

As Hunter's hand slides behind her head Katie backs away just a little bit. She new what was coming and she was trying to make it a little easier. She didn't care who was around really she was just so happy to see Hunter, everything else drowned out, and he was all that mattered at the moment.

Katie could feel her heart start to race as Hunter's lips touch her own. It had been a while and she really had missed him. Deeping the kiss a little Katie let him know she missed him. Pulling away Katie can't help but look up at Hunter and give a big grin.

   "Well if thats only going to last you an hour than we should do dinner tonight so you can get another one."

Turning her head into Hunter's hand a little bit Katie liked the feel of his skin against her. His hands rough but gentile as they brushed her skin. She'd missed them, had longed to feel them and now here he was standing in front of her. Katie was very happy about that.

   "Oh how I missed you too. It was a nice surprise."

Hearing Jaz question Jamie takes a sip of her tea quiet for a second. She almost could have guessed that was what Jaz was going to ask. Her scar had faded but it was still easy to make out it hardly ever went unnoticed unless someone new her well.

   "No, your information is correct, but what you don't know is I forgave Carson a long long long time ago for what he'd done. God helped me through it, and now Carson is just another man who's changed I've seen it. "

Setting her cup down and Looking up at Jaz Jamie gives a smile. She could see the confusion in her eyes and she didn't blame her..it was hard for someone to take in for sure.

   "Forgiveness and God are two powerful things. Never underestimate them."

Hearing Ariel's voice on the other line Trey sits up a little straighter. With how long the phone had been going off he didn't think she would have answered. But he was happy she did.

   "Hey there. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to have dinner tonight? Pete said I could use his car again.

Trey picks at a string on the blanket. He'd enjoyed being able to pick Ariel up and not have to rely on her coming to get him. It was a nice change and he hoped she was enjoying it too.

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