

   "Mmmm...you know your uncle well.  If you hadn't come in and gotten checked out he more than likely would have killed you worse. I'm sure happy you came in so we could clean you off."

Misty gives Clay a smile and a small knowing nod. She was happy he had come in and gotten checked out. To her it was important for him to make sure he was ok than to just let it go and maybe have something happen even worse.

   "I'm going to get some paper work for you to fill out, and you don't have to worry about any bills.  After that you can just rest till Rick gets here ok?"

Smiling again and giving a nod something told Stacy that he really mean that comment and he would do his best. At this point that is all she asked was that Dylan tried, and if it meant giving him a little of his own space than she would do it. 

   "Alright sounds good than. This weekend it is a date into town for all of us."

Stacy new Ashlee would be excited, and having Dylan along would be nice for her too. She was getting to the age where hanging with mom was becoming uncool, even if she never admitted it.  Her daughter was growing up and quickly she couldn't baby her forever.

   "I think she is out in the barn if you want to let her know you are going to be going with, or even ask her if its ok. I think I already know her answer though."

Letting go of Rosalyn so they could continue her work Cad can't help but laugh. She gave him a new life and made him feel full of energy. It was an amazing feeling, a wonderful feel and he was so honored to be able to have it.

   "Emergency buttons yes, I think your right. I do have some that need attachen right away."

Going back to the sink Chad starts to wash some more dishes before finally a little time had passed and they were all done. He had never been one to like doing dishes but being there with Rosalyn that was a whole new store and he was enjoying it.

   "Alright lets get to that garden, and than those shirts...I make no promises the bed sheets wont attack again though."

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