
Soft Spot

As Hunter and Jay interact Katie just watches again. Taking everything in with her arm still around Jay all she can do is smile. She liked being able to introduce Hunter he was her friend and she was proud of him for making the choose to come here and try to work on things.

   "See I told you Hunter. That's why I suggested you come here because its the best. With great hearted people."

Hearing Jay was going to stick around for a few days made Katie even happier. That means they could catch up a little bit later together and Katie would be looking forward to that. It had been far to long.

   "Oh good. Hunter and I were going to head to the hospital but when we get back maybe we can do some catching up. I'd like that."

Coming in farther Misty sits on the edge of Jason's desk and thinks for a moment about his question. She was happy he seemed excited about doing a cook out at the park. It was going to be a very nice day, and evening. Sitting in a house, or apartment just seemed like a wast a wast to her.

   "Well I was thinking about inviting Alec along. He didn't say it but I could tell he had a really nice time."

Thinking for a second Misty swings her legs just a little bit. She couldn't tell now if Jason's question was because he didn't want Alec to come along or if it was JUST a question.

   "Unless you would rather it just be us. It was just nice to see him smile the other night and he seemed to take a liking to you. He's far from perfect but it sure seemed like he is trying."

Misty gives a little shrug before looking down at her finger to go for the band that was always there to spin it. This time though it was gone and it sent a pang through her heart. Was she being foolish letting Alec stay with her and trying to help him out? She'd been wrong with Carson!

   "I guess...I have a soft spot of the Banks. Do you think I'm a fool for trying to help Alec out?"

Common Ground

Wrapping his arms tightly around Katie, Jay smiles, although traces of tears might be found in his eyes. "Hey, you..." 

Dad. She still always called him Dad, and every time, it made Jay's heart feel warm. After everything, it wouldn't have been surprising if she'd rejected him completely, perhaps accepting him only as an uncle. But she did more than that. She'd forgiven him, and she'd let him retain his status as "one" of her dads. 

"Mmm, I've missed you so much." 

Turning with her, he keeps his arm slung over her shoulders and looks at Hunter curiously. A friend, huh? Jeff had told him before leaving, what Trent had said on the phone - that Katie was going through a rough patch and that she'd broken up with Jason. It was somehow interesting that she had a male friend with her now. Jay wondered if Hunter was somehow intertwined into the problems back in Nevada, or if he was just someone who thought a visit to a ranch would be cool.

"Hi, Hunter. Nice to meet you." Jay extends his hand. 

Listening to Katie, Hunter quirks an eyebrow. Dad? This was... wait... but Jeff... ohhh, so this was the guy Katie had been raised with until finding out later he was an uncle. It was quite the little web to wrap his mind around, but it was making a little more sense now. 

He accepts the handshake with a nod. "Nice to meet you too."

"Staying long?"

"Ah, well..." Hunter glances at Katie then back to Jay. "I suppose you might say I'm a guy who doesn't like planning all that much." 

Jay chuckles. "In other words, you have no idea."

"Yes." Hunter nods, grinning. "Yes, that's about right." 

"Well, there's not a finer place to be, I'll guarantee that." Jay gives Katie's shoulders a squeeze before kissing the top of her head and smiling down at her. "I gotta go throw my stuff in one of the bunkhouses. I'm gonna stick around for a few days." 

Having been concentrating hard on his work to keep his mind off more unpleasant things, Misty's knocking yanks Jason's attention from the computer screen. He looks up quickly, startled, even though he shouldn't be. 

The invite, though, makes him smile and he nods. "That sounds like fun. I can grill some hamburgers or something, if you want. As a matter of fact, I have to go to the store after work anyway - I can pick up some meat." 

In one sense, it felt kind of odd to be so casual with Misty and doing so much with her lately. For so long, she'd had her own life, and of course wouldn't be hanging out with Jason, being married to Carson. But now that it was all different, they'd sort of... found each other. And in another sense, it felt good. They had some common ground here, whether it was negative or not. And one thing Jason knew for sure - thinking of Katie upset him. Thinking of Misty made him feel good. 

He thinks for a moment, unsure how much meat to get though. "Just you and me, or Alec too?"


Taking the glass from Hunter Katie takes a sip and smiles. She loved this lemonade it always tasted so good. So much better than the powder stuff she would drink back home. This, this was just....homemade with love and care.

Watching Hunter and the horse interact Katie can't help but laugh as she smacks her lips together. It was funny yet comforting to see how comfortable Hunter was around he horses. Taking one look at him someone might think that he wouldn't be able to see the head from the hind end but boy would they be in for a shocker on that one.

   "Well if you want to finish up whatever you were doing in the barn we can leave in an hour or so. That way when we get to the hospital it will be around lunch time."

Giving a smile back to Hunter Katie gets an odd sensation. Almost like she was being watched. It was strange and gave her chills down her spin. Turn to look and see why she was feeling that way Kaite's eyes meet Jay's. A even wider smile spreads across her face as she puts her glass of lemonade down on the fence post and goes around the horse to give him a big hug.

   "Dad? Oh my goodness....It's so good to see you. Wow..."

It had been a long time since Katie last saw Jay but she tried her best to call every once in a while though she new it was not nearly enough. Things had been rough with them and even now that she new Jeff was her rather father he was still her dad and she loved him so much.

Turning back around to Hunter her arm still around Jay her eyes give a sparkle. Now she could introduce them too. It was exciting being able to let Hunter meet her whole family.

   "Hunter this is my adopted dad Jay. Dad this is my friend Hunter who has come to the ranch for a little bit."

Giving a knock on the door Misty opens Jason's office and steps in giving a smile. Today had been a pretty good day. She was going to be leaving work a little early to go to a drs appointment for the baby but for the rest of the day she would be free. 

   "Hey Jase I was wondering if maybe tonight you'd like to hang out and do something. It's gonna be to nice of a day to hide inside the whole time. I was thinking maybe a cook out at the part down the road or something."

It was normal now to have Jason come with her when she was going anywhere. Just his company and his friendship were nice and welcomed. Misty liked it that she could ask him and he would help fill that empty space. She was a good friend and she was thankful for that.


Jason flips open his phone for the umpteenth time, reading Katie's message yet again. He'd received it several hours earlier but still had not replied. If he wanted to be completely honest, he didn't want to reply. He felt badly for her and he was concerned about Jeff, but right now, he really didn't want direct communication with Katie. After all that had happened... after her possessiveness and jealousy... after her blatant rejection... no... he didn't want to text her back.

Sighing, he shuts his phone and just sits for several quiet moments. It was a busy morning at work. He should be concentrating on that instead of his personal life. Yet without having this settled, it made it nearly impossible to concentrate on his tasks.

Eventually, he picks up his phone again. Scrolling through numbers, he picks the one he wants and waits. 


"Hey, Eric? It's Jason." 

"Well hi, Jason. What's up?" 

"Got a text from Katie about Jeff - how's he doing?" 

"Ah. He's doing okay. It was a mild heart attack but he's sticking around the hospital a day or two. Doc says he was pretty lucky. As long as he doesn't get too worked, up, he's going to be just fine." 

Jason was relieved to hear that. "Oh, good. Glad to know it wasn't worse." 

"Yeah. Hey, did you want to talk to Katie? I think she's around here close somewhere with Hunter." 

Jason is taken aback. "Hunter?" 

"Oh, um.... yeah..."

"He came out there with her?" 

"Uh.... well... he just came yesterday." 

"I see." Jason's eyes narrow at the phone. "I need to get back to work. Thanks, Eric. Tell  Jeff I'm thinking about him."


"Bye." Closing his phone, Jason glares at his desk. Hunter. Hunter was in Texas at the ranch. And Jason was supposed to believe there really was nothing between him and Katie? Seriously? Apparently they really did know each other well. Better than he and Sandy, he'd be willing to bet. Yet Katie had been upset with him. She had more nerve than he'd thought.

Scoffing, Jason turns back to his computer. This really wasn't worth dwelling on any more. Work was more important.

"One cool glass of lemonade for one cool lady." Hunter grins as he hands Katie the sweating glass. He'd at least thrown some cold water on his face and washed his hands before coming out here. It was a far cry from a shower, but he did feel a little better.

Coming up to the fence and leaning back on it, he's greeted with the filly nuzzling and sniffing his shirt. He chuckles and reaches out to give her some loving scratching on her cheeks and down her neck. "Mmm, you're a friendly little thing, aren't you?" It had been a long time since he'd been around any horses, but he was not afraid of them. Cautious, but the big animals simply didn't scare him.

The filly bobs her head in pleasure at the attention then goes to rub her head on his shoulder. 

"Hey now," he chides, gently pushing her head back. "You're gonna knock me over." Taking a sip of lemonade, he smiles at Katie. "So... sounds like I can have more to do in the barn, but I wasn't sure when you wanted to go back to the hospital." 

Jay smiles at his sister and nods. "I'll be fine. You get some rest." He was... glad he was here too. 

Once Rosetta had walked away, his eyes move back to where he'd seen Katie before. He'd worry about getting his bag to the bunkhouse later. Wandering towards the fence, he still isn't sure who the young man is. Maybe he was a new ranch hand. 

Realizing they were talking, Jay comes up behind Katie but doesn't interrupt. Instead, he pats one of the yearlings' hindquarters and leans on him, just waiting until there was a pause or until Katie would turn around and see him. He hoped she would be as glad to see him as he was her. They'd had their rough times, to be sure. But at least their relationship was better now than ever before, even if they didn't see each other often. 


Victoria didn't want to go, she never wanted to leave Garret. When he was sick, or hurt it only magnified that feeling and made it worse. Freedom....the word rang in her ears.

   "I love you too Garret. I'll be back again soon."

Standing and placing the cloth back down Victoria just looks at Garret for a long moment. Giving him one last smile before she turned away. Walking to the door she collects her own thought knowing if she wasn't clean minded she might make a mistake.

Slipping from the room Victoria takes the shadows she had come in on. Tonight it was slightly cloudy and she was thankful for that. It made  a little extra coverage for her encase her timing was off. Only getting back to the house and the safety to the inside does she finally look back. Victoria's heart ached.

Continuing to rub the horse Katie smiles as Hunter walks away. It was a nice day out and a little bit of lemonade sounded like it would make it even better. Hunter had to be one of her best friends, and he's come when she needed him. That was important to her  why hadn't Jason understood that.

The thought of Jason makes Katie stop for a second as her heart felt heavy. She missed him, She had Hunter to keep her company but she did still miss Jason. She'd been with him for a long time and now...now there was just a void. 

Shaking her head Katie trys to remove the thought from her mind. She had so much going on right now thats not what she wanted to think about. No matter how much she missed Jason what was done, was done and they were both to blame. No one new but maybe she blamed herself a little more than Jason.

Giving a smile and a nod Rosetta didn't mind how long Jay stayed. It would be for a day but she would wish more more. It would be a week and she would hope he'd come again soon. She loved her brothers all of them no matter what and they were always welcomed here with anyone choose to bring.

Finally getting back to the ranch Rosetta didn't mind much that the talk in the car had been light. Though she was feeling slightly warn out she would guess it was from not getting the best of sleep last night. Hearing Jay's question she thinks for a second trying to remember if there had been anyone leaving today.

   "Bunk one should be open and cleaned up for you. The people who were there left this morning I believe."

Rosetta wanted to stay with her brother and chat some more but she could feel how warn our her body was and she new she needed to relax and catch a small nap or she would end up like Jeff. Jay would be around for another few days that meant they could catch up more.

   "I hate to leave you Jay but I think I need a nap, I am starting to hear my bed calling to me."

Rosetta gives a chuckle.

   "If you need anything well...you know what to do. We can do some more catching up later if you like. I really am happy your here Jay."

Only Friends

Just listening to Rosetta, Jay nods, envisioning all the changes. He'd known they worked on improvements all the time - it was a shame he missed out on all of that. Yes, it had been a while. "Yeah..." What could he say to that? 

"Well, I'll have fun seeing all the new stuff. I brought clothes for a few days - I hope you don't mind." 

The rest of the ride was as pleasant as it could be, with Jeff still back at the hospital. It wasn't bad though, and Jay did enjoy the time alone with his sister, even if conversation was kept to light matters.

Once pulling back into the ranch, Jay parks near the house. Getting out with Rosetta, he takes a long breath of the ranch air. That was one thing that didn't change. Glancing over by the barns, he thinks he sees Katie with some horses, and someone else. She was next on his agenda to see. But first...

"Where would you like me to throw my stuff?" His eyes had come back to Rosetta. "If you don't have a bunk open I can always sleep in the living room off the dining hall or something. I don't mind." 

"Sure." Hunter nods and gives the filly one last pat before turning. "I'll be back with a glass for ya." He thought he knew where he was going. He was pretty sure, anyway. And Mick had said it was alright. He did still feel just a bit awkward though, helping himself. But, he was here, and he was going to jump in with both feet.

Heading to the main building, he finds the kitchen again, although it's not empty.

Dylan had just poured his own glass of lemonade and was leaning back against the counter. Seeing Hunter, he looks up, cocking his head slightly. "Hey."

"Hi." Hunter aims for the fridge. "Any of that left?"

"Plenty. Becky always makes a ton 'cause she knows we drink it."

Hunter grins and finds the lemonade, setting it on the counter. "You're... Dylan, right?"

"Yup." They hadn't met officially, but Dylan had been told Hunter was here as a guest of Katie's. He studies Hunter as he finds the glasses and pours the two drinks. "You Katie's new boyfriend?"

Hunter's eyebrows shoot up and he gives Dylan a sidelong glance. "Who told you that?"

"Nobody." Dylan shrugs. "I know she broke up with Jason though, and as far as I know, she doesn't usually have other guys out here visiting." He downs the rest of his lemonade and sets the glass in the sink.

Hunter gives him a wry grin and shakes his head. "Well, I guess there's always a first for everything. Katie and I are... good friends."

"Ah." Dylan continues to study Hunter, his eyes narrowing slightly. "If you say so."

Hunter's brow furrows and he turns, setting his hands on his hips. "Now what's that suppose to mean?"

Dylan's mouth twitches and he shrugs. "Nothin. I'll see ya later."

Watching him go, Hunter smirks. "Yeah... later." Silly kid.

As he's walking back to Katie with the lemonade though, he can't help but think about the brief exchange with Dylan. The kid probably wasn't the only person who thought he and Katie were dating. But they weren't. They were only friends... right?

Garret returns a kiss to Victoria's lips, drinking in their last few moments. It would have to last until she could sneak away to see him again. His hand moves to cradle the side of her face and as she pulls back, his thumb continues to rest on her cheek. She hadn't really answered his question. 

"And you're my light," he whispers. Yet how discouraging, not being able to embrace whenever they wanted, let alone thing of a future. There was simply no hope. And a hopeless life was slowly becoming a miserable one. 

"Go before the doctor comes," he prompts. "I'll be okay." 

He swallows hard. "Thank you... for coming. I love you."