

Entering TJY Angelica's smiles fades at the state of everything. Ignoring the rules always had punishment but they simply had wanted to have a good time for once.

Having Wyatt come over to them Angelica could see the annoyance on his face and she couldn't help but cringe on the inside. He was upset and there was no mistaking it.

"We didn't mean any disrespect."

Wanting to say more Angelica didn't even get a chance before Wyatt pushed past. Giving a sigh she looks to Reese and gives a not.

"Alright I'll talk to you a little later. You know where I will be."

Moving past Reese Angelica makes her way to the office. Closing the door behind her she can't help the smile that slipped out.

Taking another bite of her food Stacy gives a smile at Jeff while she,was chewing. Once finished she gives a nod.

"She would like to start ridding and I got her some boots but I am not sure when. Right now with her ankle she won't be able but Angel said she should be ok soon."

Taking a sip of her coffee Stacy us silent again. She was happy Ash had found a intrust in riding. Stacy trusted Eric would keep her safe so she tried her best not to worry.

"I think Eric is going to give Ash lessons for her birthday gift. I thought that was pretty nice of him. How about you? How do you pass your time?"

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Not so happy

All Reese can do is smile. He hadn't planned this day. He hadn't rehearsed it. But it felt like a puzzle finally falling into place with all the pieces.

Squeezing Angelica's hand, he starts forward with her by his side, their bare feet making footprints in the sand. A cool breeze blew as if to aid them in drying their clothes, though it didn't seem to matter if they were wet, full of sand, or not. It could burst forth with pouring rain this very moment and it just wouldn't matter...

A fairytale left in the past to be treasured always - the scene in the rearview mirror on the drive back to TJY. Reese didn't want the afternoon to end, but he knew it must. A part of him didn't mind though... he was taking back with him the woman he loved, and it was only the start of a brand new adventure for both of them.

Getting back to the office, Reese holds Angelica's hand as they go inside. Once in the elevator, he realizes just how disheveled they are and tries to brush some sand off Angelica and himself, only to find his pantlegs were still a bit damp and somehow there was sand in his hair. Starting to laugh only makes it worse and as they step out onto the main floor, he's still laughing at their unkempt state. The laughter quickly ceases though, as he becomes much more somber at the scene before them. Agents were everywhere, there was an argument going on, and the phone was going crazy. "What on earth...?"

Wyatt spins around from arguing with Hal, Con and Jamie. He glares at Reese and approaches him with purpose. "Where on earth have you been?!" Giving both his father and Angelica a good once-over, it's not hard to figure it out, and it only serves to increase his anger. "Sure. Don't tell anybody where you're going. Just run off and leave everything to take care of itself, right?"

Reese had no idea what was going on, and was too surprised to be upset. "Now hang on. What-"

"You two are allowed to do whatever you want, right? Go off and fool around and ignore the fact that there are others depending on you, let alone others who could get fired for pulling the same stunt! But you're the boss, right?" Wyatt's eyes go to Angelica, still glaring. "And you're the boss's girlfriend so you're not in trouble either." Without giving anyone time to respond, he shoulders past his father and stalks towards the exit.

Wide-eyed, Reese looks around the room again. "What is going on here?"

Con sighs deeply. He hadn't caught all of that, but was just as glad. "There was an explosion down on Valley. Two guys were killed. Cops think it was Agency and we were called in. Nobody was here, we ran down a couple suspects and brought them in - Pete and Nate are still out there trying to find another guy or two who were spotted at the scene. It was chaos, we couldn't get a hold of you, so we called Wyatt and he didn't know where you were either. He came in to help."

Reese rolls his eyes towards the ceiling, holding his temper. The peace of the afternoon was certainly short-lived, that was for sure. This was not how he wanted to end the day... such a wonderful day. He glances to Angelica, an apology on his face. He'd wanted to announce their engagement. But perhaps there would be a better time. "I'll see you later, huh? I gotta sort out this mess."


Angelica smiles and takes Reese's hand to stand up. At his mention of a ring Angelica can feel her heart race even more.

"I think that sounds perfect. I can't wait."

Linking her fingers with Reese's Angelica she leans into him a little as they walk. Her mind thinking about so many things. Rings, wedding, telling people, and so much more.

"I'm so happy at the moment I can hardly contain myself."

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Reese chuckles and shakes his head. "I like you just the way you are - lawyer, head-strong, passionate, team player, and partner. The housewife stuff is just for the woman that gets bored and if that happens, then I'm to blame."

Still grinning, he gives her a teasing kiss to her nose before just taking a few moments to simply study her face. Engaged. The thought made his heart flutter and his stomach do a flip.

Finally standing, he offers Angelica a hand up too before trudging out of the water onto the sand. "How about a walk up and down the beach to dry off before we head back?" He locks his fingers with hers. "Then this weekend you and I have a date with the jewelry store to make this thing official."


Angelica returned the kiss once again just letting her love show. She was happy and excited a dream everyone had as a child. Her dream had seemed so far away but now it was coming true.

Her own tears rolled down her cheek. Her eyes danced with happyness and her heart thumped in her chest. Life had made a complete turn around and this was the time she would remember the most.

"As long as you keep doing what you are there is no doubt you will."

Angelica smiles even more and shakes her head. No one was going to believe them about this day that's for sure.

"I'm thinking I am gonna have to refine my house wife skills."

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All I Can

Having Angelica ask if she could think about it, yet seeing her smile, Reese wasn't quite sure what was going through her mind. Did this mean no? Was she unsure? Had he been foolish? Of course she could think about it. But what would it mean? His gaze remains glued to hers, his breath held in anticipation.

When she finally says yes, a wider smile on his face had not been seen. His eyes glisten, but not from sadness - it was indescribable happiness. A joy so great that it brought forth tears.

Pulling her in, he hugs her tightly, just holding her... his future wife... feeling their hearts beating wildly. "Thank you," he whispers. "For making me so happy."

Drawing back, he kisses her again, letting his love show through such a simple yet deep gesture. Eventually breaking the moment, he doesn't bother to wipe away the tear that mingled in with lake water on his cheek. "I will do all I can to make you just as happy."


Smiling in the moment and just continuing to look into Reese's eyes Angelica could feel her heart racing and her stomach doing flip flop. Everything in the moment seemed perfect. Very out of the ordanary but perfect for that reason.

Hearing Reese's question Angelica's smile doesn't fade but get heart starts to best even quicker. She almost feared Reese would be able to feel it himeself.

Angelica had thought about being married before even to Reese but now that the question was popped it was a whole new ball game. She was happy with Reese, he had showed her love was ok and could be wonderful. When her heart had gone cold he had started the fire again.

"Can I have some time to think about it?"

Still searching Reese's face Angelica holds her smile. If she waited would her answer change? Would this fear of the unknown go away? Invade moment like this she wondered what Charlotte would say. Something about taking the chance and going with your heart.

Looking back to Reese again Angelica just looks into his eyes. Life, it was to short to wait did she really wanna take that chance?

"Yes, yes I would be honnored to be your wife."

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Live Again

In the back of his mind, Reese knew that he should be at work. No one knew where he was. This was very irresponsible and not something he'd ever consider doing. But... it was far enough back in his mind that he chose to ignore it.

Holding Angelica close, he never wanted to leave this moment. For so long, he'd avoided relationships. There had been no one since Wyatt's mother, and he'd not wanted anyone else... until now. There were days he longed for someone simply to talk to. Evenings were too quiet. Mornings were lonely as he drank his coffee alone. He'd been so intent on never loving again, that he had begun to die inside. If only to have daily companionship again. Someone to share life with. To share a home with. To share love with. He missed it more than he'd even admitted to himself. But right here... right now... he had a woman in his arms who had accepted him and wanted to be with him, too. Maybe he hadn't seen it soon enough. Maybe he'd been too distracted by other things. But the truth of the matter was that God had given him a second chance. And if he walked away now, there might never be a third chance.

Breathless, Reese draws back for a moment, cupping Angelica's face with his hands. He almost forgot for a moment that they were sitting like two idiots in the lake. Water dripped down from his hair and he blinks it away, his lips smiling with an expression of one who had just discovered how to truly live once more. It had been time to love again. Now it was time to live again.

He returns his lips to hers for a kiss so sweet before pulling away, his eyes only inches from hers. His gaze shown like it had not for too many years. "I don't want to ever go back," he whispers. "Marry me so I don't have to."

The Moment

As Reese moves in for the kiss Angelica moves a little to position herself better so neither of them were cocked at a bad angle. Bringing her hand up to the back of Reese's head Angelica runs through his hair. Letting her own Passion come forth the moment just continuing.

Being locked in this moment Angelica didn't mind. It felt nice to have this attachen. Having Reese just let his Passion show like this was nice and Angelica wasn't going to hold back.


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