
Not Suprised

Smiling down at Jared and seeing him away even if it was in a state of a fever she was still happy to have proof he was ok. Jared was going to pull through this, after everything he had too and Grace would be there every step of the way.

   "I could hardly get tired of seeing you. Even if you are in a mess."

Grace really did enjoy spending time with Jared.  Even if it was in a different way than she liked it was still nice. The conversation was good, the laughing was good it was just a complete package.

Hearing Eli's comment Ryan can't help but shrink  a little as her smile grows bigger. Looking at Alec and the others again for a quick second she looks away and back to her brother shaking her head.

   "Sometimes tells me I would not be surprised if you did have the room bugged."

Moving her leg under the table and bumping Tal's with her own Ryan smiles to him again. They were going to be kept busy while Eli was gone for sure. So while she as going to miss her brother at the same time she new it would go by quickly.

   "First things first after they leave...camera hunt. I dont need my big brother seeing any of this stuff."

Being pulled into Eli Scarlet gives a laugh. Leaning her hand on Eli's chest and standing on her tip toes to giving him a kiss she pulls away and smiles. She was so happy he was coming with her on this trip. It was business but they would be able to have fun as well and sharing it with the man she loved was better than doing it alone.

   "Yes I think we will be to busy. But we do need to bring them back something or we might never live it down."

   "I've got to, I know you always forget at least one thing. So if I don't pick up the slack than where would that get us?"

Giving a smile Katie retrieves her own bottle and cracks it open. Taking a sip she lets the pop slip down her throat laughing at the bubbles tickle her nose for a second. She didn't drink to much pop anymore so when she did it always felt strange. This was one of those times though that she couldn't turn it down. It was just tradition.

Hearing Jason's comment about moving forward Katie gives a little nod of her head still looking forward for a long moment. Moving forward, it seemed easy and hard at the same time. Katie new that they both were doing that already with there lives and yet something great seemed to be missing. Katie new that it was because she and Jason just wernt the same anymore. They only talked when they had too and there was such great tension in the air. She hated this feeling she had when they use to be so close. 

   "Moving forward is important and looking into the past really wont change anything. Even if its hard not to sometimes and feel regret."

Finally looking away Katie looks to Jason. Seeing he wanted to toast Katie lets out a small sigh. Maybe they would be ok, and they could be friends. It was something she hoped and wished for more than anything. She wasn't upset wit Misty and was happy that at least Jason had ended up with someone so nice and sweet even if she felt bad for Carson. She couldn't see anyone else she'd rather see Jason with.

   "To the future, and to friendship no matter how slow it goes, at least there is still that."

Looking up and seeing Eric enter the dinner Stacy can't help her smile. Standing and going over to him she runs er hand though his hair. She liked his longer hair so the face he didn't get it all cut off made her feel good.

   "Short, but not to short, its perfect. Than again you always are good looking in your rugged way."

Standing up on her tip toes Stacy leans into Eric and places a kiss on his lips before pulling away a little bit and looking into Eric's eyes. She sure was going to miss him while he was on the road. The only comfort she had was the fact that he'd be back soon, that had been his promise.

Rolling her eyes as she mom kissed Eric Ashlee couldn't help the little smile too. She might play like it was disgusting but she was happy her mom and was happy. Seeing Dylan she smile grew a little more. Dylan was cute to start with but he sure did clean up nice and looked even better/

   "You pass the test. You look amazing more than normal."

Giving a laugh and starting forward Wes was happy Cindy was with him. She gave him the strength, she always had to face everything head on and just take things as they came. God had given him Cindy for many reasons and one was to be his lifesaver when he felt like he was drowning. Wes couldn't imagen where he would be without her.

Getting to the ranch yard and scaning the area himself his smile grows a little more. He's missed it here for sure and to be back felt amazing. There safe haven, there life, there home, this was a place many only dreamed about but they had made it possible, had made a life, and community. Wes couldn't thank God enough for giving him more time  to continue to enjoy this life.

Seeing Mick come over Wes' heart pounded in his chest, in his ears. His brother, it was good to see him again and it was good to see him well. Giving a nod still holding Cindy's hand Wes found the words through his own emotions to talk.

   "I like to make an entrance...I am a Henson after all."

Finally letting go of Cindy's hand and stepping forward Wes returns Mick's hug his own tears rolling down his cheek. So many emotions ran free it was hard to pick witch one was witch so crying seem the best option to let them all out at the moment.

    "It's good to see you again Mick. Sorry for the scare."

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