
Half Truth

Alone once again sitting in the room Victoria was like a stone. She didn't shift it get more comfortable, she didn't itch her nose, she hardly even blinked. However her mind was fast at work. Maybe she didn't have a heart, or at least maybe she didn't have a heart for the people she didn't care about. Garret though...he was her heart, he was what kept her moving forward. She did have a heart, it was just different than most.

As another agent entered the room Victoria let her eyes fall on him. He was different, he dressed different, held himself different, and just simply was different. Almost like he didn't belong here, he was an outsider but yet someone the others trusted.

Staying quiet she could see him studding her, and her eyes pierced back at him. Searching his face, taking in all she could and trying to learn what she could from him. Hearing his question about Garret though her thoughts shifted. He was wanting to see her really badly? Made sense if he new she was here, but at the same time it confused her just a little bit more. 

   "I have no idea why he does."

It was a half turth at least. She could of gone into detail about how he was the one who kept her going day to day, and how without him life just didn't seem like life...but really she'd rather not. What if they used that against them.  

Katie shakes her head before coming around to the other side of the wall. Leaning down her slings Jason's arm over her shoulder helping him up slowly. With any luck Jason would be as right as rain in a few days Katie did know that. He was impossible to keep down.

   "I can't turn down a coffee and I'm sure everyone would be mighty happy with you for calming the beast in me."

Scooting over just a little to let Laura in next to him Nate did what he could to mask the pain that went shooting though his shoulder. He wasn't going to miss this moment to be close to her, and he wasn't going to turn away the opportunity to comfort her as well.

   "I feel....like I've been shot. But I am guessing it should be worse."

Giving a small smile Nate leans his head down to give Laura a kiss on the head before letting his just rest softly on hers taking in the smell of her shampoo. Going over what had happened he tried to piece things together. 

   "I remember bits and pieces. I was talking with Garret, I was shot, and than Garret saved my life....I think. It just all so cloudy its hard to remember everything. I do know one thing though...Garret had a clear chance to run, and he didn't. So I dont think this was his doing."

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