

Looking to Mick again as he talked Chad gives a thoughtful nod. He could tell Mick was not saying everything he was for the sake of himself or even Jim but for the sake of Rosalyn. He did have a point too and Chad understood it. Still it hurt though, and it felt like he was being punished for something he didn't even do.

   "Ok, I can move to being in town. As I still welcomed here though?"

Chad new it was a silly question and he felt like a high schooler asking it but it was one he wanted to know the answer. He wanted to make sure that if he did want to show up, or did come back he'd be able too. The freedom to know he could do so, sometime was nice and he hoped it was ok.

   " I really am a great guy, I just hope one day maybe Jim can get to know me for himself. I'd like that anyways. I guess I better pack my stuff up and let Rosalyn know whats going on. Thanks Mick for giving me a chance even if your brother didn't."

As Jared was a little hesitance to answer her question Grace new why  even if she didn't say anything about it she just let him take his time answering her. Hearing some of the things he liked to do she gives a smile. They sounded fun, and maybe something she would like to try with him some day, including spending more time together.

   "Mmmm...I think those sounds like fun. Maybe once your talking a little better we can go out and try to do a few other things we never have before to see if we like them. Than it would also help with the spending time with me part."

Grace gives a smile at the though of spending more time with Jared. She liked that thought doing more things with him and getting to know him better. Even if his past was clouded she liked thinking about what the future held and why God had let them meet. It was an exciting thought that she looked forward to finding out.

Looking up seeing someone come into the room Dalton couldn't help but smile seeing Scott. It was nice seeing his again and after feeling pretty crappy this morning knowing his friend would be helping him was a nice surprised.

   "Hey there Scott what a nice surprise to see you. Nothing to exciting at the moment, than again at the moment I think I kind of like it that way."

Giving a smile Dalton takes a closer look at Scott. There was something there he was trying to hide and he could tell. He couldn't help but wonder what it was that was bothering his friend today. He didn't want to put him on the spot or anything but he did want to make sure he was ok too.

   "How are you today? You look a little tired..I don't want to drain ya to much if you are."

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