean someone was here to ask her questions again. Maybe this time though if she gave them a little info they would let there guard down just enough. Turning she is quite surprised to see Garret standing in the door way, the Agent that had been shot being the one escorting him. What surprised her even more was the lack of handcuffs, or any restraints for that matter.

Not getting a chance to say anything Victoria was taken into Garrets embrace. She tried to wrap her arms around but couldn't her her own cuffs on. She leaned her head into him though. She'd missed him a great deal, and to have him that close again was so very nice.

Continuing to listen to Garret Victoria only grew more and more confused. She was confused about everything Garret said. Him being here with a reason, Not trying to gather intel, or anything else. He was here by choose because he wanted out of The Agency. How many times had people tried that in the past, and how many times had they failed. How could or would this be any different. This all made no sense at all.

   "First off, I didn't shoot that Agent. That was Aaron after I told him not too. It was just to perfect of an opening  to get me inside here...to find you..and get you out I couldn't wast it."

Search Garret's eyes again her own showed how much she did love him, but there was so much confusion too. They'd talked about a time when maybe they could get away, when they could be together with out fear of what would happen. But Victoria never dreamed of that day actually coming or Garret trying to making it happen. It was a dream they had, but nothing more.

   "Are you crazy? Have they done something to brain wash you? How do you actually think we could get away from the Agency, specially my grandfather. He'd never let us go without a fight or killing us first.  Don't you remember all the others who have tried? We are far more important to him than they were, so it would be worse for us. I dont understand there Garret?"

Alec had died trying to help people. It made Ryan feel good knowing he was trying to do good, but at the same time it made her angry and even more sad knowing he gave up his life to make that happen. He was a hero, but why did he have to be a hero. A small tear ran from Ryan's face and cheek.

   "Ok, I...I guess...I should. Can I go home though if I promise to come back? I just want to go home now."

Ryan's head hurt, she was sad and she just felt tired. Everything had gotten so messed up, and so quickly. She was thankful Eli was there and Tal...oh Tal. Ryan's heart was even a little bit heavier now. He was always so sweet, so loving...he didn't deserve her. He deserved someone far better. A few more tears ran down her face for several different reasons this time.

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