

Hope felt bad for Gunner and wished there was more she could do for him. But this was all she had to offer. She really did want to help him and she wanted to make sure everything was going to be ok. Simply hearing him say he was fine though didn't do it for her.

   "We do want to help you Gunner, thats what we keep saying."

Watching him stand and start to put his papers into boxs Hope comes closer. Taking his arm in her hand for a second she looks at him letting out a small sigh.

   "Talk to someone Gunner, before its to late...ok? We care and want to help. I'll give you a few days but than I am going to have to make a desition."

Grace can't help but laugh again as she shakes her head and leans into Jared a little bit. She loved his sense of humor. He could make her laugh and she liked that.

   "Yes I guess you should huh? I mean it is kind of important."

Shifting again a little bit down to Jared's legs Grace starts working on them all over again. Warming the muscles, cooking them, helping the blood pump once more. This had become something she really did enjoy doing. To know she was helping someone she cared a great deal about. It had its own reward.

   "Or I could always come over a little early and help cook as well."

   "That seems fair enough to me."

Katie taps her fingers on the counter absentmindedly for a second. That was more than she exspected and she was happy that Kyle would least  consider it. Now it was just talking to Hunter and having him go with her to the little farm house. Katie wasn't sure if he would or not. He wanted to show Kyle he'd changed but was this to much?

   "Alright Kyle, we should be out in a few hours. Thank you for considering. I know Hunter will be happy to hear you at least want to try."

Hanging up the phone Katie lets out a long breath she had been holding. Taking her phone in hand again and dialing Hunter's number and waiting for him to answer.

   "Hey you. Called Kyle...he wants us to come out to the house and talk to Alice and him. He wants to know you have changed and are not going to cause trouble. This is a big step to take...but...if you do you might be able to get your friend back."

Once Kyle was off the phone Alice whiper her hands off on a towel and cocked her head at him. She new he was on the phone with someone and it was about Hunter but that was about she wasn't sure at all. She was intrusted in what was going on.

   "Hey, did I hear right you said something about Hunter? Is everything ok?" 

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