

Smiling in the moment and just continuing to look into Reese's eyes Angelica could feel her heart racing and her stomach doing flip flop. Everything in the moment seemed perfect. Very out of the ordanary but perfect for that reason.

Hearing Reese's question Angelica's smile doesn't fade but get heart starts to best even quicker. She almost feared Reese would be able to feel it himeself.

Angelica had thought about being married before even to Reese but now that the question was popped it was a whole new ball game. She was happy with Reese, he had showed her love was ok and could be wonderful. When her heart had gone cold he had started the fire again.

"Can I have some time to think about it?"

Still searching Reese's face Angelica holds her smile. If she waited would her answer change? Would this fear of the unknown go away? Invade moment like this she wondered what Charlotte would say. Something about taking the chance and going with your heart.

Looking back to Reese again Angelica just looks into his eyes. Life, it was to short to wait did she really wanna take that chance?

"Yes, yes I would be honnored to be your wife."

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