
Firing Squad

Eli's buzzing phone roused him from his sleep, and it took him a moment to realize someone was calling. Still half asleep, he answered the unknown number drowsily. "Yeah...hello?"

Hearing the nurse's message, his mind frantically clawed its way back to reality. "What? Is she okay? How bad is it?" He was already swinging his legs out of bed. "Never mind. I'll be right there."

A car accident? How? It was...he glanced at his digital clock. Three in the morning? Why on earth had Ryan been out at this hour? What had really happened? After finally getting to bed, he hadn't heard a thing.

Rushing to get dressed, Eli was out the door and on his bike. Taking the fastest route to the hospital, he made it in record time, daring to go through at least two red lights with the minimal late night traffic. How he felt was all too much like when he'd first come to Nevada because Ryan had been shot and needed his blood. His worry and fear was the same. Once parked, he headed inside and found a nurse near the ER. "Hey, um, I'm Eli McKade. I'm looking for my sister, Ryan. Someone called that she'd been in an accident. I just need to know what's going on and if she's okay."

Garret didn't fight or complain as he was cuffed then directed through the building. He met stares with his own eyes, unafraid and showing no shame or discomfort - maybe a bit of disdain, but without threat.

Once outside, he shuffled slowly in his shackles to the corner of the building where he could feel the sunshine. Facing the sky, he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. There had been few times he'd enjoyed feeling the sun as much as he did in this moment...but, those other moments he didn't really care to remember - most of them were during training as a very young man when he'd been deprived of more than just fresh air. Why had he been so loyal to a place that had found delight in torturing him? And was being here really any better? Had he jumped from the frying pan into the fire or had this been a wise move?

Opening his eyes again, he leaned back against the warm brick wall. He glanced around at the scenery before landing his sights on Nate. He could ask him how the wife and kid were, to flex his intimidation muscles. He could be casual and ask questions to see if he had any kind of chance here. Or he could just play the silent card like he had been. Setting aside tactics he'd used almost all his life was not easy.

He finally shook his head and looked down at his shackled ankles. At least he was getting the fresh air he'd wanted, but his insides were still battling this form of confinement. "I don't suppose there's any way to convince you to give my legs a break for those fifteen minutes, huh?" He gave Nate a wry sort of grin. How strictly did the Elite really run? "Or would Reese put you in front of a firing squad for not obeying his orders?"

Aaron was tempted to toss a glare at Victoria, but he knew better, so he refrained. His grip on the steering wheel tightened though, as did his jaw muscles.

"Well, scratch my suggestion of going over the Elite floorplan then. Looks like you're all set for your solo." Why had he even bothered coming? Without Medridge giving him authority, what did his opinion even matter? He thought Victoria's plan was unwise at the very least. But obviously she'd ignore anything he had to say. All he was on this mission was an errand boy, and he missed working alongside Garret.

The rest of the ride was quiet, as Aaron kept his thoughts to himself. As planned, it was several hours later that they were in a hotel room for the night. Aaron sat on the end of one bed, checking over his sidearm while letting the television drown out any of their conversations. "So..." He'd been dying to ask all afternoon. "How are you planning on getting into the Elite?"

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