

Eric turns quickly at Stacy's voice, a little grin making its way to his lips. "Hey. Pull up a bale," he teases. 

Tying off the whip he was working on, he takes his jackknife and cuts off the excess twine. "Oh, just retying the ends of these longing whips." He gestures to several more whips that were lying at his feet, used to longe the horses. 

Pausing, he realizes that Stacy might not have a clue what he was talking about. "See, the whips eventually wear out." He picks on up that seems fine except for the end where it's frayed and too short. He swings it around in the air and it doesn't do much. "All it needs is a new popper though." Picking up the one he'd just finished it, he flicks it out in the aisle, making it snap loudly. "Just a bit of twine is all it takes." 

Looking back up at Stacy, his cheeks grow a little warm. "Not that... you wanted to know all that." Had he been rambling? He hoped not. 

Retrieving a new piece of baling twine, he cuts it shorter and starts to unravel it, splitting it in half by rolling it between his fingers. "So um..." He clears his throat. "How's the head?" 

Against her better judgment. Yeah... Hunter had figured Katie would turn him down. Not that he blamed her after the other night. And she didn't even know his reputation. 

Sighing, he's ready to bid her goodnight when she suggests dinner. His eyebrows rise and a new kind of grin tugs the corners of his mouth. Really? She would actually go out with him? He couldn't help being surprised. And... just a little flattered too. He wouldn't tell her that, but after already knowing a bit about her, he'd never think she'd accept anything with him. He prided himself in having a good memory, and all the comments and stories Kyle had told had not fallen on deaf ears, even if he'd been uninterested at the time. 

"Dinner, huh?" He swivels his cart back and forth, just letting his eyes linger on her face. "How can I refuse? Especially when you just called us friends..." The thought strikes him that last he knew, she had a serious dating relationship with a boyfriend. Yet she was willing to go out with him - just as friends or not. That seemed a tad peculiar but he certainly wasn't going ot turn her down.

Biting his lower lip, his grin widens. "Just name the place. Except I do have to buy... Call it an apology for the other night."


Catching the bag of chips Katie gives another chuckle and toss it into her cart. Well at least she had a bag now. If anything she couldn't say the house was empty there was a bag of chips. And with this bag she's remember this night forever. 

About to walk again again Katie rises an eyebrow at Hunter's comment. Was he really still using the cheesy pickup lines on her or was he really that bored that he just wanted company, from the person who had just recently arrested him? Searching his face Katie wondered...what was his motive?

   "A contribution to society and against my better judgment."

Katie searches Hunter's face for a long moment. Looking into his eyes she wondered if he could be trusted or not. She'd seen him in a pretty bad spot the other night with being drunk around Kyle and Alice...not to mention his constant hitting on her. Now that he was sober would he be any different?

 "....How about we start out with going some place public for like...dinner...just as friends."

Entering the barn as a few rain drops feel Stacy zips her coat up a little more. There was something about the barn she liked, the smells, maybe the sounds but there was something calming. No one new but this wasn't her first time wondering in here when it was quiet.

Turning one of the corners Stacy stops seeing Eric sitting on one of the bails. She didn't want to bother him but if she turned and walked away and he noticed her she would feel pretty bad. What was so wrong with saying Hi an talking a little bit. It had never bothered her before...so why did she feel strange now? It wasn't a bad strange but more of a flutter.

   "What are you doing there?"

Stacy walks a little closer to Eric hoping she wasn't bothering him to much and if she was he's let her know. She was cerous on what he was doing though. His fingers worked so swiftly, and smoothly it was easy to tell this was not the first time he'd done this. 


Contribution to Society

Hunter gives Katie a sheepish sort of look. "Drunk... tipsy... a mere slip of the tongue." 

Katie's refusal to go back and get chips brings a new smile to Hunter's lips. Not only was he amused with her, but seeing her laugh was giving him a much better impression of her than he'd had the other night. 

Peering into his cart, he quirks an eyebrow. "Somehow during my misfortune, I ended up with a second bag." Retrieving it, he tosses it to Katie. "I don't have any dinner plans either. All I got now are chips and salsa to keep me company." 

Leaning on his cart, his eyes roam Katie's face, his grin remaining. "How 'bout coming over to my place?" As soon as he'd said it, he knew how wrong it sounded. He hadn't meant it that way at all. Straightening, he raises his hands. "Just hangin' out. Chips, salsa, maybe a B movie... and nothing else." It was pretty stupid of him to ask, come to think of it. But that was the problem - he always spoke before thinking. Not only did he know from Kyle that Katie was a nice conservative girl, but she was also an Elite agent who had arrested him. He really wasn't trying to imply he was after her. He was just... bored. 

"I promise to behave. I'm so bored, I'm ready to invite that clerk, and he doesn't look like he's any fun at all. So see? I'm desperate." He flashes Katie a new smile, even though that same sheepishness invades his eyes. "And you know when I'm bored I get myself into trouble. So hanging out with me would be a...a contribution to society." 

"Sure. I'll take a couple pieces." Ariel agrees to splitting the leftovers. She wasn't about to let anything go to waste. 

Once they were finished and outside ready to part, Ariel stops on the sidewalk to look up at Trey. She wasn't sure if she'd ever get used to his height. "Thanks for lunch. It was nice." 

Eric sits on a bale of hay in the barn, braiding the end of a whip. Thunder rolled gently as the mid-morning rain came down. It was a surprising bit of weather - no one had predicted rain, let alone a thunderstorm. It was welcomed though. They needed the moisture. 

Because of the rain, the barn was extra quiet today. Eric's leg was hurting enough that he knew he should probably be icing it right now but... this was his haven. And with so few people around... well... he didn't want to give it up. It wouldn't be until this afternoon that Ashlee would be in here. Lunch wouldn't be for another hour or so. The horses were all taken care of for now. And he was relaxed. 

Leaning back a little, his fingers work with the twine like hundreds of times before. His mind was wandering just a bit. To the last few weeks. To yesterday. He felt just a tad mixed up inside but he wasn't sure why. He tried to ignore it but... it wasn't as easy as it should be. 

Caught up in his own thoughts and his task, he paid very little attention to what was going on around him.


Giving another smile to Ariel Trey finishes off his last bit and takes the last sip from his drink. Man if there was one reason to stay here pizza would be high on the list. He was loving this stuff for sure. Having nice company to eat it was was great too. Getting to talk to Ariel really help free his mind of a few things.

   "You got that right...I could keep eating because it tasted so good but I know I'd sure pay for it."

Waving for the bill and for the check Trey would pick up the tab. He though it was only right since he was the one who asked Ariel to lunch.

   "Would you like to split the left overs to bring home?"

Walking away with Hunter Katie does all she can to keep her own laugh in. She found that....funny? That was one of the few good feels she had felt in a while. Just something about it seemed to hit her, maybe this was why Hunter and Kyle use to be friends they seemed to both have a slightly silly side.

   "Coming Dear, coming."

Katie turns to the clerk again.
   "Keep up the good work, I'll...Ummmm...put in a good word."

Having Hunter pulling on the cart Katie pushes following after him quickly. Getting far enough away Katie breaks out in laughter along with Hunter. This whole thing was funny and...and...it felt good. Hearing Hunters comment about she timing Katie just shakes her head and leans on her cart.

   "I thought you said you weren't drunk just tipsy?"

Katie lets the humor linger in her voice. She was just teasing Hunter and it was kind of fun. Her mood was slightly better today than he had been the night she arrested him. Maybe because she didn't have a job to do here, maybe because she was going to spend time with Jason tomorrow or maybe it was just Hunter.

   "I was just here trying to figure out something for dinner. Now all I can think about is chips and I am not going down that isle again."