
Whip cream

As the hands go over her eyes Katie sits back in her chair and a smile slips across her lips. Hearing the voice it confermed not she had any doubt on who it was. Katie couldn't help the small laugh.

   "I new it was you dad the moment you started coming up behind me."

Turning in her chair and standing Katie can't help but throw her arms around Jeff giving him a tight hug. She was wondering when he would be back. Out of all the people here he was the one she wanted to see the most. They had always had a connection to each other before she even new and now...it just seemed to grow knowing he was her father.

   "I'm glad your back I missed you and wondered when you would be home. Want to share the rest of the ice cream with me?"

Having the ice cream put on her nose Stacy gives a little shreak as Eric withdraws. Looking at him and than cross eyed at the ice cream on the tip of her nose Stacy shakes her head. Taking her napkin and whipping the ice cream from her nose Stacy looks to Eric again.

   "Think you funny eh?"

Stacy had been really having a nice time with Eric and it was continuing. Acting quick Stacy takes some of her whip cream and streaks it across Eric's cheek before bursting out in laughter at him. Not being able to talk but just laughing.


Dani was glad Carson knew, while at the same time, finding him even more despicable now. Leaving his wife was bad enough - leaving his wife and unborn child was even worse. What kind of a man was he really? All this time she'd fallen prey to his lies that he was a good man who loved his wife and family. He'd come to Dani's rescue and she'd taken him for her big brother hero just like she had as a child. Had she been so blind? It made her sick. 

Pushing aside all those thoughts, she resumes her smile and nods to Misty. "You're welcome, but I can't help it ya know." She reaches over to give Misty's hand a little squeeze. 

"I really am excited for you. And... and I'm glad you and I are okay despite the circumstances. As far as I'm concerned, you're my family no matter what. And if you need anything - anything at all - please let me know." 

Eric was glad that Katie accepts his invitation, and it isn't long before he and Ashlee both have their mounts ready to go as well. He keeps it a light lesson today, letting them  have a little bit of fun, while keeping a good eye on Ashlee to make sure she was doing alright. He takes it easy himself though - with his leg feeling better today, he didn't want to just make it worse again by riding too roughly. 

Once the lesson is over, he heads back to the barn with Ashlee, while Katie goes for her own ride. He knew Ashlee would like to go out on the trail sometime too, but he wanted to make sure she was good and ready before letting her do that.

The rest of the day seems to go fairly well with few mishaps. It's rather quiet but no one seems to mind too much. By the time dinner rolls around, half the people were energized for the evening, while the other half was weary and ready to call it a night. When dessert is served, not everybody has stuck around... 

...Sitting at one of the tables with Stacy, Eric takes a small spoonful of his ice cream, savoring the flavor as he lets it melt in his mouth. He didn't usually let himself enjoy something sweet in the evenings, but tonight it just seemed to hit the spot. Not to mention, it kept him here with Stacy just as little longer too. 

A silence had fallen over this particular table, while conversations continued around them. Yes, it was quiet. Too quiet. 

Without knowing what to say but not liking the silence, Eric's finger "somehow" winds up traveling to his ice cream dish, to Stacy's nose, then to his mouth to suck off what was left of the cold treat. Trying not to smile, it doesn't work very well as he chokes on a laugh while looking at the ice cream on Stacy's nose. 

Slipping in through the back door, Jeff's eyes scan the room. It wasn't really worry that he felt... well, maybe. More concern than anything. Trent had assured him it wasn't an emergency, but he had encouraged Jeff to come back as soon as he could, to see his daughter. And he'd wasted no time. 

Not paying much attention to any of the others, he returns a couple waves but once he spots Katie, he makes a beeline for her table. Coming up behind her chair, he motions for the others not to say anything before slipping his hand around to cover Katie's eyes. "If you guess who, I won't steal your ice cream."


Looking down at her papers at Dani's question Misty wished so many things were different. She wanted to be happy, she wanted people to be happy, she didn't want everyone to ask her the same question. She new why they were but she wished they wouldn't. There was joy there and Misty just wanted to feel that.

  "Yeah...ya...he knows."

Glancing up at Dani again Misty gives a small smile. Carson new and thats pretty much where it ended but to have Dani still part of her and the baby's life was important. At least the child would know part of its family and that was important. So seeing her get excited was nice as well. She wanted to see that and was happy.

   "So yes, I'm pretty excited about the baby and I was hoping you would be too. I needed that...so thank you."

Continuing to hold Kaylee and just enjoy her energy Katie turns hearing Eric's voice. Giving a smile and letting Kaylee get down she just watches them. That was one of the many things about the ranch she loved. Everyone was family no matter what and everyone looked out for each other. The energy was just amazing.

About to go back to work Katie stops and turns back to Eric at the invitation. It was a little surprising, why she wasn't sure but it made her feel good. It had been a long time since she had been riding and doing it again might be fun. 

Looking around the barn for a second she was pretty much done with what she was working on so there really wasn't an excuse why she couldn't. It might be a little fun and she had heard about Ashlee and Stacy being at the ranch this could maybe help her get to know them as well a little more too.

   "Ok, I'll come along. Let me go saddle up my horse and I'll be right out."

Smiling and giving a nod to Cindy Katie turns and heads back into the barn to get her horse ready. She could talk to Cindy and see Kaylee more a little bit later. Maybe the second time around it wouldn't be as awkward. 

Minutes later Katie was coming out of the barn her horse beind her. Going to the training ring she just waits for Eric and Ashlee to show up. She wasn't sure where the training was at so she would just wait, and watch, and take everything in. Maybe after that she could head out on one of the trails.


Dani doesn't even realize it when her jaw drops. Misty was pregnant? She was going to have a baby? With wide eyes, Dani stares at her for several moments before a smile slowly spreads across her lips.

"That's so exciting!" A little giggle slips out. "I rather like the idea of having a little niece or nephew to spoil." She clasps her hands in glee. "Oh my goodness, how fun. I..."

Her voice trails off as a terrible thought enters her mind, and her smile is replaced by a look of question and concern. "Does Carson know?"

Kaylee giggles as she's picked up, and she wraps her arms around Katie's neck, giving her a sloppy kiss on the cheek. She nods vigorously. "Yes!" 

Cindy chuckles and shakes her head. "She likes to think she's a perfect child... a holy terror is more like it." She rolls her eyes. "I don't have to have seen Wes as a toddler - I can just imagine what kind of trouble he go into because this little stinker certainly doesn't get it from me." 

Kaylee has no idea what her mother was talking about, but she giggles again anyway, grabbing her pigtails to shake her head vigorously while making motor sounds with her mouth.

Cindy smirks. "Ham." 

"Do I hear a giggling ham?" Eric comes around the corner, grinning as he takes off his gloves. 

Kaylee spots him and squeals before wriggling loose of Katie, sliding to the ground and running as fast as she could towards him. 

Catching her as she reaches him, Eric scoops her up, lifting her high into the air before swooping her back down and landing a loud raspberry on her cheek. Kaylee falls into a fit of laughter before babbling cheerful words that only she understood.

"Is that so?" Eric sets her on his hip and walks to Cindy and Katie, grinning. "Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt the girl time."

Cindy smiles and shakes her head. "We're just out for a walk. I thought it might wear her out... now I'm not so sure." 

Eric chuckles before setting the little girl back down on her feet. Tipping his hat back on his head, he glances to Katie. "I'm giving Ashlee a riding less on a while... you're welcome to join in if you want, just for the fun of it."

Bright Spot

Hearing a soft voice say her name Misty looks up seeing Dani. Giving the best smile she could Misty new why she was here. She was not upset with Dani because of what Carson did she had nothing to do with it, it was just thinking about Carson in general.

   "Hey there Dani."

Misty really didn't know what to say. Was she ok? No not really...she was broken and hurting. Her heart had been ripped from her chest and all she wanted to do was cry. But if she said it would only make Dani worry and thats not what she wanted. 

   "I am trying to push forward the best I can at the moment. Thank you for asking."

Thinking for a second Misty thinks about the baby and how Dani was going to be an Aunt. She had a right to know but Misty wondered how much more angry that would make it. It didn't matter though she had to tell her. Dani was family no matter what and this little one would be her family.

   "Ummm..Dani I wanted to let you know, your going to be an aunt. No matter what you will always be my sister in law and thats why I thought you should know."

Katie gives a nod to Cindy. She new she must feel kind of crappy now but she didn't want her to. It wasn't her fault no one told her so Katie couldn't blame her at all.

   "It's alright, its not your fault."

Cindy was like a mother to her she always had been and she always would be. It was one of those things Katie was always proud to tell people. Cindy was such a kind hearted woman she only hoped this falling out wouldn't put a rift there. Something told Katie it wouldn't but she couldn't help but worry a little bit.

About to say something else Katie stops feeling Kaylee tun on her pant leg. Looking down at the little girl Katie's smile grew. She was always so good about taking a moment full of teniton and making the full of joy.

Setting her pitchfork aside Katie bends down and takes the hey from Kaylee bringing it to her nose to smell it and than scrunching it up.

   "It's very pretty thanks you."

Giving a laugh Katie tucks it in her pocket before bending down again and picking up Kaylee and holding her in her arms. She was always a bright spot in anyones day.

   "And hello to you as well. Have you been good for Mommy since I last saw you?"


Hi hi

"Okay - thanks." Dani slips her arm around Dalton's waist and gives him a little squeeze. "I'll be back shortly." 

Slipping out of the office, she walks a little ways down the hall to the infirmary and takes a deep breath. She had no idea what she would find. Opening the door a crack, she spots Misty and is half glad and half not-so-glad that she'd have to face this now. But better now than letting too much time pass. She needed... wanted to do this. 

Entering quietly, she bites her lip as she comes closer to Misty's desk. "Misty?" Thankfully she'd gotten her little temper tantrum over with so now it was compassion in her eyes. 

"I, um... I just wanted to stop and let you know that..." That what? That she despised her brother? That she knew he'd left his wife? That she didn't want Misty to think she sided with Carson? 

She swallows hard. "I'm just so sorry," she whispers. "Carson told me he'd left and...  and I'm so upset with him and, and... and are you okay?" 

Seeing how awkward Katie became, Cindy wondered if she'd said something wrong. As the truth is explained though, she realizes that the awkwardness wasn't her fault - there was just a much bigger story than she knew... and it saddened her. 

"Oh, Katie, I'm so sorry. I... I didn't know." Why hadn't Jason told her? They'd exchanged emails since she'd been back in Texas. He'd seemed rather distant, but he'd said nothing about this. Was it because it was his fault? Something about the way Katie implied he wasn't lonely and that he had wanted opportunities elsewhere led Cindy to believe that the breakup was a result of something Jason had done. But what, she didn't know. 

Stepping close, she sets a hand on Katie's shoulder, her eyes full of sympathy. Katie and Jason had been so close for so long... Cindy had often found herself thinking about Katie being her future daughter-in-law. Was it really over or was this just the result of a spat that would be resolved soon? She couldn't tell. All she could tell was that there was pain in the young woman's eyes. 

"I'm glad you're here though. This is a good place to find oneself." 

"Kate!" Kaylee tugs on Katie's jeans and looks up at her, her pigtails bouncing. She gives her a big grin, scrunching up her nose. "You." Holding up her hot fist, in it is several pieces of loose hay she'd picked up - nothing special, though obviously to her they were something to be treasured. She giggles, still hanging on to Katie's pantleg. "Hi hi."


Holding Dani still Dalton manages a smile. He understood what Dani was trying to say even though she was having a hard time doing it. No matter what happened with Carson Dalton would still think the same of her and love her like he always had. He new who she was and thats what mattered to him.

   "Oh yes as long as your still up to it we are. Scott is going to come with us if thats ok and Hope too. I thought it would be a nice."

Dalton smiles at Dani before looking to Scott and giving a little nod than looking back to her. They had a little bit more work to so a few extra second to work on a little more would be ok.

   "Just let us know when your ready ok?"

Giving a nod to her Uncle Misty new working right now really was the best thing for her. She wouldn't sit and stew about things, and she did have unfinished work to do anyways.

   "Alright thanks for the talk."

Standing Misty gives a half smile to her Uncle. It was the best she could offer right now but at least she was trying. Leaving his office and heading to the intermarry she slips in quietly and sits down. Pulling a file from her desk the silver bracelet that she always had on caught her eye. Carson's initials carved into it. She had worn it since the day that seemed like forever ago he gave it to her. Pushing on the clasp she unhooks it and open the top dest drawr and pulls out a small envelope dropping it inside along with her wedding rings. Looking down at her empty hand there was an imprint still on her finger of where the rings had been...she felt naked without them..but it was better to do it now than try to do it later.

Diving head first into her work Misty is quiet and working diligently and quickly. Filling her mind with so many different formulas, and equations she couldn't think about anything else. Not right now, just for a little bit she wanted the hurt to go away.

Moving around the barn and doing some chores Katie had deiced to help. If she was going to be here a whole she should earn her keep like everyone else. Not to mention she liked being around the horses and barns she really had missed it.

Hearing Cindy's voice Katie lets out a sigh small enough no one would see it. Cindy was the one person Katie was nervous about seeing. She wondered what Jason had told her, and how she would act. Katie didn't know what she new and what she didn't but she new this encounter would be awkward.

   "Hey Cindy, yeah I got in late last night."

Leaning on the pitch fork the words that followed grasped at Katie's heart as she realized Cindy new nothing about what had happened.  An awkward situation turned even more awkward and Katie didn't like this feeling at all. She shouldn't be the one telling Cindy this it should be Jason but Katie couldn't lie now either.

   "Yeah I left him back in Nevada, as for being lonely...I don't know about that. I think he's got the company of his friends. Cindy...I..."

Shifting her weight a little bit Katie didn't know how to tell Cindy about what happened, or to even how much to tell her. She new she had to now but how. The poor woman had already been going through so much this would just be another thing added to it.

   "Jason and I aren't together anymore. We had a falling out, and I don't know if it was a long time coming, or the lack of communication, or he just...wanted to seek opportunity else where but...I'm here to try and find who I am again...and...he's back home. We aren't talking right now. I'm...sorry I thought he would of told you."

   "There is screaming, and a boy. He looked so scared and unable to move. He...He is calling but I can't make out the words. The building was about to collapse on him as another bomb goes off and all I could think of was....what if he was my child. I couldn't just let him die..he had as much of a right to live as anyone else."

Wes open's his eyes and looks back at the dr who was busy writing things down. A week had passed and nightmares still came to him. Though he could see no faces, remember no names or reasons they came and torched him.  It was like seeing shadows with no colors, and hearing voice but not the words. He could only guess they were part of his past.

   "Did...I try to save someone? Is that why I am like this?"

The Dr looks up from his paper work and gives a small nod. Before looking down and starting to write again. Clearing his throat and putting his glasses up on his nose again he finally speaks.

   "When we found you, you were under rubble from a house. Under you was the body of a small boy it seemed as though you were trying to save."

Wes eyes grow slightly big. He was no hero for sure but he was trying to save a child. That must mean he was a good guy right? His past was clouded but that meant he had morals, and maybe even someone important. 

  "Did he make it?"

   "He's still in for observation but yes..it looks like he will make it too."

Sitting back and giving a small smile Wes was thankful. If he never got any of his memories back at least he new that he's saved someones life so the reason for his memorie loss was not a total wast. This was a good start to remembering maybe a little more information and they could find out why he was here.