

Hunter's smile remains, and for several moments, he's quiet, just studying Katie's face. His heart was thumping in his chest from the excitement of surprising her, from feeling her sweet kiss, and from seeing how pleased she was to see him again. He'd believed her texts that she'd missed him, but her reception now proved it, and it made him feel good. 

"Dinner sounds like a wonderful idea, as long as you pick where and let it be my treat." 

Without warning, he spins Katie around and flops down in her chair before pulling her into his lap and wrapping his arms around her waist. "So..." He peers around her shoulder at her computer. "How much work you got left today?" He wriggles his fingers teasingly on her ribs. "'Cause I'm starving."

Jaz squints a little at Jamie, trying to figure out just how a woman like her could not only forgive Carson, but move past it all and see him as a changed man. Granted, Jaz had seen a changed man too, but Carson hadn't ever harmed her either. 

"God, huh?" She takes another bite of her sandwich, skeptical of that whole thing. "Carson's been talking about God a lot. Prays all the time. Kinda strange seeing him do that. When I knew him last, he woulda laughed at the word 'prayer,' let alone been into religion." 

Con gives her a soft sort of smile. "Funny thing is... he's still not into religion."

Jaz furrows her brow, confused. 

Con lets her wonder for a minute before going on. "There's a big difference between having a relationship with God and religion. Religion is what man's created to make him feel good about rules, regulations and control. A relationship with God is the true way to a changed heart."

Jaz mulls over that thought for a few moments, not quite sure she fully understood, but it seemed to make a little bit of sense at least. Not that it was for her, but it made sense for people who wanted something like that. "Well, I'm not so sure about the whole God thing, but I do have to admit that Carson's a different man. The guy he used to be wouldn't have put up such a fight to save his wife, that's for sure. I didn't think I'd ever see a man who would do anything - even give his life - for someone he loved. He proved me wrong, I guess." She shrugs. "It's a bummer there'll probably be people who won't believe that he and I didn't have something going on, but we didn't." 

Con nods. "There are consequences to everything." Finishing off his food, he glances at his watch and sighs. "I gotta get back to the office. You two ladies be okay 'til this evening, or you want me to send one of the guys back here to keep an eye on things?" His question was directed more to Jamie than Jaz - he knew both women could take care of themselves quite well when in danger, but that didn't mean that he took his responsibility lightly either.

Ariel quirks an eyebrow at Trey's invitation. He did seem rather persistent - she'd give him that. She wasn't sure how she felt about him though... He was nice and all, but was there anything more? She really didn't know. He was cute and he'd been quite sweet lately. But did she want anything more than friends? At this point, she just couldn't decide what she really wanted. After starting out the way they had, she still saw a lost little boy who needed a babysitter more than anything else. Colt had warned her not to treat him like a kid, but remembering some of the ways Trey had been, it wasn't always easy. It probably didn't help that she worked with kids on a daily basis, but that really was beside the point. At the moment, she really didn't know whether Trey deserved to be treated like a man or not. On the plus side though, she did like being picked up in Pete's car.

Giving a light laugh, she grabs a glass from the cupboard to pour herself some iced tea. "Pete's car is always fun. And..." 

She pauses as she takes a sip of tea, taking another moment to decide her answer. "I don't have anything going on tonight. If I stay home, I'll just end up working or falling asleep with five cats in front of the television." She shrugs to Slinky, who was intently staring up at her.

"So yeah, we can do dinner. Where we going, and what time you wanna swing by?"

...After feeding the cats, tidying up the living room, showering and changing clothes, there wasn't a whole lot of time left before Trey would come. Ariel grimaces at herself in the mirror, while trying to figure out what to do with her hair. Finally she just leaves it down, letting it fall wherever it wanted. 

Ready to go, she sits near the living room window, watching the street so Trey wouldn't have to wait long. 


As Hunter's hand slides behind her head Katie backs away just a little bit. She new what was coming and she was trying to make it a little easier. She didn't care who was around really she was just so happy to see Hunter, everything else drowned out, and he was all that mattered at the moment.

Katie could feel her heart start to race as Hunter's lips touch her own. It had been a while and she really had missed him. Deeping the kiss a little Katie let him know she missed him. Pulling away Katie can't help but look up at Hunter and give a big grin.

   "Well if thats only going to last you an hour than we should do dinner tonight so you can get another one."

Turning her head into Hunter's hand a little bit Katie liked the feel of his skin against her. His hands rough but gentile as they brushed her skin. She'd missed them, had longed to feel them and now here he was standing in front of her. Katie was very happy about that.

   "Oh how I missed you too. It was a nice surprise."

Hearing Jaz question Jamie takes a sip of her tea quiet for a second. She almost could have guessed that was what Jaz was going to ask. Her scar had faded but it was still easy to make out it hardly ever went unnoticed unless someone new her well.

   "No, your information is correct, but what you don't know is I forgave Carson a long long long time ago for what he'd done. God helped me through it, and now Carson is just another man who's changed I've seen it. "

Setting her cup down and Looking up at Jaz Jamie gives a smile. She could see the confusion in her eyes and she didn't blame her..it was hard for someone to take in for sure.

   "Forgiveness and God are two powerful things. Never underestimate them."

Hearing Ariel's voice on the other line Trey sits up a little straighter. With how long the phone had been going off he didn't think she would have answered. But he was happy she did.

   "Hey there. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to have dinner tonight? Pete said I could use his car again.

Trey picks at a string on the blanket. He'd enjoyed being able to pick Ariel up and not have to rely on her coming to get him. It was a nice change and he hoped she was enjoying it too.

No Idea

Katie's reaction brings a wide smile to Hunter's face and his arms automatically wrap around her, holding her tight. Laughing, he draws back a little to look down at her, his eyes twinkling. "Well, you know there's only one thing to do when you can't think of anything to say." 

Not caring where they were or if anybody was watching, Hunter's hand slides up behind Katie's head and without waiting for her to respond, he leans down and presses his lips to hers. Giving her a long, deep kiss, he finally pulls back with another smile. "Mmmmm, I've been waiting to do that ever since you left the ranch." He sighs with content. "That'll tide me over for... a couple hours maybe, tops." 

Grinning, he lets his hand cradle her face, his thumb caressing her cheek. "Man, I've missed you." His eyes were tired, but bright with life as he locks with her gaze. "You have no idea how hard it was not to tell you I was coming home today." 

Toying with her food for  a couple more seconds, Jaz finally looks up at Jamie again, the same question written on her face. "Well, I... I don't know, I just... I can't remember everything I was told, but I thought you were a victim when Carson was still with the Agency. But hearing the way you both talk about him, I must be mistaken." 

Having just gotten home from work and lovingly greeted her cats, Ariel sets down her purse and keys wearily. It had been a long day and she was bushed. 

Feeling her phone start to ring in her pocket, she furrows her brow, wondering who was calling her. Checking the number, she chuckles. Having just talked to her brother yesterday about Trey, it was rather amusing he was calling her today. 

Heading to the kitchen to get something to drink, and followed by a train of meowing cats, she answers the call. "Hi, Trey. What's up?"