
Box of Rocks

Watching Beth try her food for the first time, Justin just smiles. She'd had so many experiences... had lived on her own, survived in the world and a traumatic past.... yet had still remained so sheltered as well. It was an interesting combination - one that was fascinating to Justin's mind. 

Eating his own fajitas, he enjoys it very much. It was a good little restaurant with tasty food. He might have to come back here again sometime, and if Beth liked it, maybe this could be one of their places to fall back on if they couldn't think of anything else to do.

Chatting while they ate, Justin thoroughly enjoys himself. It was as if finally the barriers were gone and he was more relaxed than he had been in a long time. It was different, not worrying about giving the wrong impressions or being leery about being affectionate... but he liked it. It wasn't something new to him, but knowing it was to Beth, he took things slow and felt happy just watching her enjoy herself. 

As she leaves to use the restroom, Justin leans back in his seat and sighs with content. He had eaten too much, but it really had tasted good. Maybe Beth would take a walk with him or something so he could walk off some of the food. 

Paying little attention to who was coming and going, when someone screams, Justin gives a jump. Looking quickly to the counter, he sees several customers duck and run from the room - a waitress duck down behind the counter, and someone else go for a phone but stop as a gun is brandished. For a moment, it felt like a bad cop movie. But it was no movie, and this guy was obviously not acting. 

Heart thumping, Justin slowly reaches down to his pocket for his cell phone. Come on, girl, he thinks to the whimpering waitress. Just give him what he wants.

Dialing 911, Justin leaves his cell phone on the seat beside him, letting the call go through but not daring to speak, lest the robber see him. If they could just give him what he wanted and get him to leave, everyone would be fine.

"No! You can't do this!"

Justin grits his teeth, thinking how stupid the restaurant manager was. Who would argue with an armed robber? It was ridiculous! The manager was going to get someone killed for surely a small amount of money that was in the cash register. 

Then it happens. Seeing Beth, there's not enough time to warn her before she's grabbed and a gun put to her head. Without even thinking, Justin's on his feet in an instant, twenty feet from the scene. Locking eyes with hers, he immediately sees her terror and his gut twists. No... no, this couldn't be happening. Not Beth. Not like this. God, please no

"Aw, come on, man." Justin had no idea where his calm yet perturbed words were coming from. He rolls his eyes and takes one step closer. "Don't pick on a girl - that's lower  than you wanna go." 

He removes his eyes from Beth to look at the assailant instead. His heart felt like it would beat right out of his chest and sweat trickles down the back of his neck. His body screamed at him to lunge and yank Beth out of danger - but his mind stopped him, knowing that one wrong move could get them both killed. 

"Obviously you just want cash," he reasons, his voice remaining calm, even when there's a shriek from the adjoining room when a woman catches sight of the scene for the first time. "I know you don't want to hurt anybody. If anybody had half a brain, they'd know that you just need some quick cash. We all do. Everybody's out of work, gas prices are through the roof - hey, I'd like some easy money, myself." 

Wandering around behind the counter, he gives the manager a good hard warning glare. "How about we open this thing up and just give the cash to him, huh? He deserves it. I mean, look at him. He's got his routine down pat and we don't want him to shoot anybody. Do you know how many customers you'd lose if you let a girl get killed in here? Besides, blood is hard to get out of the carpet." 

Shaking, the manager finally does as suggested and opens up the register. Justin gathers up all of the bills he could see and comes back around to the other side of the counter, daring several steps closer to the robber. He holds out the cash. "Here. It's not the lottery, but you've got enough here to combat those gas prices and ridiculous government taxes that are driving us all insane. At least you know how to do your job well - I really am impressed. Not everybody could pull off a job like this." 

Justin keeps the money outstretched. "Door's open. If I were you, I'd hightail it before anybody sees what's happening and calls the cops. Take it from me. The police around here are dumber than a box of rocks, but sometimes they get lucky, so you might wanna take advantage of your two-minute window."

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