
Forgive Me

Scott sighed as his mind continued to calm down. He appreciated Hope, even if it had been difficult for him to rebuild any kind of relationship. He hated it that he had scars so deep that they inteferred with the emotions he should be able to enjoy rather than having them torment him.

"I miss you, ya know..." His expression didn't change much as he simply spoke what was true. He'd had coffee with her a couple times. Lunch once or twice. But he still kept her at arm's length.

He let his feet slide back to the floor and leaned back, rubbing his bad eye with the heel of his hand. "Sometimes I wonder what I'd be like if ...if all this hadn't happened." His gaze wandered in her direction before finding it way to the floor. "I feel like I'm stuck. Like no matter how hard I try, each step forward is so small that I'll never reach where I should be...not unless I live to be a hundred and thirty, which isn't very likely."

Another sigh surfaced. "I don't wanna stay here any more today, but I don't wanna go home." He bit his lip. "My stomach usually handles ice cream pretty well," he hinted.

Eli was rather surprised by Ryan's perky attitude this morning. He'd expected less of a smile after last night. 

He just watched her walk by, noting her happiness as she checked her phone. Maybe Tal was texting her. Who knew? He followed her to the kitchen, trying to shrug off her odd behavior. "Okay well... I'm off to work then. Call me if you need anything."

Eric hadn't expected Ashlee's affection, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he returned her hug, squeezing her tightly and kissing the top of her head. Was this what it felt like to have a daughter? No matter, it felt good. Having someone look up to him and want him around that much...it was hard to ignore.

Backing away, he smiled and tossed her a wink. "So. Now that that's settled, how about that ride I've been asking  you about? I've only got a few days left, so we should make the most of them by getting as saddle sore as we possibly can."

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Garret leaned down to lace up his boots before standing and pulling his shirt over his head. It only took him a few minutes in the bathroom to splash some water on his face and waken his senses. He should have been gone an hour ago.

Stepping back into the plush bedroom, he patted his face dry with a hand towel as his eyes wandered back to the bed. She was still asleep. That would make his next job easier.

As he was donning his leather jacket though, the comforter on the bed moved, and two slender arms and a leg appeared, stretching long to accompany a yawn. “Sneaking away as usual?” Sonya peaked sleepily over the covers and reached up to brush aside her long, dark hair.

Garret didn’t reply. He simply slipped his wallet in his pocket, strapped on his watch, and checked his handgun.

Sonya sat up a little, the thin strap of her nightgown sliding off one shoulder. The atmosphere wasn’t nearly as warm as it had been last night. “Garret?” Her tone indicated a deeper concern than simple curiosity. When met with continued silence, her reflexes took over. But no sooner had she opened the drawer to her nightstand, when a sickening click stopped her. Looking back over her shoulder, she stared at the handgun which was now aimed at her.

Garret moved slowly around the room and, while keeping the gun aimed at Sonya, reached with his free hand into her nightstand to retrieve the small revolver she’d been going for. He tossed it aside before easing down to sit on the deep window sill just feet from the bed. “How long have you known?”

Sonya’s lips curled into a thin smile. “Long enough. I knew you only came here to satisfy your boss’ curiosity - not your thirst for love.”

“Yet you continued to feed me information. Why?”

Sonya shrugged. “I don’t like playing sides, no one knew I was the leak, and…you’re good company. Aren’t those reasons enough?”

Garret tilted his head. “If you knew this would happen, why did you give me what I wanted? Why not string me along?”

“I guess I got tired of playing the game.” Sonya sat up a little straighter. “And…I knew eventually you’d get what you really wanted, but…I didn’t know exactly when that would be.”

“So how long have the bullets in your revolver had my name on them?”

“Oh now that…is for me to know.” Sonya’s eyes locked with his. As cool as she was, there was fear behind her gaze. “But you do have all of the information you require now.”

“I do. You talk too much.”

“Indeed. And you never talk enough. Even so, I know you’re just an assassin with a heart of ice. And I know that killing me will stir nothing inside of you. You’re a cruel man, Garret. I hate myself for leaving the door unlocked for you.” Sonya swallowed hard. “But I did. So put me out of my misery before I regret ever having let you in.”

Garret straightened his arm to line up his gun’s barrel with Sonya’s head, his figure reflected in the elegantly framed mirror that hung above the bed’s headboard. And the moment of silence that followed could have easily been confused with an hour’s time.

A gunshot and the sound of shattering glass pushed a scream from Sonya’s lungs, and she flinched violently enough to shake the bed. The mirror was now in countless pieces scattered everywhere. Shards had cut into Sonya’s arms, leaving tiny trails of blood to stain her nightgown and bedcovers, but her wounds were far from fatal. “What…” She glanced behind her where only traces of the mirror still clung to the edge of the frame, then back to Garret. She knew well enough to know he could never have missed his target by that far.

Garret slowly lowered his gun and returned it to the holster inside his jacket. “Rule number one. Never, ever believe you know your enemy’s next move.” Standing, he headed for the door.


He paused and looked over his shoulder.

Sonya was still shaking. “I’m…not going to see you again, am I?”

“No. You’re not.”

“Why didn’t you kill me?”

Garret’s eyes returned to the door, his back remaining to her. “Because your eyes reminded me of someone else’s.”

“A woman?”

Yes. Victoria’s mother had worn the same look of dignified fear. It was an image that haunted him still. “A brave soul.” He turned a little to glance at Sonya one last time. “You should probably change your name and leave the country. It won’t be me behind the gun next time.”

“But what about you? Won’t they kill you for not getting rid of me?”

“Perhaps. But every assassin has a new trick up his sleeve.” Leaving the room, he knew his route well through the house and to the grand back courtyard where his vehicle waited. His route after that though? Suddenly, his options had become more clear. Especially after last night’s message. Alec Banks was dead. And that was the opening he’d been waiting for.

Getting into the car, he took a deep breath. "Forgive me, Victoria," he whispered.

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