
One more day

Making his way across the yard Chad takes in a deep breath before letting it out slowly. He could feel his hurt and anger rise. It was not something he often let surfs but seeing someone he cared about so very much have to choose between two things she cared deeply about pained his heart more than anything he had ever felt before.

Stopping for a second and glancing around movement at the barn catch his eye. Looking and seeing Jim slip inside Chad shakes his head. Starting forward again his bunk to pack was the way he wanted to go but his feet carried him in a different direction. Getting to the barn Chad figured he was leaving anyways so why not, though part of him new maybe it was really better if he didn't.

Finding Jim with one of the horses Chad stops in the door way. Standing tall and confidante he did  his best to not seem to arragent or disrespectful. He didn't mean either of those to Jim and he surly didn't want to giving him a reason to dislike him. But he felt like he needed to say his peace before he left.

   "Jim..I just wanted to let you know I am leaving the ranch and heading into town for now. Not because you asked me too but because its the best for Rosalyn so she doesn't have to deal with anymore stress of me being here this time around."

Stopping for a second Chad holds up his hand as to not let Jim talk. He didn't want a reply, or an argument, or anything else for that matter. This was just something he felt he needed to say for one reason or another.

   "Rosalyn is a very fine young woman, with a good head on her shoulders, and a pure heart. For everything she had told me she had been though I can see how strong she is. I never would of done anything to hurt her, or sin against God. My actions were pure, my intentions were pure, and my lover for your daughter was pure."

Chad searches Jim's face for a long moment. Much emotions was lacking from it witch made it hard to try and read him but Chad tried anyways. His own eye more sad than angry. This had to be one of the hardest things he'd ever had to do before.

   "So, now as I leave I guess I am just asking you to please don't take you anger for me out on Rosalyn. If you have to be mad at anyone than I ask you be mad at me, drive all your anger at me, and not at Rosalyn. She deserves better than that, and I am willing to taking that punishment for her because I care that much. If anything Jim...you should be very proud of her and the fine woman she had grown into be. and forever the reason is, I am sorry you never got to know me."

Not knowing what else to say Chad turns and heads out of the barn before anything can be said or at least he was far enough away that if something was said he might not hear it or be to far to stop and turn around going back to argue. Heading across the yard again he dosn't stopp till he gets to his bunk. I wouldn't take long before he had everything packed. Laying on the bed was one of his shirts a few buttons lose on it, a simple bracelet he'd found he likes for Rosalyn and a note witch read:

 "Beauty can not be measured by gifts or items bought, it is something we must see in our heart. Every time I look at you I see the good that is still left in this world and it brings me hope that all the good, and beauty is not good. This bracelet next to you looks nothing more than a trinket, and the buttons on this shirt will continue to fall if it means just one more day to spend with you." 

The items would remain there in hopes that Rosalyn was the one on cleaning duty and she would find them after he was gone.

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