
Cut this out

Cindy grins at Wes, resisting the urge to be too playful, since she was trying to eat the breakfast he'd made for her. There had been moments when she'd feared how she would adjust if Wes ever did come home. How things would be different again. How she'd react. And there were still some uncertainties in the back of her mind. Things were different now. She was different. He was different. And it would take a time of adjustment, no matter how much they loved each other. But looking down into his bright eyes now, Cindy knew that despite any worries, they'd be okay. If she had any trouble adjusting, she knew he'd be patient with her and they would make it together just like they had before. 

She hadn't thought much about Kaylee's reaction though, so Wes' question makes her pause in thought. "I... really don't know." She wished she could say yes, and reassure him that his daughter would remember him. But she was so little and had grown up so much since he'd left. She had attached herself to several other men around the ranch, particularly Sparky and Eric. 

"She knows your picture and knows the face is named 'Daddy.' I would imagine she'd at least recognize you from that." Cindy reaches over and runs her hand down the side of Wes' face. "It might take her some getting used to again, but I know she'll adore you just like she did before you left."

Rosalyn could tell just by Chad's few words that he was disappointed. And it made her feel all the more worse. But what else could she do? If he came today, it would just be a nightmare all over again, and she was still exhausted from yesterday. 

Lost in her own thoughts, she rises from the swing and aims for the dining hall door. Maybe if she would just concentrate on work, she'd feel less depressed.

"Think fast."

On her way to the dining hall, Rosalyn spins around just in time to catch - albeit clumsily - a motorcycle helmet. Looking at her brother who was standing at the bottom of the porch steps, she gives him a bewildered stare. "What on earth are you doing?"

"Taking you to town with me." Clint tosses her a leather jacket to go along with the helmet. "It's a little cool this morning - you'll want this."

"But..." Rosalyn's brow furrows. "I don't get it."

"What don't you get?" He was already dressed to ride and was now pulling out his keys. "You and me. Town."

"But I have work to do!"

"It's been taken care of." Clint turns, heading for the garage. "So come on."

Rosalyn growls her frustration. "Well hang on." It only took her seconds to slip inside the dining hall and grab a couple things from her purse before she follows after him. "What do you have to go to town for?"

"I got some errands to run."

"And so why are you dragging me along?"

Clint stops just as he gets the garage, turning to give Rosalyn a look that questioned her intelligence. "Seriously?"

Taken aback, Rosalyn stares down at the helmet and jacket as the realization sinks in. "You don't have to do this."

"Yeah, well... that's not the point, is it?" Clint opens the garage and goes to his bike, pushing it out into the morning light. Mounting up, he glances at his sister. "Coming?"

Rosalyn bites her lip, hesitating, but trying to hide a smile. "Idiot."

Clint laughs as she dons the jacket and helmet. "I've been called worse." He thumbs over his shoulder. "Climb on, Sis. The sunshine's waitin' on us."

It was only minutes later that Rosalyn had her arms around Clint's waist, holding on tightly as they sped down the road. It had been a long time since she'd been with him on his bike, but she'd always secretly enjoyed it. And, it wasn't often that it was just the two of them. Some might not even realize they were siblings, let alone twins. But just because their bond was quiet didn't mean it wasn't strong...

...Jacket unzipped, helmet under arm, Rosalyn pauses at the hotel room door. She'd seen Chad's jeep in the parking lot, so she knew he was here this morning and had told Clint to go ahead and see after his errands.

Finally lifting her hand, she knocks. "Chad?" she calls softly. "It's Rosalyn..."

Jared's grin evolves into a full smile. "Well we wouldn't want that happening, now would we?" His voice was still quiet, his hand returning to Grace's cheek to brush it softly. "Maybe we'll just have to build up intensity more... gradually." 

As his eyes search her own, a small, almost far-away light seems to diminish from his gaze. More like suddenly realizing there was a cold draft, it might not have been enough for anybody else to even notice.  

His hand slowly departs from her face, and he turns to sit straighter again. And without much warning, the warm moment seemed to have passed. 

Jared clears his throat before taking another bite of food. A sidelong glance is tossed at Grace as a boyish grin emerges. "We better cut this out or you'll never get any work done on my legs." 

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