

   "Mar my record.."

Grace gives a small chuckle thinking about the words and the meaning. She didn't know why she found it funny but she did in a way. She hard though anything would be marred. And even if someone did have something to say it was really non of there business and she would be the first to tell them.

  "I believe I get a say in this matter too since it has to do with me and I hardly think your going to mar anything."

Still holding Jared's hand Grace wasn't sure what was going to happen with them but she was looking twords the future and only hoped that Jared would make the right desition. Not everyone got second chances she hoped he would take his and make the best of it!

  "Anyways, I don't know if we are that different. Sure in some ways we are, but I think deep down...we are pretty much the same."

Chad smiles as he glances at Rosalyn for a second and than back across the water for a second. She talked about her life as thought she had accepted it and willed herself to be happy because she could be far worse off. Still though he wondered about the longing he saw in her eyes. The want for something more, more adventure, more excitement.

   "It puts food on the table, and gives you a place to stay right? Even if its not exciting that accounts for something."

Turning around and leaning against the post Chad lets out a small sigh for a second. Would he be the one to show Rosalyn there was so much more to the word and not everything was with bad intention? He sure hoped so but the future seemed so cloudy he could only help that there would be God's light at his own feet in what he was doing.

   "Even a caged bird needs time room to spread there wings once and a while. My mom use to tell Mark that all the time. I always was the wild child doing things  a little more daring than him. Mom told me I took after her. Mark hated it though and thought I was out of control. I could of been a lot worse though you know. I never broke the rules or anything...I just...was different than he was I guess."

Karla felt so bad for Kip. He's been really struggling with taking his place in the band again and this hadn't help at all. No matter what happened Karla would always stand behind him but it was sad to not think of him with the band anymore. 

   "Oh Kip, I don't think your holding them back. And to think of the band without you in it...it just seems...incomplete."

She new the other might feel the same way too. Kip was a member a part of the family. Part of the band forever and to not have him....part of the family would be missing. Karla at this point just hoped the band would convince him to stay.

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