
Not that I...

Looking up at Gunner Misty gives a smile but seeing the new person walking behind him she stops. Seeing what condition he was in she stands ready to help. Motioning for Gunner to bring him over to the table and set him down Misty goes to the counter and grabs a few things she needed.

   "What on earth? It looks like you were in a bar fight."

Setting to work Misty looks over the pashent and stands to bandage, stitch, and clean him up. Some places were worse than other and she wasn't to sure what happened but she could ask all that stuff a little later. 

It doesn't take long for Misty to clean everything up and finally be washing her own hands along with her tools. Once finished she looks to Gunner and gives a small nod. He looked better than when he first go here so many Rick wouldn't have as much of a heart attack once she showed up. Going back over to the table and sitting down in the chair across from it Misty cocks her head a little bit to the side.

   "So now that I've fixed you up for the day how about I find out you name and what happened? It will make the report I have to do much easier to complete."

Stacy gives a nod thankful that Dylan was being thoughtful but after everything Stacy had a feeling that Dylan would be ok, and if he did try anything Ashlee would be quick to shoot him down and than let her know. She had to trust them, and she had to trust her daughter.

   "I am sure she wouldn't mind at all. She enjoy spending time with you and its nice to see her smile. Just don't let me down, and help keep he safe ok?"

Stacy gives Dylan's arm a little pat as if accepting the fact that her daughter was going to spend time with him even if she didn't like it. She might as well get use to it and accept it. After all watching Dylan for a little bit now he seemed harmless. And she wanted him to know she was trying to trust him more.

   "He does seem pretty cool. Kinda of like he's still a kid himself even though he has a family. I think I like him."

Looking down at Rosalyn and seeing her looking back up at him Chad can't help but let his smile grow even bigger. Bringing a hand to her cheek he cradles her head before leaning down and placing a kiss on her lips. Letting it linger for a few long moments before drawing back. Feeling his head racing he could stand there and kiss her all day though he new it was probley a bad idea.

   "You know if we stand here all day those weeds in the garden are never going to get pulled. Think we should finish up here and get to that some time soon? If not than I am liable to sit here and kiss you all day."

Leaning down and placing another soft kiss on her lips Chad pulls away letting his eyes twinkle and dance with the depth in Rosalyn's. He felt as though she was his princess, and he loved treating her that way.  She was very special to him, and he would always remember to show her that.

   "Not that I mind that at all. I just think...I don't want to push twords losing my head anymore than I already have."

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