
Using me...

Stacy had heard Eric's comment a gave a little sigh to herself. She hated when he put himself down, it always bothered her. There was more worth there than he would ever know but he just didn't see it. Maybe one day he would.

Having him move on to quickly to the next subject Stacy didn't even have a moment to comment but she figured thats what Eric wanted. So for now she would let it go. If this was going to be a last call for a little bit due to his phone now working right, and she didn't want to spend it fighting.

   "Take care of yourself ok Eric? And make sure you call again tomorrow. I'll let Ash know you called. See ya soon."

Hanging up the phone with Eric Stacy lets out a small sigh. She'd miss Eric while he was gone even longer but couldn't understood that he did need the money. However she new Ash would not be happy about it, and it was doing to be slightly diffacult to tell her....

...."What? But why? Why does he have to go back out? Don't he miss us?"

Ashlee looks at her mom with a sock as she finds out the news of Eric coming home, but leaving again shortly after. He said he wouldn't be gone long, and she missed him already horrible. She just didn't understand.

   "Ash, every one has to earn there keep here. That's why I work, thats why you help with some chores its how things work, and how the ranch keeps some of its costs down. Eric drives his truck to pull his weight around here, and of course he miss us...but this is what he has to do for his family."

Stacy new that Ash would take this new hard, maybe she didn't realize how hard though. She really had grown close to Eric, and Stacy was happy for that because Ash needed someone in her life, she could look up too. Another person she could confide in,

   "Hey maybe when Eric gets back you should tell him how much you missed him huh? Maybe he doesn't know just how much he means to you. Just try to take it easy on him ok? He's just trying to be to best he can...ok?"

   "I guess, it's just not fair, and I don't think it ever will be."

Letting out a huff Ash turns on her heels and walks out of the bunk house. It wasn't fair, and she hated that it wasn't but there really was nothing she could do about it. All she new was she was sad, and it hurt to think Eric would be gone even longer. A small tear slips from her eye as she makes her way to the barn. She hated feeling like this and in a way she didn't know why she did. It never bothered her before that it was herself and her mom. Could she really have gotten attachen to Eric that fast? Was this feeling because she missed him, and not having the person she look up to around was...sad.

Looking up into Gunner's eyes Bree wondered if she was the only one who could see there depth. The only one who new that the man looking back at her was the one she loved, but a whole other person at the same time. How torchered his soul must be, and how tired he must feel.

Giving a small smile and a little nod to the couch Bree gives the indication she could get everything and he could go rest.  Turning and heading to the kitchen to start everything she left out a small sigh.  Gunner had always been the strong one, he had given her hope, and helped her when she needed it and now she felt...so lost, and helpless. She wasn't sure what to do for him, or how to help.

After a few minutes of cooking some junk food of pizza rolls, mozzarella sticks, potato skins, and of course there shakes. It only takes another few minutes for Bree to pick a movie before she is comfortable settled next to Gunner out the love seat. It was a tight squeeze but she didn't care, she liked being smothered next to him.

   "Alright, time to relax, eat our non food food, and want a good movie..or for me eat than fall asleep and drool all over you."

Being deep in thought and not really paying attachen to anything around her Hope gives a small jump as she feels something on her leg that was followed by a woof. Her heart racing she looks down and soon her beating heart slows as a smile spreads across her lips seeing Domino.

   "Are you trying to be a ninja sneaking around? It's ok, you did a good job, but next time a little less of a cute woof might be better."

Leaning down and giving Domino a scratch behind her ears Hope was happy to see her little friend. She'd miss seeing Domino, more so her master, but she'd gotten close to the little dog as well. She always new how to make people smile and Hope liked that.

Hearing Scott's voice shortly after Hope looks up and gives a small smile. It felt strange seeing Scott and having it feel like they didn't even know each other anymore. They had been so close once, and now..no it was hard to even say they were friends. No calls, no texts, not even an email to just say hi. Hope had tried, she tried to fix things but one can only do that so long and get silence in response before they just can't anymore because it hurt to much.

   "Nah, I dont think she got tired of you. I think she just knows I have treats in my desk draw."

Shaking her head Hope opens her desk draw and pills out a dog treat her eye twinkling a little looking down at the little dog who's tail was wavy wildly now.

   "Uh huh...I new it. You were just using me for the treats wernt you."

Little a smile slip across her lips Hope gives the treat to Domino and than pats her head little her know it was ok. She didn't mind to horribly much. Looking back up at Scott she searches face for a long moment realizing what time it was and they he was still here. She wondered if he was getting better, but dared not to ask.

   "You're here late tonight. I didn't even realize anyone else was in the building still. Everything ok?"

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