

Victoria didn't want to go, she never wanted to leave Garret. When he was sick, or hurt it only magnified that feeling and made it worse. Freedom....the word rang in her ears.

   "I love you too Garret. I'll be back again soon."

Standing and placing the cloth back down Victoria just looks at Garret for a long moment. Giving him one last smile before she turned away. Walking to the door she collects her own thought knowing if she wasn't clean minded she might make a mistake.

Slipping from the room Victoria takes the shadows she had come in on. Tonight it was slightly cloudy and she was thankful for that. It made  a little extra coverage for her encase her timing was off. Only getting back to the house and the safety to the inside does she finally look back. Victoria's heart ached.

Continuing to rub the horse Katie smiles as Hunter walks away. It was a nice day out and a little bit of lemonade sounded like it would make it even better. Hunter had to be one of her best friends, and he's come when she needed him. That was important to her  why hadn't Jason understood that.

The thought of Jason makes Katie stop for a second as her heart felt heavy. She missed him, She had Hunter to keep her company but she did still miss Jason. She'd been with him for a long time and now...now there was just a void. 

Shaking her head Katie trys to remove the thought from her mind. She had so much going on right now thats not what she wanted to think about. No matter how much she missed Jason what was done, was done and they were both to blame. No one new but maybe she blamed herself a little more than Jason.

Giving a smile and a nod Rosetta didn't mind how long Jay stayed. It would be for a day but she would wish more more. It would be a week and she would hope he'd come again soon. She loved her brothers all of them no matter what and they were always welcomed here with anyone choose to bring.

Finally getting back to the ranch Rosetta didn't mind much that the talk in the car had been light. Though she was feeling slightly warn out she would guess it was from not getting the best of sleep last night. Hearing Jay's question she thinks for a second trying to remember if there had been anyone leaving today.

   "Bunk one should be open and cleaned up for you. The people who were there left this morning I believe."

Rosetta wanted to stay with her brother and chat some more but she could feel how warn our her body was and she new she needed to relax and catch a small nap or she would end up like Jeff. Jay would be around for another few days that meant they could catch up more.

   "I hate to leave you Jay but I think I need a nap, I am starting to hear my bed calling to me."

Rosetta gives a chuckle.

   "If you need anything well...you know what to do. We can do some more catching up later if you like. I really am happy your here Jay."

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