

Just listing to her dad Katie gives a nod here and there. He was always filled with such good insight and a take on things no one else really thought of. Even if he said something someone else had said five times over, the way he said it just made more sense in the long run. Not to mention he was always relaxed and layed back about almost everything. Not only because he had to be but thats just how he always was.

   "Thanks Dad, for always be there for me. It really means a lot. Thats another reason I came here...because your here."

It was the truth too. Katie missed her dad and knowing he was here was even better for her. She enjoyed him time with him knowing it was limited. To much time had already been wasted with her not knowing he was her dad. She wasn't going to wast more.

   "I think a picnic and riding tomorrow would be great. I did a little riding alone today to get out some frustration so having someone come alone tomorrow would be great."

Letting Eric clean her cheek Stacy shakes her head letting the food fight die down for not before it got way out of hand. She was only happy Ashlee was off doing something else so she didn't see this little display. She could only guess what kind of comments she would make.

   "I think a hayloft is calling my name too. Or many thats the guy in the hayloft. Either way though I would answer."

Stacy's eyes twinkle at her comment. She was flirting and she new it. In it felt strange but good she liked the feeling.


Eric grins and nods. "Yes... yes I do know I'm lucky." 

Taking the napkin she'd just thrown at him, he reaches over to wipe a little place on her cheek. "Missed a spot." He stifles another laugh. "Wouldn't want anyone around here to think you'd been in a food fight or anything."

Sighing with content, he looks back at his ice cream dish ti find it empty. "Rats. I was enjoying that." He shrugs. "Oh well. I think a hayloft is calling my name anyway..." He lets the sentence linger, giving Stacy a sidelong glance.

Listening quietly to Katie, Jeff takes his time eating his sandwich. He'd been told a little bit, but knew no details, and he was sorry to hear about how Katie and Jason had broken up. 

Nodding slowly, he gives his daughter a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, Katie... that's never an easy thing to go through for anybody - having a loved one betray your trust like that, I mean." 

Sliding his hand over to hers, he gives it a squeeze. "I'm glad you came though. Life has a funny way of working itself out if we just let it sometimes." He knew she was hurting and confused, but he also knew that she was strong enough to pick herself up and move on - with or without Jason. And if Jason was just going to cheat on her, she was better off without him, whether she saw it now or not. Jeff had liked and respected Jason, but if the young man wasn't going to stick to one girl, then it was just as well Katie find out now and not later. 

Offering her a smile, he nods again. "How about tomorrow morning you and I hit the trail with a picnic lunch? I gotta see Angel first thing, but after that my day is yours... if you want." Maybe she just wanted to be alone - he'd let her decide.

Over Reacted

As Eric comes in for the kiss Stacy doesn't have time to stop him though she probley wouldn't try even if she did have time to react. A kiss from him was all two nice, and she enjoyed the affection she had been lacking for all to long.

Returning the kiss and feeling the whip cream on her cheek as Eric backs away Stacy can't help grin and cock her head.  Taking her napkin and whipping her face again Stacy shakes her head lightly. Crumpling up her napkin she throws it in Eric direction.

   "Your lucky I like you, you know that?"

Katie can't help but laugh once Jeff was back and started talking about Jay. That was one way to look at them and man would it be confusing for everyone. She'd always consider Jay a father though even though she new now Jeff was. He'd still taken care of her for most of her life and for that she would be thankful even through the rough times.

   "He either needs to come here or I need to go see him. It's been a long time since I got to spend time with him and the family."

Taking another scoop of her ice cream Katie savers the flavor for a moment. The cold treat felt good going down her throat after a hot day and spending the time sitting here with her dad she wanted to savor it as long as she could.

Hearing her Dad's comment Katie gives a nod. This was the post she was going to hate the post telling her Dad about her and Jason. For some reason there was a fear of disappointment there and she wasn't sure why. Maybe because she didn't want him to be disappointed she couldn't hold it together or maybe it was something else but it was a feeling she didn't like.

   "I'll be here for at least a month or two. That's how much personal time I have from work. I just...need to take it all to find who I am again."

Looking up at her dad Katie searches his face for a long moment. She always been able to talk to him no matter what even before she new he was here dad. It was just a connection they had always had. Looking at her dad her eyes feel almost like they are one fire like she might cry again but she holds them off for now.

   "Jason and I....we broke up. I walked into the concert with some chick he'd been hanging out with kissing him. He told me he had nothing to do with the kiss, and I over reacted but...I just go so mad I...broke things off, and here I am. I was just really hurt ya know? After everything...it felt like my heart was ripped out."


Jeff chuckles and accepts Katie's embrace, giving her a tight hug in return. "Mmm it's good to see you, kiddo. I've missed you too." 

Withdrawing, he just studies her for a quick couple moments, searching her eyes. She looked tired. Stressed. But he was glad he'd made her smile. 

Grinning, he looks around her at the ice cream. "What, you think I'd-" His sentence is cut off as he hears Stacy's shriek, and he turns around to see her and Eric playing around at the nearby table. That was... interesting. Swinging his gaze back to Katie, he finishes his thought. "You know I'd never turn down ice cream. Although I haven't even had supper yet so let me go grab something quick from the kitchen and I'll come right back."

He tosses her a wink before heading to the kitchen. 

Sitting nearby, back in the corner with his school books, Dylan watches the scene quietly. Katie and Jeff seemed thrilled to see each other. She loved him to death and he withheld no affection. Was that the way it was suppose to work, or was Jeff just a little over-the-top? Dylan wasn't sure, but somehow watching them created a strange sense that he was missing something.

Eric looks at Stacy with shock as she gets him back. His eyes look down but, of course, he can't see his cheek, nor can he reach the whipped cream with his tongue - which he tries, creating quite a bizarre yet hysterical picture. 

Giving up, he looks at Stacy laughing and tries to maintain control over his own laughter. Glancing at the table, he starts hunting for his napkin but comes up empty-handed. Eying Stacy again, a devilish glint appears. 

Leaning over to her before she can stop him, he plants a kiss on her lips. But when he withdraws, he makes sure he rubs his cheek up against hers, sharing the whipped cream with her face. 

Coming out of the kitchen with a quickly-made sandwich, Jeff says hi to a couple more people and spots Rosetta to wave at her. Heading back to Katie's table, his eyes once again drift to Eric and Stacy who were, by now, involved in quite the little display of what appeared to be a minor food fight. Seeing Eric lean over and kiss her brings a strange sort of feeling to Jeff's gut. He hadn't been gone that long... were they really... more than friends? It seemed so unlikely, yet this scene made it pretty obvious. And any hopes to continue his pursuit of Stacy and Ashlee's company vanish quite quickly. 

Pushing it aside all for now, he pastes a smile on his face as he returns to Katie, pulling out the chair next to her. "Your uncle dad and your sibling cousins say hi." He grins. "Jay's jealous I get to see you and says one of these days they're gonna have to take a family vacation to Nevada." 

He takes a bite of his sandwich and gives her a playful nudge with his elbow. "So how long are you here for? I hope long enough to go for some horseback rides."