
I'm right here...

Relief wasn't half of what Justin felt as the man accepts the money and bolts from the restaurant. He may have succeeded in robbery, but it was a cheap price to pay for Beth's safety. 

Seeing her fall, Justin immediately slides down on the floor next to her before he sees the blood running down from the cut on her head. "Somebody get a clean towel and some ice," he orders. Glancing up, he sees no one moving and he throws several people a glare that could kill. "Now!" 

Finally as someone obeys, he puts his attention back to Beth. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulls her close to him, pressing one hand firmly to the wound on her head. "Shh... shh.. it's okay... you're okay, Beth. You're safe. I'm right here." 

Rocking her slightly, he closes his eyes, feeling the adrenaline still surging through his veins. He couldn't remember a time he'd been so scared. Thank you, God.

Not letting Beth go, Justin tries to comfort her and calm her down. He couldn't imagine how frightened she must have been. He kisses the top of her head and rubs her arm gently, still hugging her close. "Shhh..." 

Feeling a hand on his shoulder, he looks up quickly to see one of the Mexican cooks with a dishtowel wrapped around some ice. Giving the dark man a grateful nod, Justin accepts the makeshift icepack and presses it gently to the gash on Beth's head. "Just relax," he coaxes. "It's gonna be alright. It's all over." 

The wail of a siren is suddenly heard and Justin is even more relieved the law was finally here. There was no chance the robber would try to come back here for shelter now. "The police are here," he comforts Beth softly. "Everything's okay." 

For a few minutes, the commotion in the restaurant picks up as people clamor to try and explain to the police officers what had happened. Justin remains on the floor with Beth, ignoring it all until one of the officers kneels down next to them. 

"Is she hurt badly?" 

Justin shakes his head. "The guy had her at gunpoint then shoved her into the counter. She hit her head on the way down." He lifts the ice for a moment so the policeman could see. 

The man grimaces. "Looks like she might need some stitches. Let me call for an ambulance just to be on the safe side, then we can get a statement at the hospital." Standing, he converses with a fellow officer who makes the call. 

Justin rocks Beth a little more, knowing that this whole ordeal was not going to be easy for her to forget. "We're gonna go to the hospital," he explains gently, "so we can make sure this cut is taken care of. I'm not going to leave you though - I'll be with you the whole time, okay?"

Jeff smiles and returns Rosetta's hug, giving a soft chuckle. "Well, I'm just as glad to be back here. Dinners weren't the same at the hospital, period." He rolls his eyes. 

Sighing, he looks around for a moment, then shrugs. "Guess I'll go hang out in my bunk for a while 'til supper. I'm pretty tired." 

Hunter glances down at Katie's fingers on his arm and he grins. Taking her hand, he plays with her fingers. "Mmm... a walk sounds nice. But I have a feeling I'll get more points if I help out in the barn. I gotta change clothes though... meet you in the barn in ten minutes?" 

Hearing someone coming down the hall, Jared cocks his head to listen. Seeing Grace enter the room, he immediately smiles. Her presence alone broke up the monotony of such a boring day. 

"I'm doing okay," he responds, shrugging. As okay as he could be, anyway. 

The suggestion of going outside makes his eyes light up a little more. "That... sounds like fun. I mean hey, if I'm gonna be in pain, I might as well enjoy the scenery while I'm at it, right?" 

His grin evolves into one of slyness, implying that he wasn't just talking about the scenery of the backyard itself. Pulling back his blanket, he looks down at his immobile legs and sighs. At least he could wear comfy sweat pants and a t-shirt now that he was out of the hospital. Not that it helped much. 

Managing to sit up straight, he eyes the nearby wheelchair. There were no nurses to help out here... it was just him and Grace to get this done now. 


Beth's eyes stay on Justin as she watches him, listens in this moment she was scared out of her mind but something about his voice it seemed soothing. As Justin moves around the room a little bit Beth can feel the barrel of the gun press against her head a little harder and she tenses. No...this was not how she wanted to go out, not like her parents, not to be shot in cold blood, she couldn't she couldn't leave her sister when everyone else had, and Justin how could she leave him now when they had just started there adventure together.

Whimpering Beth can't help the tears that rolled down her cheek as she closed her eyes. She didn't want to see anything else, she didn't want to think about anything else she just wanted this moment to be over. This was a nightmare, something she hadn't expected. Was it because she had let her guard down? Could this have been avoided?

Still holding the woman the robbers eyes followed Justin there piercing gaze following every movement just waiting for him to try something stupid. Why he was doing this, why this other man was risking his life for a girl could only mean they must be connected. But the robber couldn't be all to weary.

As the money is held out to him the robber just looks at it before looking to Justin and than looking to the money again. Giving Beth a strong push forward the robber grabs the money before turning to leave about as quick as he came.

Being pushed forward Beth didn't have time to react as she falls into the counter and hits her head against the side. Feeling the extremely sharp pain she lets out a wail before bringing her legs to her chest and just holding them. Tears steaming out of her eyes...pain from her head, pain from what happens, and pain from memories she did not want to think about.

If other tried to help her it went unnoticed by Beth...the only person she wanted was Justin, and to go home to the safety of her house. The warm wet feeling of blood that dripped down the side of her face was the least of her worrys. She didn't want to be here, she didn't want to be alone, Justin...where was Justin.


Beth cried out as she trembled. Her eyes were squeezed shut tight as she just tried to black everything out. This was not his fault, she would not take it out on him she just wanted his comfort now, she wanted to know someone was close, and that he cared!

Box of Rocks

Watching Beth try her food for the first time, Justin just smiles. She'd had so many experiences... had lived on her own, survived in the world and a traumatic past.... yet had still remained so sheltered as well. It was an interesting combination - one that was fascinating to Justin's mind. 

Eating his own fajitas, he enjoys it very much. It was a good little restaurant with tasty food. He might have to come back here again sometime, and if Beth liked it, maybe this could be one of their places to fall back on if they couldn't think of anything else to do.

Chatting while they ate, Justin thoroughly enjoys himself. It was as if finally the barriers were gone and he was more relaxed than he had been in a long time. It was different, not worrying about giving the wrong impressions or being leery about being affectionate... but he liked it. It wasn't something new to him, but knowing it was to Beth, he took things slow and felt happy just watching her enjoy herself. 

As she leaves to use the restroom, Justin leans back in his seat and sighs with content. He had eaten too much, but it really had tasted good. Maybe Beth would take a walk with him or something so he could walk off some of the food. 

Paying little attention to who was coming and going, when someone screams, Justin gives a jump. Looking quickly to the counter, he sees several customers duck and run from the room - a waitress duck down behind the counter, and someone else go for a phone but stop as a gun is brandished. For a moment, it felt like a bad cop movie. But it was no movie, and this guy was obviously not acting. 

Heart thumping, Justin slowly reaches down to his pocket for his cell phone. Come on, girl, he thinks to the whimpering waitress. Just give him what he wants.

Dialing 911, Justin leaves his cell phone on the seat beside him, letting the call go through but not daring to speak, lest the robber see him. If they could just give him what he wanted and get him to leave, everyone would be fine.

"No! You can't do this!"

Justin grits his teeth, thinking how stupid the restaurant manager was. Who would argue with an armed robber? It was ridiculous! The manager was going to get someone killed for surely a small amount of money that was in the cash register. 

Then it happens. Seeing Beth, there's not enough time to warn her before she's grabbed and a gun put to her head. Without even thinking, Justin's on his feet in an instant, twenty feet from the scene. Locking eyes with hers, he immediately sees her terror and his gut twists. No... no, this couldn't be happening. Not Beth. Not like this. God, please no

"Aw, come on, man." Justin had no idea where his calm yet perturbed words were coming from. He rolls his eyes and takes one step closer. "Don't pick on a girl - that's lower  than you wanna go." 

He removes his eyes from Beth to look at the assailant instead. His heart felt like it would beat right out of his chest and sweat trickles down the back of his neck. His body screamed at him to lunge and yank Beth out of danger - but his mind stopped him, knowing that one wrong move could get them both killed. 

"Obviously you just want cash," he reasons, his voice remaining calm, even when there's a shriek from the adjoining room when a woman catches sight of the scene for the first time. "I know you don't want to hurt anybody. If anybody had half a brain, they'd know that you just need some quick cash. We all do. Everybody's out of work, gas prices are through the roof - hey, I'd like some easy money, myself." 

Wandering around behind the counter, he gives the manager a good hard warning glare. "How about we open this thing up and just give the cash to him, huh? He deserves it. I mean, look at him. He's got his routine down pat and we don't want him to shoot anybody. Do you know how many customers you'd lose if you let a girl get killed in here? Besides, blood is hard to get out of the carpet." 

Shaking, the manager finally does as suggested and opens up the register. Justin gathers up all of the bills he could see and comes back around to the other side of the counter, daring several steps closer to the robber. He holds out the cash. "Here. It's not the lottery, but you've got enough here to combat those gas prices and ridiculous government taxes that are driving us all insane. At least you know how to do your job well - I really am impressed. Not everybody could pull off a job like this." 

Justin keeps the money outstretched. "Door's open. If I were you, I'd hightail it before anybody sees what's happening and calls the cops. Take it from me. The police around here are dumber than a box of rocks, but sometimes they get lucky, so you might wanna take advantage of your two-minute window."


Looking up at the should of the knock Rosetta gives a smile to Jeff. She new he would be back today and that Hunter and Katie had went to get him. Actually having him back here though was a releaf, and made Rosetta happy. It just didn't seem the same without one of her brothers around.

   "Jeff, Welcome home."

Standing and going over to her brother to give him a strong embrace Rosetta just holds it for a long few seconds. Really happy to see him home Rosetta was thankful her brother would be around a while longer. This had been a close call that scared the crap out of her.

   "You're looking much better than the last time I saw you thats for sure. It really is great to gave you home. Wasn't the same without your laughter at dinner."

Coming a little closer to Hunter and laying a hand on his arm Katie gives a smile. She was happy he'd come with her today even though he was sore. It meant a lot to her more than Hunter would ever know.

   "See thats the thing about being here its more of a take is as it comes kind of thing, more than a plan your day. As long as chores are done in the morning, and if they need help at night you can."

Letting her fingers walk up Hunter's arm Katie just chuckles finding it humors in her own way but not really knowing why, maybe it was just one of those days.

   "We could always take a walk if you want or see if there is work in the barn?"

Looking down at the menu Beth scans everything. She had no idea what any of it was so she had to read each description taking her a little bit longer. Finally thinking maybe she found something the only way she really would know was by trying it. 

   "I think I am going to try the chicken casadea. It sounds pretty good."

Smiling at Justin and waiting for the waiter to come over Beth keeps the chatter with Justin light. Talking about there days, what they had been up too and how work for both sucked keeping them from spending time with each other. But they both agreed finally being able to get together it felt extra special.

Finally after only waiting a short while there food comes. Looking down at her plate it was bigger than she thought it would be but it looks so yummy Beth was excited to eat it. Taking a bite and chewing she looked up at Justin he eyes slightly wide.


Those were the only words she said as she went in to eat some more. Who could not like this treat. It was chicken, cheese, spices and it was oh so good. Beth thought maybe he found her newest favoret dish to eat.

The night continues on as normal people coming in and out of the restront. It was a busy little place but only in spirts so it wasn't to uncomfortable. Just sitting with Justin at the table dinner was long over but she wasn't ready to go, not yet anyways.

   "I'll be right back I just have to run to the restroom."

Getting up and heading to the bathroom Beth wasn't long but she was long enough to have bad timing. Coming back out of the bathroom to join Hunter again she runs smack dab in the middle of a robbery. The music in the bathroom had been louder than out in the dining area so she had no idea till it was to late. 

Seeing the opportunity to get the upper hand the robber who was tall and rather broad spotted Beth and in one quick moment he has her in a tight hold his gun pointed at her, his eyes blazing with anger, fear, and determination.

   "Give me all the money or I'll shoot the girl. No one try anything heroic either or your goin to have a bigger mess than some missing money."

Not even knowing what happened right away Beth trys to squirm getting away from the gunmen but can't. Feeling the cold steel of the gun on her skin she knows now to struggle anymore as her heart races. Her eyes filled with fear as she finds Justin and her eyes pierces his. A few tears rolled down her cheek as now...now she wished they had just stayed home.

Having her bag and making her way to the door Graces gives a knock. Seeing Jared's mom was the one that opened it she smiles to her and gives her greeting. She as happy that they had come to an understatement on what needed to be done to help Jared and yet would not be to stressful on his mom as well. The last thing Grace wanted to do was put her own health in jeopardy too.

Being pointed in the right direction Grave gives a knock on Jared's door before entering. Seeing him her smile grows slightly as she enters.

   "Hey there Jared. How are you today? It's a nice day out again. I was thinking if maybe you wanted to get outside for a little bit we could do what we need to in the back yard and enjoy the sunshine."

Alice's smile grows as she see her friends excitement. It was nice to see everyone so excited and the encouragement they gave each other. It was refreshing and made her get even more excited herself. What seemed so far away, seemed so close it was an odd sensation.

   "Ok, good because I'd hate to have to beg."

Just letting her eyes beam Alice couldn't help how excited she was. She'd found love again and felt so content with it. God had been good to her indeed and she couldn't ask for anything more in like than what she had right now.