

Grace can't help but smile more as she pulls a sub roll from the bag and than hands it to Jared. He might not know he, he might not think he deserved it but he did make her feel good.  It was nice to see the smile on his face, and the tiny spark in his eye. It was small but it was a start.

   "Ok ok ok...lets eat your making my head fat."

Pulling out the meat and more fixings Grace fixes her food before handing off the items to Jared so he could do the same. Setting her plate down on the blanket she pulls out two bottles of lemonade for them both. 

Taking a bite of her macaroni salad Grace can't help the murmur of please as the taste hits her tong. This is the first time she'd had it in a while and man did it taste good. She was really happy she'd picked it out to bring alone. 

   "Eat as much as you want I have plenty more at home."

To: Hunter
From: Katie

Is there such thing as to many kisses? 
I don't think thats possable. I'm 
going to hold you to it when you get 
back. Hey painting is always fun, 
just don't start a war eh? Can't wait 
till you get back. It's only been one 
day  but feels like a million.


Jared gives Grace a little smirk. Was that a spark in his eye? Maybe. 

"Not like you? I don't know any sane person that wouldn't like you." His eyes glance over the food she was taking out of the basket, and he had to admit it did look good. Especially the watermelon. He'd discovered that was his favorite fruit. 

"You're smart... funny... kind... determined...gorgeous..." He shrugs. "I mean really... not even a guy as miserable as me could ignore you for too long." 

Reading Katie's text as he leans on the pasture fence, Hunter felt a strange pang - it was way down deep, but it was there. He wasn't surprised Katie's encounter with Jason had been strange, but there was just... something... something in her words. He knew he couldn't read tone into a text message, but still, it just felt like she was disappointed or sad Jason was dating someone else. 

Shaking his head, Hunter lets it go. 

To: Katie
From: Hunter
Of course you got me. And Im not
odd at all, ya know... hehe. Its only
been one day and Im itching to
come back. Ugh. Thinking about
helping Dylan paint the toolshed so
I dont go stir crazy. U might be 
glad ur not here. I might attack u
with too many kisses to handle. I
already feel deprived. Better watch
it when I DO come home...

Like me

   "Why wallow when there is to much life to live? It's kinda grouped up with going fast and not being able to smell the roses."

Looking up at the sky again and closing her eyes as the sun shines down Grace thinks for a long moment about Jared's words. Maybe he was right, maybe she did soak up the sun and than share it with everything. He was the only one that had ever told her though and it...was nice to hear it.

Sitting up again and reaching out to the basket Grace pulls out some containers that held a few different things. She'd packed fixing for subs, watermelon, and some macaroni salad. They were light picnic items but mouth watering enough that if Jared said he wasn't hungry just making him look at it would change his mind.

   "And no you can't be miserable while I am around or I might think you really don't like me."

To: Hunter
From: Katie

Something tells me when you leave UNO is going to be pretty sad.
*rolls eyes* Leave it to Clint to want to ride your bike. He's slightly
accident prone to watch it.
Hey like really like you if they asked you over again. You should go 
and I will try not to be jealous.


To: Hunter
From: Katie

Things are a little crazy here. Trying to get back into everything that
happened while I was gone.
Ran into Jason this morning and it was WAY beyond strange. Found
out he's dating one of my good friends who works here so thats slightly
odd but hey I got you so its all good right?


Listening quietly, Jared takes in Grace's words. To an average observer, it might appear as though he didn't care. In reality though, what Grace said seemed to travel straight to his heart. 

Turning onto his side, he props his upper body up on his elbow and gives her a bit of a wry grin. "You just won't let me be miserable, will you?" 

He shakes his head. "You soak up the sunshine then spread it all around, chasing the shadows away. I'd rather sit here and wallow, ya know, but you're not making it very easy." 

To: Katie
From: Hunter
U kidding? I got more eyes on me
than a two-headed spider. I couldnt
do anything I shouldnt if I wanted
to. ;) Naw Im ok. UNO is following 
me around, Clint wants to try out
my bike, and Mick said I could go
to his and Rosettas for supper 
again. Think I might.


Sitting with Jared Grace listens to him. She wasn't a councler and she couldn't pretend to be, so when he asked a question like he did it was hard to know how to answer it. All she could really do was make an honest effort on what she though of the whole thing.

   "I think that sounds like two boys who both didn't know when to quit. You pushed, but Justin pushed too. He could of stopped, he didn't have to keep swimming after you so it was his own fault for pushing forward as it was yours."

Putting her arms behind her and leaning back on them Grace looks up at the sky. There weren't many clouds out today but the little strands here and there still provided something to look at and help Grace gather her thoughts.

   "You can't keep blaming yourself for everything you know. Bad chooses were mad, and you should have known better but we all make them, and than we learn from them. Continuing to punish yourself is not necessary no matter how much we think it is."

Looking over at Jared and studying him for a few moments a small smile spreads across her face. She really did enjoy spending free time with Jared. Even if he was depressed right now she thought he was pretty fun.

   "And you have people who are willing to love and forgive you as well, and they already have even if you don't think you deserve it."

To: Hunter
From: Katie

Hey Hey!
So far so good. Trying to just get back into the grove of things. 
Feeling kinda odd being back but...ah well.
I miss you too :(
How are you feeling? Your knee ok? Is everyone helping you
with me not being there?

What kind?

Jared remains pretty quiet on the way to the lake - joining in conversation only when Grace would lead the topic. For most of the ride, he stares dimly out at the scenery, his head resting against the window.

Once reaching their destination, he does his best to get back out of the car and into the wheelchair again. Just the simple tasks seemed to sap all of his energy, leaving him exhausted. He knew his strength had taken a step back... which just made him feel even more down.

A short ways into the sand, about as far as they could go with his chair, he glances around, contemplating Grace's offer. Did he even want to get out of the wheelchair at all? Eventually, he nods. "Yeah, okay. I don't think I can do it on my own unless I just wanna fall face-first." 

Letting Grace help him, he manages to at least put some weight on his legs a little bit so she doesn't have to do all of the work. Finally getting seated on the blanket, he stares down at his useless legs for several moments. He'd picked a pair of comfy jeans today... but what was the point, when he couldn't do anything anyway?

His eyes drift out to the quietly lapping water. "I used to swim in this lake," he comments softly. "Justin and I used to see who could swim the farthest." He squints at the low rippling waves. "I couldn't let him win so I just kept going. Justin almost drowned - Dad had to swim out to us and help him back in. Thing was... I knew I could swim better than he could. I knew he couldn't beat me... but I pushed it anyway and almost got him killed." 

His gaze glances to Grace. "What kind of ten-year-old does that?" 

Sighing, he eases down to lie on his back and stare up at the sky instead. 

To: Katie
From: Hunter
Hey Babe. 
Hope ur first day at work is ok.
Miss u already.


Letting out a small breath and looking at Jason again Katie found it hard but she wanted to know how he was doing. He looked well, a lot better than when she'd left. He wasn't so pale and thin anymore now that he was healthy. Not having there connection has caused a lot of havoc mostly on her part but if face with the choose again she would do the same thing. Knowing he was alive, and ok...that was joy she had left even if she never said it.

   "Umm...yeah ok I'll go talk with Sapphire and than get back with you. Thanks Reese."

Turning to head out of the office Katie eyes passed over Jason's for a second catching tight of the tension in them. It sent a sting right to her heart that hurt more than she really had expected. Continuing out the door and closing it softly behind her Katie lets out her breath now. The air had been thick and hot in there, stepping out here again was a cool breeze.

Getting out onto the main floor again Katie makes her way to Sapphire's desk taking the longer rout from the office. Passing the intermarry door Katie backtracks and stops a little bit looking in and seeing Misty. Another part of her heart ached, for Carson, for what Misty though of him, and the sting of knowing she was dating Jason. She wasn't upset or angry with Misty she hadn't dont anything wrong, if she was upset with anyone it was herself and her actions.

Giving a knock on the door and poking her head in Katie lets out another sigh quick. She was going to do her best to be civil with everyone and Misty had been one of her good friends. She had to try and continue that.

   "Hey Misty I wont hold you up I just wanted to say hi, and congrats."

   "Thanks Katie, It's good to see you back."

Misty was unsure of what else to say the whole thing was kinda of awkward for the first day of it. Maybe in time it would get better. She was happy though that it seemed like Katie was trying to at least be friendly.

Seeing Rick on the other side of the room Katie gives a wave before disappearing once again and continuing her rout to Sapphire's desk. The quicker she threw herself into work the quicker time would pass and hopefully things would become much more easy.

Grace gives a smile as her cheek turn a little red. This morning had been a little rough for her but she was feeling slightly better now and having Jared tell her she looked nice helped. Giving a laugh at his comment of her driving she walks to behind his chair and starts it forward.

   "I can't promise you I am a better driver. I've been known to leave a few marks myself but...thats another story."

Starting forward Grace takes Jared past the kitchen to let Lydia know they were leaving and would be back soon. Grace giving a joking promise that she would have him home before ten. Heading out of the house now and getting situated it doesn't take long to get into the car, and than head to the beach. It was a little bit longer of a drive but not to horrible bad as Grace tried to keep the chatting light till they got to the destination.

Finally there Grace was helping Jared from the car once again and gathering there things together. Taking the wheelchair and pushing it out on to the sand it helped that a few days ago it had rained so the sand was packed down nicely making it a little easier but not to hard to sit or wet. Putting the blanket out and turning to Jared again she smiles.

   "Alright, want me to help you down on the blanket?"


Jared's eyebrows rise slightly, as do the very corners of his mouth. He'd cleaned himself up, but he didn't think it was deserving of a "holy moly." 

"You're not looking too bad yourself," he muses. He thinks for a moment then shakes his head. "I guess I'm ready whenever you are." He looks down to check himself over to make sure. He was dressed, he had his tennis shoes on... there wasn't anything else he needed. Just gumption. And he only had a little bit of that, but it would have to do. 

He tucks his hands in his lap. "I'll let you drive though... I keep making marks on the walls from banging into things." 

"...No, I need you and Con to take that Parker case, then..." Reese's voice trails off as he looks up from his desk to see Katie enter his office. The air was thick with tension - the morning had already started off poorly. He forces a smile though. "Well hi, Katie. Welcome back." 

Standing to the side, Jason can feel his whole body tense. He tries not to let it show on his face though, remaining where he was. Giving Katie a once-over, he notes that though she seemed nervous, she looked good - better than when she'd left. He swallows the bitter taste in his mouth and purses his lips into something maybe close to a polite smile. "Katie." He acknowledges her presence with a slight nod. 

After an awkward pause, Reese clears his throat. "No need to be sorry for the interruption. You're fine. I would suggest you go talk with Sapphire to start out - she's been taking on a lot of your work lately and she can bring you up to speed. Once you feel you've got a handle on what's been going on and what's happening now, come see me again and I'll give you some new assignments."

Holy Moly

Grace gives another smile at Lydia, She wanted her to come and get out of the house but she was kind of happy to it was going to be just Jared and herself as well. He might be a little more open with her if it was that way. She just hoped getting outside would help brighten him up a little bit.

   "Alright, maybe next time you can come with us."

Giving another smile and turning around Grace heads out of the kitchen leaving Lydia to her cooking and going down the hall to find Jared. Knocking on the door and opening it Grace see Jared and she can't help but let her smile grow a little more. He looked really good this afternoon, even a little glow to his face too.

   "Holy moly, I hardly new it was you. You are lookin gooood this afternoon."

Coming over to him and leaning down to give him a hug. Pulling away her eye twinkled as she looked down at him. She was excited for today and new it was going to be a good one, she could just feel it was.

   "Need anything before we go?"

Looking up at Jason and returning the kiss Misty loved the new daily normal of seeing Jason in the morning, getting a kiss and just talking for a little bit. Most morning it happened like that and than some mornings it was a little less.


Today was going to be one of those mornings. Not even getting a chance to say more Misty's head turned this was and that following everyone who was talking. All she can do is chuckle as the whole thing continues and Jason gets pulled to one place and than the next.

   "Alright, I'll see you for lunch Hun. Don't work to hard."

Stepping onto the main floor of TJY Katie felt slightly strange being back here. Why she wasn't sure but could only guess it was from being away for so long. She'd jump right back in though and face thing whole thing head on. Carson was right, she could over come anything and this was just another step. 

Walking to her cubicle she catches sight of Jason heading into Reese office turning around quickly maybe he hadn't seen her...not yet. Dang....now that she turned around she didn't know if he did go to Reese's office or his own. Oh well no matter what she needed to go to his office to see what he wanted her to start on and if she ran into Jason well she'd have to sooner or later.

Sucking in a breath of confadince she drops her stuff at the cubicle before holding her head high and heading for Reese office. Giving a little wave to Susanna it was good to see she again and she smiles. Knocking on Reese door she enters.

   "Hey Reese, I'm back and just wanted to know where you wanted me to start..."

Seeing Jason to the one side Katie could feel the awkwardness grow inside of her. She hadn't mean to interrupt them and now she almost felt at a loss for words. She had to say something though and not just stand there.

   "Hi. Sorry to interrupt you guys. I can come back in a little bit if its a better time."

Poor Match

"Grace! Hello, dear." Lydia smiles as she stirs some batter in a mixing bowl. Today was cookies - a new family had come to church and they had very little. Someone else was taking care of main meals, so Lydia had offered to take care of treats, especially for the children. 

"Oh yes, Jared did mention you would be going to the lake today. It is such a fine day for it too. He could use the sunshine." She smiles at Grace before shaking her head and leaning in closer. "I think it will be better for him if it was just the two of you. Besides, I will stay plenty busy with my cooking today." 

She looks down at her bowl and laughs. "I think I am making more cookies in this batch than I thought." 

In his room, Jared waits quietly. He'd seen Grace pull up and had watched her come up the sidewalk. He could just hear her muffled voice, along with his mother's now, knowing that they  were in the kitchen. 

Looking down at himself, he sighs. Grace was so pretty today in her sundress with her hair falling over her shoulders and a spring in her step. He made a poor match for going out today.

Another small smile surfaces and Carson nods. "Good. I'll keep the oven warm for ya." He'd gladly have Katie back any time. Just having one of his friends in here was like a breath of fresh air... and he could use that right now. 

Once he's left alone again, he starts shutting things down for the night. He was so tired, but he knew he had much more to do before he could go to bed. Much more. 

"Good morning, sunshine." Jason leans over Misty's shoulder in the infirmary the next morning, planting a kiss on her lips. He was in a hurry, but, as was his new habit, he had to stop in and see her. "You're looking good this morning. I-"

"Hey, hotshot," Pete pokes his head into the room. "Reese is looking for you."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." 

"Jase?" Gunner joins Pete at the door. "You got those files I asked about yesterday?"

"Crap. Yeah, give me five, I'll-"

"Jason," Reese's voice comes over the intercom. "In my office, please." 

Jason rolls his eyes and straightens, throwing up his hands. "I just got here, people!" 

Gunner and Pete hide their snickers as they leave, and Jason looks back at Misty as he heads for the door. "Guess I'll see you later for lunch." Walking at a brisk pace down the hall, he heads for Reese's office, trying to remember all he was supposed to do this morning.