
That's that

Having been paying little attention to anything else, Misty's entrance into the shed brings Alec's gaze snapping up. Pausing his work on the window for just a moment, his dark eyes meet hers. Turning his concentration back to his task, he shrugs. "Figure if I'm gonna sleep in here I better make it halfway decent."

Continuing to sand, he knew that Misty was worried about him. He knew she probably wondered where he had been and what was wrong. He just didn't know how to explain it all. "Sorry I didn't leave you a note." Was it the first time he'd apologized for something like that? He couldn't remember. At one time, he would have figured that wherever he went, whenever he wanted was his own business and who cared what anybody else thought. But being here with Misty... he'd grown accustomed to the habit of them both showing each other respect by making sure one was aware of the other's plans, if just for the sake of avoiding worry. And now that he'd broken that habit... he did feel badly. 

Keeping his hands busy, he shrugs again. "And... you were right, by the way... I shoulda moved on past the whole Ryan thing before I made things worse." 

He leans down and squints at a rough spot in the wood, picking at some rotten wood with his fingernail. That would have to be replaced before the whole frame rotted. "Got told to my face today to leave her alone. I just wanted to talk to her, ya know? Try to figure out what was really true - if she actually loved me or really did never wanted to see me again. Guess it was the latter."

Had he really been that stupid? Yeah... he had. He starts sanding again, not even knowing why he was telling Misty all that. Talking about it changed nothing. "So that's that. I was just out riding around tonight, trying to clear my head. I hope I didn't worry you too much." 

His words were quite matter-of-fact... but the truth was that his heart had never hurt more, and his ride had done nothing to clear his head at all.

Dani didn't mind another kiss. Truth be known, she was really looking forward to when Dalton could get out of here and they could spend some quality cuddle time together. It had only been a few days, but she already missed it.

Pulled into a hug she giggles and shakes her head. "I wondered if you were ever gonna ask... but there's nothing to be sorry for, Silly." 

Drawing back a little, she sits in the chair again, but leaves her elbows resting on the bed as she holds her hand out to admire the ring. "It's simply beautiful... I love it so much... and I love you so much too...." Her eyes sparkled as she looked back to her... fiance. And that thought makes her smile even more. "Thank you."

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