
Not everyone

   "It is definitely a full invitation anytime and you don't need to call in advance or anything."

Giving a smile and looking down at the for April goes for her biskit next. They were home made and oh so good. She could of guess that probley most everything here was home made down to possibly milling there own flour too. It was nice though knowing this stuff had no extra stuff added to it that was not needed.

   "Mmmm...I don't know you could even be replaced in her heart. Even when she gets married you will still always be there. It does have to be comforting know though she'll be taken care of. I think for me I would be like that."

Keeping his eyes locked with her's for as long as she was near He couldn't help the grin the just cheeped even more across her lips at her comment. Feeling her hand on his shoulder Rosalyn's touch was light, soft, they were hands of someone who cared, and worked hard.  But behind that there was something that was missing. Almost like she wanted something more but felt caged at time. Chad wondered about the look, and if maybe there was something more there.

   "Who knows maybe the water in my lap would help me come to my senses because I don't think my brothers kicking is doing any good."

Turning back around and taking his glass to give it a sip Chad couldn't help the smile that twinkled in his eyes though his lips held non. Watching as Rosalyn made her way around the table Chad finally started to eat his food again. Starting up a small conversation with someone else to give his shin a little rest from being kicked. Something told him though this wouldn't be the last encounter with the woman who had turned his head.

Holding out his glass for Rosalyn Mark gives a smile at her and a nod of thanks before taking Tina's glass to and having it refilled. Looking up at Rosalyn his look was one that was slightly apoligetic. 

   "Sorry about my brother, he's not normally so...flirty with a woman. I think this is the first time I ever heard him speak a poem too. It's very out of the ordinary and I have no idea whats gotten into him."

Lucky Man

"Mm... that's for sure." Jeff's eyes drop for a moment as he recalls his recent hospital stay. Though it had not been a major heart attack, without help, things could have turned out much differently. If he had to find one real reason to keep going, it would be Katie. He wouldn't mind leaving this world, but maybe he'd realized that she wasn't ready to be fatherless just yet. 

Glancing back up at April, for the first time he notices how deep her eyes are. There was a strange hint if tiredness there, yet life and energy sparkled. Her soft golden hair accented her face, almost seeming to make her cheeks glow. She was quiet yet confident... reserved, but fun-loving...  soft, but strong. It was written in her eyes... her posture... her words. It was as if a book had suddenly opened itself for him to read - but not until this moment. Then, just as quickly, it was shut again, leaving him feeling as though he were gazing at a mystery. 

A soft smile remains on his lips as he turns back to his food, picking through the lettuce and not finding much he really likes to eat. "I guess I'll consider that my invitation then." Looking back up, his smile spreads a little more. "It'll give me another reason to try and make it to Nevada one of these days soon."

He glances to the side where Katie and Hunter were caught in a short moment of flirting, and Jeff quirks an eyebrow at April. "That is, if I haven't been replaced." He knew he hadn't, and it was a comment all in good fun - he was actually glad that Katie would have someone back in Nevada, if she no longer had Jason. 

Approaching Chad, Rosalyn smiles sweetly as she retrieves his glass. Being this close, she tries hard not to stare, but it wasn't as easy as she'd thought. From a few tables away, she'd thought he was an attractive man, and now just inches away, it was downright obvious that he was. He had a rough look about him, as if he'd had a hard life at one time, yet his eyes were somehow soft. His almost-shaggy hair gave him a look of rebellion, yet he seemed to be a gentleman for the most part. 

As Rosalyn pours the water, she can feel her cheeks growing warm as she tries not to think about how handsome he was. If she was too obvious, she'd get razzed later for sure. Catching a whiff of his cologne, the redness in her face only intensifies - not only did he look good, but he smelled good too.

Setting the glass down and ready to retreat, Chad's sudden words seem to glue her feet in their place. Her eyes widen just a little, and the redness in her face that was already there, increases ten fold. With mouth slightly open, she blinks, caught completely off guard, and, for a moment, rendered speechless, which was a rarity. Locking eyes with Chad, she can't decide if she's more embarrassed or pleased. She knows, though, that anybody with that loose of a tongue must surely treat all the girls this way. 

Mark's chiding gives her a moment to straighten up and compose herself, although her face is still beet red. Squaring her shoulders, her sparking eyes narrow, her mouth twitching with withheld laughter. "You sir, are a flirt." She reaches out to pat his shoulder.... his very... firm... shoulder. "And you are also a very lucky man that I don't pour this water in your lap. But I'll refrain since it's not often I hear a man recite poetry." 

Shaking her head, her feet will finally let her move and she comes around to Mark, offering him water as well. 


Giving a smirk at Rosalyn something told him her threat was empty and she'd never feel him something that didn't taste good. It was a feeling he wouldn't test just in case but non the less he smirks at her before returning to his meal and letting a little bit of silence rain.

Returning the smile to Jeff April's face lights up just a little more. Studying Jeff for a moment but doing her best not to make it completely obvious she could see where Katie got her good looks. Though she'd never seen her mother it was clear she did look more like her father, and he was very handsome.

   "Mmmm...Yeah life has a way of getting in the way sometimes it sure is good about that. Have to take every day as it comes though you never know when it might be the last and God calls us home."

Letting her eyes search Jeff's tired face she new a little of his background and how he'd been sick from Katie to what extent she wasn't sure. Katie loved her dad very much and had been worried about him. April now understood why though. He was sweet, seemed like he had a funny side and though he never said it there was just something there about his faith. Maybe it was his experience in life but he was strong for sure.

   "Alright good, we'd love to have you and Katie come."

As Rosalyn comes around with the water Chad can't help but smile a little more as she draws close. She was slightly on the shorter side, and thin, he though it was cute and just the way her hair seemed to fall around her shoulders it almost looked like strands of golden thread. How could he not notice her, someone really had to be blind not to see how pretty she was.

   "I'll take some more please and thank you."

When Rosalyn comes closer Chad holds up his glass still grinning. Getting a whif of what he'd guess was Rosalyn's shampoo he couldn't help but smile more. It sure did smell good and made his scenes tingle.  Not to mention up close he could just see how deep her eyes were. 

   "Blue Eyes, Bluer than  the bluest skies, Deeper than the oceans of my mind, It has been such a long time, Since I saw the light of day, Locked away in a cage, but your light will lead the way, your eyes, blue eyes I will never stray."

Stopping what he was doing Mark looks over to his brother his eyes going slightly wide for a second. What on earth was he doing, reciting poems now? To someone he didn't even know, to...she...looked so young, and he was, was he crazy?

   "Chad, maybe you should finish eating before you get us kicked out of here when we just came huh?"

Not taking his gase away from Rosalyn Chad lets his smile grow a little more as his heart beats. It had been a long time since he'd felt this feeling, and let his heart beat this fast. There was just something about her he couldn't describe but it was there.

   "Thank you for the water Rosalyn."


Even though Chad's statement was broken off, Clint smirks. "Ha! Ain't no "looks like" about it. She is a wildcat."

Hearing them both, Rosalyn looks up again to first stick her tongue out at Clint, then swing a defiant glare mixed with humor in Chad's direction. "Watch it. Or your next piece of chicken might not taste this good." 

Jeff grins as he takes a careful bite of his salad. "I suppose I could see about doing that." Church groups, big or small, didn't bother him a bit - he was a little surprised his daughter would be nervous though, and wondered if that was her only reason. She'd been going to that church for quite a while now, as far as he knew.

Watching April, his eyes study her. "I've been meaning to get myself over to Nevada for a while now, it just... hasn't happened. Bein' away from Katie though... that's one of the hardest things for me." 

He forces a small smile. "I'll see what I can do about that small group though."

It was a few minutes later when Rosalyn chances another look down at the other table, noticing that several people were just about out of water. Catching her mom's eye, she nods. She'd take care of it. 

Getting up, she goes to the kitchen first, the returns with a pitcher of ice water. Coming over to the table, she nods at the newcomers, keeping herself from a further smirk at Chad. "Can I get anybody anymore water?" she offers.

Wild Cat

Still keeping the smile on his lips Chad could tell Rosalyn was not use to having complements. Why he didn't know though when the food was good, and she was pretty enough to just get complements from that. It was a bit strange but if he made her feel at least a little bit good than he was happy.

Looking back down at his plate of food and taking a bite Chad looks up again as the commotion that was going on and the many faces that tried not to laugh. Just wanted Clint and Rosalyn it was easy to tell they were related. Not just because they looked alike but because they argued and bantered like it as well.

Continuing to just watch Chad can't help a few of his own laughs that slipped out. Rosalyn's laugh seemed to spread like a wild fire, and he couldn't help but think out much more pretty she looked smiling big and bright like she was at this moment. It was very captivating and intoxicating.

Watching her go back to her seat his eyes stay on her for a moment as the corner of his mouth twitches. Taking a few more bites of his food Chad is quiet as he just enjoys the meal. It was very intrusting here, and the personality he saw were different from most everyone else. As Clint comes back to his place and sits down Chad looks up at him.

   "You better look out, it seems like you have a wild cat for a sister...Oh OW!"

 Giving a soft smile to Jeff and taking a sip of her milk and than patting her mouth lightly she give a nod to Jeff. The commotion going on around her catching her attachen for a moment long enough to hear Chad's comment and than give him a little kick under the table for it. Bringing her focus back to Jeff.

   "Yep, we all met Katie when she started going to our church in Nevada. She helped out a few times with me in the nursery and thats how we started talking. I introduced her to the others and the rest is history."

Using her fork to break off a peace of her chicken for a moment April has a hard time trying to get her fork to work the way she wanted to but her hands would just not cooperate with her. Feeling a little silly she gives a small laugh before just picking the chicken up and taking a small bite and than putting it down again. 

   "We have been trying to get Katie to come to our small group with us to meet more people. I think she is a little nervous about it though. Maybe if you come to visit her sometime you could convince her to come and you can come too. Maybe that would make her feel a little better, don't you think?"


For a few minutes, it seems a little chaotic at that end of the dining room, but Jeff doesn't really mind. He wasn't really settled in yet anyway. Being introduced to the four visitors, he kind of recalls Katie maybe mentioning their names, and he thinks he remembers her saying something about church, but he wasn't positive. Then again, sometimes he wondered if he'd remember his own name if he had to. 

Quietly greeting the group, he helps move the tables around and finds his seat again, along with his plate of food - or, his partial plate of food. He'd bypassed the fried chicken tonight and had stuck with a small salad and some cottage cheese in an attempt to keep something down. 

Across from April, he'd just been letting everybody chat amongst themselves, but being addressed, he smiles. He might never admit it, but knowing Katie talked about him warmed his heart. He chuckles lightly. "Well, I'm not sure just how much can be said about me, but I'm glad whatever she told you must have been good." 

Pausing, he takes a sip of his water, hoping he didn't look as worn out today as he felt. The last few days had been good - today it seemed it had just caught up to him though, to remind him he still needed rest. "I think I remember Katie mentioning your name, but you'll have to forgive me - sometimes my memory isn't what it should be. She knows all of you from church?" 

Sitting at a nearby table, Rosalyn watches with interest as the group comes in and gets settled. Picking some crispy pieces off her chicken, she nibbles on it as she observes the newcomers and tries to put the pieces together about who they were. Obviously friends of Katie. They seemed nice - all smiling at least. The taller guy seemed to be somewhat of a cutup, reminding her a little of Clint. Not realizing it, she watches the man as he starts to eat, unable to help her curiosity at the tattoo near his wrist, and then wondering if there was significance to the bracelet he wore. Not many guys around here wore anything other than wristwatches, if that.

Suddenly realizing Katie had pointed her way and seeing Chad look in her direction, her eyes drop down to her plate. But glancing up again, it's just in time to catch his wink and she can feel her cheeks grow warm - and even warmer at his compliment. She can't help a smile though as she shakes her head and thumbs to Becky across her table. "I just steal her recipes." It wasn't easy for her to take a compliment, especially from a stranger. She didn't like to admit she was a good cook... she rather enjoyed staying in the background and letting others take the credit. Besides, she really did just follow Becky... most of the time. Although maybe Katie knew that she'd been doing more and more of the actual cooking lately. 

"You're welcome though..." Her eyes linger on Chad for another moment or two, the heat remaining in her face until she finally drops her gaze again to take another bite of chicken.

"Awwwww no!"

Rosalyn's eyes shoot up and over a couple tables to Clint to see what on earth was going on, and she has to stifle a snicker. 

Clint presses a napkin to his shirt where he'd just spilled almost his whole glass of iced tea. He wasn't even sure how it had happened. He'd been going to take a sip when he'd turned to talk to Luke and it had just.... spilled. Several people were trying not to laugh, but all he could do was roll his eyes. He seemed to be the center of attention even when he didn't try.

Feeling sorry for her brother, Rosalyn gets up, shaking her head, and goes to his table, picking up his now-empty glass. She was in the habit of serving at the tables anyway. "Here, let me get you some more. Do you need a towel?" 

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Clint swats at her hand. "I'll get more myself."

"No, it's okay, I'm already up."

"So go sit back down!" Clint stands up, also taking hold of the glass and stepping too closely to Rosalyn, knocking her off balance. 

Teetering, she grabs at him so she doesn't fall over. "Clint! Watch what you're doing!"

"Well quit standing in my way!"

"I'm just trying to help!" Rosalyn yanks the glass out of his hand and gives a huff, sending a wisp of hair out of her face. "So sit back down." 

"Not on your life." 

Rosalyn's eyes narrow as she tries not to smile. She could see the laughter in her brother's eyes and could cream him. "Alright. Fine. We both go to the kitchen." Quicker than he could react, she'd pulled his shirt halfway over his head and spun him around, shoving him towards the kitchen. 

"Hey! Cut it out!" Clint wails and tries to free himself, but when he does, he finds himself in a headlock being dragged along by Rosalyn. All he has left, if he didn't really want to hurt her, was tickling. 

Being tickled in the ribs, Rosalyn shrieks and dances sideways, trying to maintain her grip on Clint - and the glass - proving to be quite difficult. "Stop it! Stop it!" Her laughter bubbles over until she finally has to let him go and they both stand breathing heavily at the doorway. She finally rolls her eyes and smacks him in the chest with the glass. "You win. Get your own tea." She looks down at herself, realizing his wet shirt had gotten her a bit wet as well. "Thanks alot." 

"You're blaming me?!" 

Rosalyn reaches up to give him a hearty whack to the side of the head before composing herself and walking daintily back to her seat. 

Sparks already?

Katie can't help but laugh at Clint again. It was way to easy to pick on him and rial him up to just let the opportunity pass by. They did always come as perfectly as they had this time. Looking back to Hunter and giving a smile Katie's hand slips into his giving it a light squeeze.

Chad can't help the slightly excited look on his face at the sound of all the food. He mouth watered just thinking about it and he couldn't help his eyes seemed to twinkle. He was like a little kid in a candy shop. It wasn't till Mark gave him a elbow to the gut a little bit that his chest deflates and he sinks down just a little bit.

   "That sounds great than. Thanks so much for letting us join you. I can tell already Katie was right, this is such a God filled place you can just feel it."

 Watching Kaylee take off once again Katie pauses for a second and laughs. A even bigger smile spreads across her lips as she see Mick and Rosetta come through the door. She loved watching how her Uncle interacted with the younger kids. He was so good with them she wondered sometimes why He and Rosetta never had a child but than she figured they had BJ and maybe that was there plan, and they needed nothing more.

Catching sight to movement behind Mick and Rosetta Katie was slightly surprised to see her friends. Pushing her chair out and standing Katie goes over to the smiling and slightly excited giving April a large Hug.

   "April, Chad, Mark, Tina...you guys really came. Oh wow, I am so happy you guys caught me before I left. Wow...I just...its so funny you guys are here. Please come in...Dad can we pull this table closer a little and that way we can all eat together?"

   "Sure we can sit at the table with you dad. We don't mind."

   "You're giving us free food of course we don't mind."

   "Chad do you have to be so rude?"

   "And how am I being rude Tina?"

April just rolls her eyes as everyone gets situated and than she helps bring more food out for them. Setting down there places a little bit of light chatter starts as a few more people were introduced. Being welcomed in like they had been here for days really felt nice and April was happy she choose to come after all.

Looking across the table at Jeff April just study's him for a long moment giving a small smile and taking a sip of her milk. Katie had told her lots about her father and now getting to meet this famous hero was an honor.

   "Katie talks about about you Jeff. You mean a lot to her...I'm happy I have finally got to meet you."

Not being able to help but keep eating Chad loved the food. It tasted so good, some of the best food he had, had in a while. April and Tina liked to cook but it was always from a hotel kitchen and that was limited this...this was something even better. 

Rolling up his sleeves and than moving the bracelet he wore with the iron clasp down it wasn't often he rolls his sleeves up to show his tattoos to people who just met him. He was use to being judged by them before actually getting to know him and how strong his faith was. but here he was comfortable and thought maybe this would be different.

   "Man this is so good. I feel like I haven't eaten in week...you guys must have a famous chef here or something."

Giving a laugh and looking around Hunter a little bit at Chad Katie shakes her head and nods it at the same time before pointing down to Becky and Rosalyn. They were great cooks she would admit and if they every wanted a career path she bet they could becomes chefs.

   "Not famous but I bet they could be. Rosalyn and Becky do most of the cooking for us and boy do they do a good job."

Looking down the tables at the younger girl Katie had pointed out as Rosalyn Chad couldn't help but just take her all in. Her long hair was so pretty it seemed to shine in the sun light, and her eyes were so blue and deep it was like drowning in a pool but not suffocating from it. 

Feeling another jab to the side from Mark Chad shakes his head a little bit before grinning and throwing Rosalyn a wink. She was very pretty indeed and that matched her good good.

  "Well, your a great cook, and I'd eat your food any day. Thanks."