

Giving a smirk at Rosalyn something told him her threat was empty and she'd never feel him something that didn't taste good. It was a feeling he wouldn't test just in case but non the less he smirks at her before returning to his meal and letting a little bit of silence rain.

Returning the smile to Jeff April's face lights up just a little more. Studying Jeff for a moment but doing her best not to make it completely obvious she could see where Katie got her good looks. Though she'd never seen her mother it was clear she did look more like her father, and he was very handsome.

   "Mmmm...Yeah life has a way of getting in the way sometimes it sure is good about that. Have to take every day as it comes though you never know when it might be the last and God calls us home."

Letting her eyes search Jeff's tired face she new a little of his background and how he'd been sick from Katie to what extent she wasn't sure. Katie loved her dad very much and had been worried about him. April now understood why though. He was sweet, seemed like he had a funny side and though he never said it there was just something there about his faith. Maybe it was his experience in life but he was strong for sure.

   "Alright good, we'd love to have you and Katie come."

As Rosalyn comes around with the water Chad can't help but smile a little more as she draws close. She was slightly on the shorter side, and thin, he though it was cute and just the way her hair seemed to fall around her shoulders it almost looked like strands of golden thread. How could he not notice her, someone really had to be blind not to see how pretty she was.

   "I'll take some more please and thank you."

When Rosalyn comes closer Chad holds up his glass still grinning. Getting a whif of what he'd guess was Rosalyn's shampoo he couldn't help but smile more. It sure did smell good and made his scenes tingle.  Not to mention up close he could just see how deep her eyes were. 

   "Blue Eyes, Bluer than  the bluest skies, Deeper than the oceans of my mind, It has been such a long time, Since I saw the light of day, Locked away in a cage, but your light will lead the way, your eyes, blue eyes I will never stray."

Stopping what he was doing Mark looks over to his brother his eyes going slightly wide for a second. What on earth was he doing, reciting poems now? To someone he didn't even know, to...she...looked so young, and he was, was he crazy?

   "Chad, maybe you should finish eating before you get us kicked out of here when we just came huh?"

Not taking his gase away from Rosalyn Chad lets his smile grow a little more as his heart beats. It had been a long time since he'd felt this feeling, and let his heart beat this fast. There was just something about her he couldn't describe but it was there.

   "Thank you for the water Rosalyn."

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