
New Day

Giving a nod to Clint Wes new it was getting to be that time and he should be heading home too. Mornings at the ranch always came to soon and being so far out it still affected them a little bit as well. It was just part of the ranch life and another thing Wes would welcoming. Morning chores, the feeling of accomplishing something and being able to see that accomplishment.

Making the treck home Wes walked slow. Enjoying the air, enjoying the night, and enjoy the feel of anticipation of seeing his family when he got to his destination.Getting home Wes enters the house quiet to make sure not to wake anyone who was more than likely sleeping. It was easy to move quietly through the house for him. Checking all the doors it was habit to make sure they were locked even if the ranch was safe.

Slipping into Kaylee's room Wes walks over to her crib watching her sleeping form. She was so preshish and had gotten so big while he had been gone. No one would know how thankful he was she remembered and accepted him as well as she did. Not many people got that lucky. Leaning down and giving her a kiss on the head Wes slips out of rhe room again heading to his and Cindy's bedroom.

Just watching her for a long second Wes finally sheds his clothing and slips to the bed next to her. Putting his arm around her Wes pulls her a little closer to him feeling her soft skin aganst his. Nuzzling his head into her hair Wes takes a deep breath and letting the smell fill him. Just holding Cindy gave him so much comfort. He was so thankful for them that it was almost over whelming. But sleep would come, and comfort was now easy to find with her in his arms.

Looking up at Gunner's voice Hope was a little surprised but met him with a smile. There was something in his eyes though and it made Hope search them a little harder. Hearing his words they confermed what she saw and it made her heart jumo a little bit. She'd asked Gunner hope he was doing last week but now...now it seemed he hadn't been telling her the truth.

   "We are all going a little crazy huh?!"

Grace didn't like putting that label on people so if she put it on everyone it was a little better or so she thought. She was worried about Gunner though but was happy he came to her. That was a step up from the last time he was thinking of bridges.

   "I was actually going to head out for some lunch. I always hate going alone. Maybe you would like to tag alone and we can chat over some good food?"

Feeling Jason's hand on her shoulder Misty leans her head to the side on top of it. She loved feeling him close to her. It made her feel safe, she always did when he was near to her and she loved every moment of it.Turning her head a little bit to look at Jason she smiles at him.

   "Alec should be around. At least last I talked to him he said tonight he would join us."

Looking back to Clay she smiled. He had back luck but things were going to change for him. She could feel it. HE was going to meet some new people, have a great place to stay with Rick and he was going to be ok.

   "Maybe we all can play some games. I always hear pictanary is fun."

Giving a little laugh Grace comes closer to Jared and sits on the bed looking down at him. He said he didn't know about Sunday but he didn't say no so that was good. She would ask him again when the day came a little closer. 

   "Mmm...thats a good way to say thank you. I could get use to it."

Leaning in closer Grace brings her lips to Jared's and lets her feels just flow. She loved the way his lips felt on hers. They were warm and welcoming. Bringing her hand to the side of his face to cradle it Grace just continues the kiss. She'd never felt like this before, and she liked it. The warm tingle that ran through her.

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