

Having Eric stop and stopping with him Ashlee just looks at him for a long moment. Hearing his question Ashlee looks down for a moment about to reply but isn't sure what to say. No one had said anything, and she felt silly for just assuming but she couldn't help it. She never new her own father had not stuck around why would someone else? It was just a dreadful thought she couldn't help.

Dismounting and having Eric look at her Ashlee looks back up her eyes wide slightly. His words seemed to his her heart and warmed her a little bit too. Eric really was proud of her that much? He still enjoyed his time with here and was thankful for it? This was a new feeling of acceptance from someone she looked up too.

   "Ok, I got it."

Continuing to let Eric talk and explain everything to her Ashlee was starting to understand a little more. Now she felt silly for assuming it had something to do with herself and her mom but at the same time it was nice to know how much they were cared for by Eric and it was reassuring.

   "I don't know how anyone can be mean to you! You're way to nice and cool for someone to do that. I guess whoever they are wasn't very smart."

Looking up at Eric again and cocking her head a little bit Ashlee couldn't help but take a few steps forward and warp her arms around Eric and bury her face into his chest. Just hearing his words of care and comfort it overwhelmed her and made her feel so happy inside. Eric really was the only dad figure she new and for some reason there was something about him that didn't bother her to think of him that way either.

   "I love you Eric like a daughter would a father, and thank you for wanting to be apart of our family. You make my mom very happy. I can see it in her eyes. She has been lonely for to long even if she'd never admit to it."

Being drawn even farther into the kiss Destiny didn't mind at all. Just to have Chance there, to feel him with her it was an like a dream, but it was one that she never wanted to wake from, and would be content with just that.

Feeling the wall behind her Destiny tightens her grip around Chance slightly as she just continues the kiss and not breaking it till he moved away but returned. Even the small kiss made her murmur her pleasure of this moment. As Chance pulls away once again Destiny leans her head against his and lets the smile spread across her lips.

   "I am pretty sure this is to real to be a dream, but we can always keep our eyes closed and continue kissing if you just want to make sure."

Leaning into him again Destiny places a few more kiss on Chance's lips, soft light but still full of emotion. The moment she wanted to savor, remember, never forget, she had been waiting a while for this and now that it was here she wasn't ready to let it go. 


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