

Holding Dani still Dalton manages a smile. He understood what Dani was trying to say even though she was having a hard time doing it. No matter what happened with Carson Dalton would still think the same of her and love her like he always had. He new who she was and thats what mattered to him.

   "Oh yes as long as your still up to it we are. Scott is going to come with us if thats ok and Hope too. I thought it would be a nice."

Dalton smiles at Dani before looking to Scott and giving a little nod than looking back to her. They had a little bit more work to so a few extra second to work on a little more would be ok.

   "Just let us know when your ready ok?"

Giving a nod to her Uncle Misty new working right now really was the best thing for her. She wouldn't sit and stew about things, and she did have unfinished work to do anyways.

   "Alright thanks for the talk."

Standing Misty gives a half smile to her Uncle. It was the best she could offer right now but at least she was trying. Leaving his office and heading to the intermarry she slips in quietly and sits down. Pulling a file from her desk the silver bracelet that she always had on caught her eye. Carson's initials carved into it. She had worn it since the day that seemed like forever ago he gave it to her. Pushing on the clasp she unhooks it and open the top dest drawr and pulls out a small envelope dropping it inside along with her wedding rings. Looking down at her empty hand there was an imprint still on her finger of where the rings had been...she felt naked without them..but it was better to do it now than try to do it later.

Diving head first into her work Misty is quiet and working diligently and quickly. Filling her mind with so many different formulas, and equations she couldn't think about anything else. Not right now, just for a little bit she wanted the hurt to go away.

Moving around the barn and doing some chores Katie had deiced to help. If she was going to be here a whole she should earn her keep like everyone else. Not to mention she liked being around the horses and barns she really had missed it.

Hearing Cindy's voice Katie lets out a sigh small enough no one would see it. Cindy was the one person Katie was nervous about seeing. She wondered what Jason had told her, and how she would act. Katie didn't know what she new and what she didn't but she new this encounter would be awkward.

   "Hey Cindy, yeah I got in late last night."

Leaning on the pitch fork the words that followed grasped at Katie's heart as she realized Cindy new nothing about what had happened.  An awkward situation turned even more awkward and Katie didn't like this feeling at all. She shouldn't be the one telling Cindy this it should be Jason but Katie couldn't lie now either.

   "Yeah I left him back in Nevada, as for being lonely...I don't know about that. I think he's got the company of his friends. Cindy...I..."

Shifting her weight a little bit Katie didn't know how to tell Cindy about what happened, or to even how much to tell her. She new she had to now but how. The poor woman had already been going through so much this would just be another thing added to it.

   "Jason and I aren't together anymore. We had a falling out, and I don't know if it was a long time coming, or the lack of communication, or he just...wanted to seek opportunity else where but...I'm here to try and find who I am again...and...he's back home. We aren't talking right now. I'm...sorry I thought he would of told you."

   "There is screaming, and a boy. He looked so scared and unable to move. He...He is calling but I can't make out the words. The building was about to collapse on him as another bomb goes off and all I could think of was....what if he was my child. I couldn't just let him die..he had as much of a right to live as anyone else."

Wes open's his eyes and looks back at the dr who was busy writing things down. A week had passed and nightmares still came to him. Though he could see no faces, remember no names or reasons they came and torched him.  It was like seeing shadows with no colors, and hearing voice but not the words. He could only guess they were part of his past.

   "Did...I try to save someone? Is that why I am like this?"

The Dr looks up from his paper work and gives a small nod. Before looking down and starting to write again. Clearing his throat and putting his glasses up on his nose again he finally speaks.

   "When we found you, you were under rubble from a house. Under you was the body of a small boy it seemed as though you were trying to save."

Wes eyes grow slightly big. He was no hero for sure but he was trying to save a child. That must mean he was a good guy right? His past was clouded but that meant he had morals, and maybe even someone important. 

  "Did he make it?"

   "He's still in for observation but yes..it looks like he will make it too."

Sitting back and giving a small smile Wes was thankful. If he never got any of his memories back at least he new that he's saved someones life so the reason for his memorie loss was not a total wast. This was a good start to remembering maybe a little more information and they could find out why he was here.

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