
Just wanted...

"I think since I've got Domino with me, it'd be better just to go home," Scott reasons. Going out somewhere was probably a better idea than having Hope over to his house, but he didn't want to make the little dog wait in the car or wait any longer for her supper. She could survive, but he'd be nice to her.

Heading out with Hope, Scott breathes in the evening air. It was a little chilly since the sun went down, making him glad he'd worn his hoodie. After getting to his car, he starts out first, letting Hope follow. Halfway home, he felt even sillier for asking anybody to go home with him. It really was rather childish, and he knew someday he'd have to face the dark whether he wanted to or not.

Arriving at his house, he parks and waits for Hope to join him before stepping up on the porch and unlocking the door - all three locks. Having someone with him made him try a little harder to not act as paranoid as he felt inside. He wanted to check every nook and cranny before settling in for the night, but he knew good and well that Domino would alert him if anything was wrong, and all she did once the door was open was head to her bowl in the kitchen.

"Somebody's hungry," Scott muses aloud. Grinning, he shakes his head, letting Hope in the house in front of him. Aiming for the kitchen, he flips on the lights and first feeds Domino before putting on a pot of coffee. Letting it brew, he motions to the kitchen table, sitting down with Hope. He could suggest the living room couch but... maybe the table was better.

"Thanks... for coming over." His eyes drift everywhere but her gaze. "Maybe one of these days I won't be such a coward."

Accepting the job of cutting up the peppers, Alec nods absentmindedly. "Yeah... I hope it works out too. I mean, I know it's just a few hours and it might not last very long if I can actually find something else but..." He shrugs. "I guess I'm just sorta glad he's being nice to me. Like maybe I have a chance at something after all." 

Had he ever admitted out loud how much he wanted to be with his family? He didn't think so. But the ache in his heart hadn't gone away. He wished he knew his brother better. He wished he knew his sister better. At least he was getting to see his niece, whom he dearly loved, even though he might not say it. But he still wished to be closer to his siblings. He'd just messed things up too badly.

"Hey, Sparky?"

Sparky stops mid-stride in the barn aisle, turning towards Mick's voice. "Yeah? I brought those colts in for the night like you wanted."

"Oh, yeah, thanks." Mick approaches, stopping in front of him. "Something else though. I was just in the break room going through some things and I was checking a few records. Sorted through what we've got in the safe in there, and I keep coming up a few hundred dollars short on that money we stashed in there. Any idea where it went? Did I send some of that with you to an auction or anything recently?"

Sparky fiddles with the leadrope in his hand as he eyes drift elsewhere. "Uh, no... no, not that I know of."

"I feel like I'm going crazy." Mick tilts back his had, scratching his forehead. "Maybe my math's off but I've counted it three times."


Mick cocks his head, realizing that his brother wasn't looking at him. "Do you know where that money went?"

"Well I haven't used it for anything, if that's what you're asking."

"No, that's not what I'm asking." Mick nudges Sparky's shoulder until he looks at him. "But you do know something about it don't you?"

Sparky coils up the rope and clears his throat. "All I'm saying is that the missing money will probably show back up again." He turns to leave, but Mick's hand on his shoulder stops him. He keeps his back to him though. "I made someone a promise not to talk about it, Mick."

Mick was even more concerned now. Who had needed money that badly to have taken it from the safe? Why wouldn't someone have asked for it? Mick would give it to anybody in need, but he was a bit perturbed that someone would take it without at least telling him. "Who?"

Sparky glances back over his shoulder, studying his brother's eyes. No matter what he'd told Dylan, now was the time for truth before this got blown out of proportion. "I think you better ask your son about it."

"Dylan?" Mick's eyebrows shoot up. "But why? What did he need the money for?"

Sparky continues his route, hanging up the rope on the way to the door. "I've said all I can," he calls back.

Left alone, Mick sets his hands on his hips, irritated with being left in the dark like this. But if Dylan had something to do with this, then Dylan he would ask...


Dylan looks up from his schoolwork spread out on his bed, surprised to hear his dad's voice. He didn't usually come looking for him, especially in the evenings when everyone was settling down for the night. "Yeah? It's open."

Mick enters the bunkhouse slowly, letting the door close behind him. "Hey, you got a minute?"

Dylan shrugs, tapping his pencil on his knee as he sat cross-legged. "Sure."

"I, um... I was talking with Sparky a few minutes ago and he pointed me in your direction. I'd been asking him about some money that was in the barn safe."

Dylan's shoulders automatically drop. He'd almost had everything paid back again. After a string of auctions lately, he'd been so close. "What...did he tell you?"

"Nothing. That's why I'm here." Mick folds his arms and studies his son's face, searching for answers. "I'm not accusing anybody... I'm just looking for answers. Do you know why there's several hundred dollars missing?"

Dylan's eyes fall to his books and he swallows hard. He knew he was in for it now. "Yeah... I do."

Mick sighs. There was a bigger story here - he could feel it. And it was obviously something he wasn't going to like, or else Sparky would have been more upfront with him. Not to mention, his son's body language had guilt written all over it. "You wanna explain?"

"Not really." Dylan finally looks up with a little smirk. He knew that not explaining wasn't an option at this point. Still fiddling with his pencil, he shrugs again. "It was when I left. I took several thousand dollars."

Mick's eyes widen and he comes a few steps closer, trying to understand. "But there's-"

"I blew it all." Dylan keeps going. "Mostly on bus fares ...and drugs. I knew you'd kill me if you discovered I'd taken the money though so... I've been paying it back little by little. I was trying to pay it all back before you found out, but... looks like I was just a little too slow."

Mick still didn't have all the pieces and he shakes his head, more confused so far, than angry. "But how have you been paying it back? And why did Sparky..." Suddenly it clicks. "The auctions."

Dylan nods. "Every time I've gone with Sparky, I've done some fast horse trading and made a few hundred dollars at a time. I was planning on getting the last chunk here at the next auction." He bites his lip. "I, um... suppose you'll be taking all this outta my hide now, huh?"

Sighing deeply, Mick slowly shakes his head. Perhaps it was his pattern to lose his temper over something like this. But perhaps it was also time to change that pattern. "No...no, I don't think so. Looks like you're doing a pretty good job of paying it all back on your own. I don't think anything else is necessary, do you?"

Dylan blinks. His dad wasn't even going to yell at him? "I... guess not. I mean... if you want me doing something else, or working it off or-"

"You do more than your share of work around here," Mick interrupts. "Don't think I haven't noticed. I'm disappointed you stole that money, and I'm disappointed you didn't come to me about it sooner. But I'm also pretty sure it's not something you'll do again, and I'm impressed that you've been paying it back. So... there's not a whole lot more to be said, is there?"

Dylan swallows hard. "I'm sorry."

Mick purses his lips and nods once more. "Me too. But I forgive you. Just let me know when the rest of the money's in there, okay?"


What Mick really wanted to do was hug his son, but he refrains. "Alright... well... I'll leave you to your schoolwork. Rosetta says you're zipping right through some of your classes."

"Yeah. I got a little ways to go yet but I should be able to test out of a couple subjects here soon. I might actually be able to get done with school by next summer if I keep up with this pace."

Knowing that he'd been held back a year then had had so much trouble since then, Mick really was quite impressed that he'd worked hard enough to get that caught up on his work. Dylan should have been graduating this coming spring, but to be able to do it a few months late instead of a whole year or more was quite a feat. "I'm proud of you, Dylan."

Something tugs at Dylan's heart and he just gives Mick a little nod. "Thanks." 

 ...Easing down on the porch swing, Mick's eyes roam the ranch yard. Rosetta would expect him inside soon. He'd only gone to finish up a few things after supper and one thing had led to the next until it had become later than intended. BJ was probably in bed by now... he'd have to go say goodnight at least before going to bed himself. But for now... for now, he just wanted to rest in the quiet evening under the stars.

Taking off his hat, he runs a hand through his hair before leaning back in the swing and letting it rock gently. He was amazed at how life had led him to this point. In one of those bunkhouses was his daughter... so young but so grown up too, engaged and planning her life. In another bunk was his son... even younger yet so much more mature than he ever should have been. His future was so foggy, and Mick worried often about him. Then behind him was another son, full of life and love and energy, bringing so much joy with his innocence. And Mick also had Rosetta. Would she ever know how much happiness she brought him? It would be difficult for anyone to ever know. But she'd fulfilled his life in so many ways - he thanked God every day for bringing their lives together again.

What would tomorrow bring? Or the next week? Or next year? Mick didn't have a clue. He only hoped that he would make the right decisions and be the man God wanted him to be. He'd already made so many mistakes... would he ever be as wise as he should?

Letting out a deep sigh, he continues just to sit and rock gently.

Rosalyn steps softly up onto the small porch, pulling her jacket tighter around her shoulders. It was hardly cold, but she felt extra chilly in the night air. It wasn't too late, but the sun had been down for hours and the ranch had grown quiet. 

The day had been one full of smiles with moments of bliss. After Chad had finished helping her with the garden, they'd gone for a walk and simply enjoyed each other's company, holding hands and sharing more about each other. They'd been gone longer than planned but had been around for supper, then had hung out with a few others like Clint and Jeff who didn't seemed disturbed by Chad's presence. After that, Rosalyn and Chad had said goodnight, splitting ways. She had walked home, feeling so happy and warm all over... Until she'd walked inside the house. 

Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand and sniffling, she now knocks quietly on Chad's door as more tears surface. She didn't want to bother him. He'd said he'd be going to bed. She didn't want to wake him. But she didn't want to go back home either. 

Waiting until he'd come to the door, her eyes rise to meet his. Several more tears trickle down her cheeks and her voice wavers as she speaks. "I'm... I'm sorry to bother you. I just... I went home and... and Dad got mad and we had a big fight and..." She chokes, trying not to cry any more. "I just... I just wanted to be with you." 

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