

Grace can't help but smile more as she pulls a sub roll from the bag and than hands it to Jared. He might not know he, he might not think he deserved it but he did make her feel good.  It was nice to see the smile on his face, and the tiny spark in his eye. It was small but it was a start.

   "Ok ok ok...lets eat your making my head fat."

Pulling out the meat and more fixings Grace fixes her food before handing off the items to Jared so he could do the same. Setting her plate down on the blanket she pulls out two bottles of lemonade for them both. 

Taking a bite of her macaroni salad Grace can't help the murmur of please as the taste hits her tong. This is the first time she'd had it in a while and man did it taste good. She was really happy she'd picked it out to bring alone. 

   "Eat as much as you want I have plenty more at home."

To: Hunter
From: Katie

Is there such thing as to many kisses? 
I don't think thats possable. I'm 
going to hold you to it when you get 
back. Hey painting is always fun, 
just don't start a war eh? Can't wait 
till you get back. It's only been one 
day  but feels like a million.

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