

Eric grins and nods. "Yes... yes I do know I'm lucky." 

Taking the napkin she'd just thrown at him, he reaches over to wipe a little place on her cheek. "Missed a spot." He stifles another laugh. "Wouldn't want anyone around here to think you'd been in a food fight or anything."

Sighing with content, he looks back at his ice cream dish ti find it empty. "Rats. I was enjoying that." He shrugs. "Oh well. I think a hayloft is calling my name anyway..." He lets the sentence linger, giving Stacy a sidelong glance.

Listening quietly to Katie, Jeff takes his time eating his sandwich. He'd been told a little bit, but knew no details, and he was sorry to hear about how Katie and Jason had broken up. 

Nodding slowly, he gives his daughter a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, Katie... that's never an easy thing to go through for anybody - having a loved one betray your trust like that, I mean." 

Sliding his hand over to hers, he gives it a squeeze. "I'm glad you came though. Life has a funny way of working itself out if we just let it sometimes." He knew she was hurting and confused, but he also knew that she was strong enough to pick herself up and move on - with or without Jason. And if Jason was just going to cheat on her, she was better off without him, whether she saw it now or not. Jeff had liked and respected Jason, but if the young man wasn't going to stick to one girl, then it was just as well Katie find out now and not later. 

Offering her a smile, he nods again. "How about tomorrow morning you and I hit the trail with a picnic lunch? I gotta see Angel first thing, but after that my day is yours... if you want." Maybe she just wanted to be alone - he'd let her decide.

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