

Giving another smile to Ariel Trey finishes off his last bit and takes the last sip from his drink. Man if there was one reason to stay here pizza would be high on the list. He was loving this stuff for sure. Having nice company to eat it was was great too. Getting to talk to Ariel really help free his mind of a few things.

   "You got that right...I could keep eating because it tasted so good but I know I'd sure pay for it."

Waving for the bill and for the check Trey would pick up the tab. He though it was only right since he was the one who asked Ariel to lunch.

   "Would you like to split the left overs to bring home?"

Walking away with Hunter Katie does all she can to keep her own laugh in. She found that....funny? That was one of the few good feels she had felt in a while. Just something about it seemed to hit her, maybe this was why Hunter and Kyle use to be friends they seemed to both have a slightly silly side.

   "Coming Dear, coming."

Katie turns to the clerk again.
   "Keep up the good work, I'll...Ummmm...put in a good word."

Having Hunter pulling on the cart Katie pushes following after him quickly. Getting far enough away Katie breaks out in laughter along with Hunter. This whole thing was funny and...and...it felt good. Hearing Hunters comment about she timing Katie just shakes her head and leans on her cart.

   "I thought you said you weren't drunk just tipsy?"

Katie lets the humor linger in her voice. She was just teasing Hunter and it was kind of fun. Her mood was slightly better today than he had been the night she arrested him. Maybe because she didn't have a job to do here, maybe because she was going to spend time with Jason tomorrow or maybe it was just Hunter.

   "I was just here trying to figure out something for dinner. Now all I can think about is chips and I am not going down that isle again."

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