
I was thinking...

Hearing Pete at the door Trey squints at the clock on the stand next to him. It wasn't even close to bed time but since moving there really was not much to do and sleep was better than getting himself into trouble. He's have to start looking for a job soon even if his parents were still sending him money he wanted to try making some of his own to try and stand on his feet.

Making his way to the door hearing Pete's knock and holler again Trey opens the door squinting out at the light and Pete. He or Ariel were usually always over, but it was strange for one of them to come unannounced. An email from Jason? That was odd...was there mother ok?


Taking the email quickly from Pete Trey holds it reading the words. He couldn't help the little look of shock on his face. He'd never new Wes but his mom had talked to him about him, and new it was Kaylee's dad and he had been killed in combat. But he was alive now, Kaylee would know her dad and that alone but a small smile on Trey's lips.

Looking up at Pete Trey gives a nod to him. He was thankful for getting this and that Jason would ever think to include him into the whole circle. He had been a pretty big jerk to his brother but to be far so had Jason. Shaking his head a little Trey tucks the letter into his pocket. Even if it wasn't hand written it was from his mother, the first letter he had ever been given.

   "Let Jason know I said thanks Pete. This was from my mom telling me Wes was found alive and he is back home."

Hearing the knock on the cubical wall and than hearing Jason's voice Katie looks up quickly. He had been the last one she expected to see there. She had heard about Wes but not expected Jason to come and let her know. It surprised her but maybe...maybe there was a little hope there still to be friends.

   "Rosetta called and told me about Wes. I am so happy that he is safe and home. I was thinking maybe we could..."

Realizing what she had said Katie stops for a second looking down at the papers on her desk. Getting her head together she looks back up at Jason and gives a little smile trying to just play it cool. She didn't want to over step the bounds.

   "I was thinking of heading up there within the next week or so to visit, and welcome Wes home too. You thinking about heading up as well?"

Taking the last bite of her ice cream Karla looks across the table at Kip. She new he had been thinking about leaving the band but something about the way he said it now made her thing he really meant it. That look in his eye was so deep and full of emotion.

   "What if you didn't quit but you just took a break? Maybe try helping with set up for a little while or something and just feel things out. That way you are not quieting in case you want to come back, but till you decide you can feel like are not holding them back either."

It sounded like a good idea to Karla than Kip wouldn't have to miss out or be away from the band family. She didn't know if he would go for it though. At least it was an option so Kip didn't feel like there weren't any in this situation.

   "I mean, at least its an option to consider."

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